irclog2html for #byumug on 20051101

01:38.51*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
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01:44.52*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
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15:26.38*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
16:06.36*** join/#byumug drewbono (
16:09.14feutetejsdmorning, drewbono
16:09.31drewbonofeutetejsd: what's up buddy?
16:09.33drewbonolong time no chat
16:09.36drewbonohow's life?
16:09.42feutetejsdyeah no's crazy here
16:09.45feutetejsdhow about you?
16:10.31feutetejsdjust anxiously awaiting Dec. 17
16:12.48drewbonoDec 17?
16:12.51drewbonoWhat's that?
16:12.53drewbonoYour bday?
16:13.40feutetejsdno, U2 concert
17:49.28*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
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19:47.37wpsfeutetejsd, you remember that site that has the PHP binaries for Mac OS?
19:48.18feutetejsdi think that has some PHP binaries, but not sure how up-to-date they are
19:48.38wpsthat's it
19:50.07feutetejsdyeah, that's much more up-to-date than serverlogistics
20:34.35*** join/#byumug jbot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
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20:57.41*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
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20:58.01wpsman, that was weird
20:58.11wpsI plugged in an external firewire drive and it crashed my computer
20:58.34wpsgot the translucent grey screen that says that you have to hold down the power button and reboot
20:58.44wpsglad I didn't have any unsaved documents open
20:58.52feutetejsdthat's no good
20:59.07feutetejsdyou don't see a kernel panic like that too often
21:08.12*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
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22:28.09*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
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22:38.34wpsturns out that this firewire drives keys are our or order
22:38.46wpsI cannot repair it using Disk Utility
22:39.01wpsdo you know if there is any hope to get data off before I reformat?
22:39.05feutetejsdwhat do you mean the drives keys are out of order?
22:40.26feutetejsdcan you mount it manually using the mount command?
22:40.51feutetejsdand is it hfs+ formatted currently?
22:51.06wpswhen I plug it into this workstation, it crashes it immediately
22:51.25wpsif I plug it into others (workstation and Mac OS Server), it shows up in Disk Utility, but won't mount
22:51.44wpswhen I try to mount it (via Disk Utility), it says cannot mount because of an error… run Repair
22:51.59wpsso, I try to run Repair, but get the following error:
22:52.07wpsChecking HFS Plus volume
22:52.12wpsChecking Extents Overflow file
22:52.16wpsChecking Catalog file
22:52.24wpsKeys out of order (in red text)
22:52.34wpsRebuilding Catalog B-tree
22:52.35feutetejsdhmmm....that's odd
22:52.43wpsThe volume could not be repaired
22:52.55wpsError: The underlying task reported failure on exit
22:54.56feutetejsdhmmmm....the only other thing I could think of would be to try to mount it manually using the mount command and then try a fsck manually. not sure what else to try
22:55.27wpsluckily, it is just my backup drive, so I wouldn't be in trouble to loose the data
22:55.31wpsexcept for two fiels
22:55.34wpsmy sync scripts
22:55.40wpsbut those wouldn't be hard to recreate
22:55.56feutetejsdthat's good to hear
22:56.15wpsthat's because I back up regularly
22:56.21wpsI cannot believe that people don't
22:56.28wps_especially_ with the price of HDs
22:56.35feutetejsdno kidding
22:56.44wpseveryone should own an extra hard drive and back up to it
22:56.58feutetejsdI'm looking at helping my brother in law build a 1TB+ RAID array, and it's actually feasible
22:57.16feutetejsdnot too long ago, it would have been totally cost-prohibitive
22:57.21wpsI am even going to purchase a second for inside my tower here in a bit (as soon as I can get it approved by my wife) and have triple copies (double-backup)
22:57.45wpswe have a 1 TB RAID tower connected to a mac mini running Mac OS Server here at the office
22:58.08wpsit rocks
22:58.16feutetejsdis the tower a PowerMac tower, or is it an external drive enclosure?
22:58.25wpsexternal enclosure
22:58.38feutetejsdoh yeah? did you build it?
22:58.50wpsI could have
22:58.55wpsbut our IT guy hired someone to
22:59.28feutetejsdI'm looking for just that sort of solution, but can't find the hardware....or at least haven't had a particularly easy time finding it
22:59.39feutetejsdat least not in the 1 hour I've spent looking for it
23:00.04feutetejsdis there any way you could get me some info on who makes the enclosure and the controller?
23:00.11wpslet me send an email to our IT guy and see if he can get a link to the hardware
23:00.16wpsfor sure
23:00.17feutetejsdthat would be great
23:00.19feutetejsdthanks man
23:00.47feutetejsdhow is the Mac Mini connected to the tower? Firewire?
23:00.59wpsyup, firewire
23:01.13wpsit's only 400, because that's all a mini will do, but it's sufficient
23:01.23feutetejsdcool, yeah, any information you could get me about the hardware would be much appreciated. that's exactly what my brother in law is looking for
23:02.12feutetejsdinfo on the firewire card, the RAID controller and the enclosure would be great
23:02.41feutetejsdboy, for never having more than 3 humans in this IRC channel, it sure is useful :)
23:02.50wpsfor sure :)
23:07.10wpsI should try fsck_hfs from the command line
23:07.59feutetejsdworth a shot
23:27.32wpshow can I run that if it's not mounted
23:27.40wpshow do you mount something with mount?
23:27.41feutetejsdoh yeah, it won't even mount
23:27.47wps(that's an ugly man file)
23:28.10feutetejsdmount -t hfs /path/to/device /path/to/mountpoint
23:28.22wpswhat would path to device be?
23:29.48wpsif it's now mounted yet, how would it have a path?
23:31.05feutetejsdtrying to figure out how OSX handles the devices....under Linux, it would be something like /dev/hda1 or similar
23:31.49wpscould I ls in /dev
23:33.00feutetejsdyeah....for example the mount command shows me that my HD is at /dev/disk0s9
23:33.19feutetejsdnot sure which device under /dev a firewire drive would be, though...
23:33.29wpswould df show it?
23:33.44feutetejsdonly if its mounted
23:34.36feutetejsdyou might just have to do an ls in /dev with the drive plugged in and try a few devices that look likely
23:36.26feutetejsdI have some .dmgs mounted, and they show up as /dev/disk1 and /dev/disk2, so maybe something like that...
23:36.45feutetejsdI mean, the diskx nomenclature does not appear to be limited to IDE devices
23:37.22feutetejsdin linux, I've seen some firewire or usb drives show up as /dev/sdg1
23:37.35feutetejsdeach OS has its own nomenclature on how it will refer to devices
23:40.34wpsI don't understand why companies use dates in the version names of their products
23:40.44feutetejsdyeah, no kidding
23:40.48wpsor any strange character combinations for that matter
23:40.57wpsAdobe Creative Suite CS2
23:41.09wpsMacromedia Flash Professional MX 2006
23:41.12wpsthat's rediculous
23:41.34wpsI assume that they do it for marketing purposes, but I think that the result is negative, not positive
23:41.42wpswho wants to run MS Office 2003 in 2005?
23:42.06feutetejsdor windows 98, like I run at home :)
23:42.09feutetejsdin 2005
23:42.12wps"we too cool for version numbers"
23:42.42wpsyeah, just call it Microsoft Windows 2 (or whatever version that was)
23:43.06wpsand then when they release an update, it can be a sub-rev, instead of "service pack 2 xp 2005 power release combo"
23:43.23wps10.4.3 is soooo much clearer
23:43.45wpsthat's what ever other software company does
23:56.22feutetejsdtime for me to go...good luck with the FW drive, and LMK what/if you hear back from you IT guy about the external drive enclosure, pls
23:56.40wpshave a good night
23:57.14feutetejsdyou too--oh, BTW, I just posted a response to Michael's suggestion that you watch the system log as you plug in the FW drive--looks like that will tell you where in /dev the device lives
23:57.21wpsI saw that
23:57.35wpsI'm going to try that as soon as I get home
23:57.44*** kick/#byumug [jbot_!n=wade@] by wps (wps)

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