irclog2html for #byumug on 20051031

15:25.03*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
16:04.52*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
16:04.54*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
17:38.17feutetejsdhey wps, do you use THunderbird for your mail?
17:38.35wpsno, I use
17:39.55feutetejsdah, ok
21:33.16wpscrazy, huh
21:33.21wpsI was surprised
21:33.30feutetejsdyeah, me too
21:34.01wpsI had to take my powermac in to get a squeaky fan checked
21:34.09wpsit's going to be a long 2-3 business days
21:36.19feutetejsdjust start spraying a little WD-40 in there....that'll fix 'er right up
21:36.49wpsI was going to try something like that myself, but it's the back fans—behind the CPU, so I can't get to them
21:37.07wpsit's been squeaking for quite a while, but I haven't been able to find a time that I could be without it for several days
21:37.28wpsI still haven't, but finally decided that I better just suck it up and get it in
21:37.41wpsin the event that the fan might be wearing out
21:37.46feutetejsdI was mostly just kidding about the WD-40 ;)
21:37.55wpsdon't want to risk that with as much as I paid for the unit kidding
21:56.28wps10.4.3's out
21:57.05feutetejsdcool...of course, I'm still on 10.3.9, but good to know nonetheless :D
22:01.23wpsthey fixed one of my must frustrating bugs!!!
22:01.25wps"Pressing Tab while composing a Mail message now inserts a tab character, instead of four spaces."
22:02.56feutetejsdyay! did they fix the fact that if you save an attachment in a location where another file of the same name exists, it automatically renames the new file to filename.1 instead of asking what to do?
22:03.05feutetejsdthat issue alone made me leave
22:03.10wpsha ha
22:03.13wpsdon't know
22:03.16wpshaven't read that
22:03.18wpsso probably no
22:03.37feutetejsdit's the only app I've ever seen that behaves that way
22:18.30*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
22:18.33*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
22:23.58*** join/#byumug drewbono (
22:30.11wpslame… lame… lame
22:30.11wpsrysync still broken
22:30.23feutetejsdin what way?
22:30.45wpshands when synchronizing with extended attributes across mounted volumes
22:31.07wpshangs (errors out) when synchronizing with extended attributes across mounted volumes
22:31.24wpswhich is one of the best uses for rsync
22:31.34wpssynchronizing to an external drive
22:31.55feutetejsdeducate me about what extended attributes are...
22:32.11wpsstuff like resource forks
22:32.15feutetejsdi use it all the time to backup data to an external drive and it works like a champ
22:32.28wpsused to be used extensively pre version 10
22:32.42feutetejsdI'm doing this on Linux, so extended attributes haven't ever been a concern for me
22:32.42wpssome still existed with the first versions for 10
22:32.55wpsbut have mostly been phased out by now (10.4)
22:33.06wpsthe only place where I run into it now is with fonts
22:33.17feutetejsdgot it...
22:33.21wpsif you rysnc fonts, they turn into useless files
22:33.56feutetejsdwhat if you zip them first and then rsync?
22:34.23wpsthat'd work
22:34.37wpsthe problem that I run into is that I sync my home dir between my home and work computers daily
22:34.55wpsso, I have to remember to manually move fonts when there are changes
22:35.19wpsthere are hardly ever changes though because I keep most fonts elsewhere
22:35.45wpsso, it's not a big deal
22:36.08wpsthe place where I really want it though is I would like to start using rysync for my system-wide backups
22:36.16wpsbut won't without extended attributes
22:36.24wpsI am currently using Synk
22:36.44feutetejsdhmmmm....not sure what to tell you then
22:36.59feutetejsdhaving never dealt with rsync and ext. attributes and all
22:37.05wpsbut Synk's run-automatically-daemon doesn't work with Unsanities clear dock hack
22:37.15wpsha ha
22:37.22wpsand I am not willing to live without the hack!
22:37.46wpsthe nice thing about being able to use rsync (some day) is that I could have it run automatically with launchd
22:37.55wpsright now, I am running the backup manually
22:38.01wpsoh, well… I'll keep waiting
22:38.37feutetejsdwhat a pain

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