irclog2html for #byumug on 20051013

01:28.14*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
01:28.17*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
05:13.19*** join/#byumug dn3e8 (
05:24.47dn3e8<PROTECTED> seems to be down
05:27.27wpshold please
05:28.20wpssearch base: ou=people,
05:28.25wpsport: 389
05:28.31wpsuse SSL= no
05:28.38wpsscope: subtree
05:28.44wpsauthentication: sadly, no
14:42.57*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
14:42.59*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
17:17.26*** join/#byumug dn3e8 (
17:20.53dn3e8any one here
17:39.50dn3e8I am try in g to set my mac sO I can use MS RDC to connect to it
17:42.11wpsI don't understand
17:42.16wps"trying in g"?
17:42.43dn3e8there was some talk about it at 'bootcamp' but is down
17:46.40wpssorry, I wasn't there
17:46.43wpswhat is a "g"?
17:48.58dn3e8the g is extra...I am try in to setup my mac so I can use MS Remote Desktop Connection to connect to it from a campus computer.
17:49.29wpsis "g" a software application?
17:49.52wpsRemote Desktop is for connecting from a Mac to a MS Windows box, not the other way around
17:50.45dn3e8no a typo
17:52.11dn3e8IS there a 'host' app that macs can run to be a RDC 'server'
17:52.11dn3e8or can MS RDC connect to my mac with VNC?
17:52.51wpswhat OS is the campus computer running?
18:00.38dn3e8open labs.... one is windows server 3000  I am not sure what most of the open labs run...
18:01.11wpsif you are trying to remote desktop from an MS machine to a Mac, then your only option is to use VNC
18:02.35dn3e8how do I get the PC to vnc?
18:02.50dn3e8is it through RDC (on the PC ) or another app?
18:08.04wpsRDC doesn't have anything to do with VNC, besides being a type of remote client
18:08.21wpsyou will need to install a VNC client on the MS box
18:09.43dn3e8ok thank you
18:10.53dn3e8do you know what iss up with
18:13.26wpsI don't
18:22.38dn3e8have a good day
18:29.34wpsthanks… you too
19:16.53*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (

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