irclog2html for #byumug on 20050830

00:23.38*** join/#byumug jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:23.38*** topic/#byumug is BYU Mac Users Group |
00:46.20*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
00:46.24*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
03:10.36*** join/#byumug guest_5175 (n=BYUMUG@
09:36.24*** join/#byumug guest_2981 (n=BYUMUG@
14:32.02*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
14:46.34feutetejsd~lart dumb people
14:55.38*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
14:55.41*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
14:57.10feutetejsdmornin, wps
14:57.52wpsgood morning
16:46.37*** join/#byumug macnewbold (n=mac@
16:47.12*** part/#byumug macnewbold (n=mac@
20:07.28wpsmac, our server sucks
20:07.36wps(the one)
20:07.53wpswhich is sad because it's an Xserve
20:08.04wpsbut it's on byu's network and admin'd by monkeys
20:08.56feutetejsdmonkeys rule
20:09.10wpsthat was mice of Mac to drop by
20:09.21*** part/#byumug wps (n=wade@
20:09.28*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
20:09.28*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
20:09.34wpsbutter fingers
20:55.43feutetejsdhey, wps, here's a question for you....
20:56.36feutetejsdi'm working on a project in PHP where I need to compare user input to data stored in my database, but need to make some attempt to make the match, even if the input is spelled incorrectly
20:57.01feutetejsdfor example, I need to match kitchun to kitchen
20:57.15feutetejsdany thoughts on an easy/effective way to do such a thing?
20:58.27feutetejsdi thought about checking for the same sequence of characters, and if there are at least 4 in a row, it's a match, or something, but that's error-prone for words that are spelled similarly
20:59.27wpshold please… on the phone
20:59.47feutetejsdno worries
21:01.17wpsk… I'm back
21:01.51feutetejsdno problem....any thoughts on how to go about such a thing?
21:01.51wpshmm… I am not sure right off
21:01.55wpsthat's hard
21:01.57feutetejsdyeah, me neither
21:02.08wpsI've done several exact matching things, but never simmilar
21:02.35feutetejsdmy big concern is false positives...I'd get a lot of them with the way some people spell names, expecially
21:02.46feutetejsdi.e. jennifer vs. jennefer vs. jenefer
21:02.52wpsyou could make some lists of common things, such as vowels and sounds
21:04.25wpsbut it would be a lot of work
21:05.47wpsthings that are similar like, bass and face
21:06.17wpsI am sure others have tackled this before though
21:06.23feutetejsdmakes my head hurt
21:06.26wpsare you subscribed to UPHPU?
21:06.34wpsI would suggested posting your question to the general mailing list
21:06.45wpsor you can even try asking the fellows in #uphpu
21:06.52feutetejsdI might have to do that. I'm not subscribed atm, but I'll have to give it a go

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