irclog2html for #byumug on 20050823

02:06.00*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
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03:25.53*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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04:46.33*** join/#byumug guest_0048 (n=BYUMUG@
07:22.33*** join/#byumug jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
07:22.33*** topic/#byumug is BYU Mac Users Group |
14:45.07*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
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15:48.00*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
15:53.22*** join/#byumug MacDan2004 (
15:57.09feutetejsda new person!!! Hello MacDan2004
15:57.51feutetejsdIt has been pretty quiet here fact it has been pretty quiet for quite some time now...
15:58.32MacDan2004yeah, I am new to Mac (since nov 2004) and have noticed this chat room quiet since then. I mostly "listen" in on the MacOSX chat room
15:59.02feutetejsdwell, welcome to the OSX world :)
15:59.12MacDan2004Thanks. We're loving it.
15:59.40MacDan2004We started with an iMac G5 20" in november . . .  but, now we have an iMac 17" rev B and a 12" PB G4. :-)
16:00.05feutetejsdwow---3Macs in less than a year. not too bad
16:00.25MacDan2004Yeah. I was serious about switching off of Windows.
16:00.51MacDan2004We have five kids and they like using the Internet, but on Windows it was a daily nightmare. Everyday I would come home from work to face the latest spyware or virus problem.
16:01.32MacDan2004I use the PowerBook for school, the kids use their iMac for internet/mail/games and my wife and I both use the iMac 20" for our fun, games, internet, and iLife apps.
16:01.49feutetejsdgood call
16:02.34MacDan2004Yeah. I work in IT so it's nice to come home from the Windows world nightmare and relax on the Mac. LOL too, but I have the pleasure of spending most of my time on Linux at work....
16:05.02MacDan2004ah, that's good.
16:05.05MacDan2004I like Linux too.
16:05.23MacDan2004But, as you know, for desktop use the Mac rules over Linux. :-)
16:05.46feutetejsdvery true
16:06.14MacDan2004Have you tried or have any interest in the Mighty Mouse apple came out with?
16:06.28feutetejsdbut I sure do like the open source-ness and free-ness of Linux
16:06.39feutetejsdhaven't tried, don't have too much interest
16:06.44MacDan2004(well and it is a good use of my old windows boxes)
16:07.02feutetejsdhehe...but mighty mouse sure does look cool....Kudos to Apple for another great design job
16:07.30MacDan2004yeah. I have been using Windows since 3.1 and a two button (or more) mouse for probably just as long.
16:07.48MacDan2004But, I fell in love with the one button mouse. It's so easy to click the whole thing.
16:08.11feutetejsdreally? I've never heard of a 2-button to 1-button transition
16:08.12MacDan2004so I bought the mighty mouse to 1) keep the one button-ness that I like and 2) have the functionality of the two-button mouse I'm used to.
16:08.19MacDan2004I know, am I crazy?
16:08.29feutetejsdso, Mighty Mouse is pretty cool, then?
16:08.30MacDan2004I just like the fact that the whole thing clicks
16:09.15MacDan2004I like it. It is great. I just use it like a one button  but when I want that right-click, I just lift my index finger off the left side and use my middle finger to click the right side.
16:09.56MacDan2004of course, the one thing that I missed the mouse with the standard one button was the scroll wheel. so it's nice to have that back on the mighty mouse
16:11.41feutetejsdindeed. is it actually a little ball, or is it like one of those eraser pointers some laptops use?
16:12.10MacDan2004Oh, yeah. I read online and thought it was one of those eraser heads like on the ibm thinkpads, but it is NOT. It's a rubber, round ball.
16:12.15MacDan2004Thank goodness.
16:12.19MacDan2004I don't like those eraser heads.
16:13.07MacDan2004it took a minute to get used to because it's really small, but I think they made it small so that you could still have that one button feel without a big scroll wheel getting in the way.
16:13.42feutetejsdI'll have to find some place to try it out
16:14.04MacDan2004I tried it out at CompUSA. I was pleasantly surprised to see they had one hooked up to an iMac
16:14.21MacDan2004I didn't think they would have them out that fast - they are kind of slow.
16:47.37*** join/#byumug MacDan2014 (n=dan@
17:51.09*** join/#byumug guest_5495 (n=BYUMUG@
17:52.01*** join/#byumug guest_5495 (n=BYUMUG@
17:59.58wpsthis is the first time in many, many months that I have come back to my desk and found a conversation in this channel
18:00.16feutetejsdMacDan was telling me all about his switch
18:11.07*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
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18:13.00*** join/#byumug guest_0387 (
19:40.53*** join/#byumug MacDan2004 (n=dan@

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