irclog2html for #byumug on 20050713

03:51.04*** join/#byumug wps (~wade@
03:51.08*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
05:43.29*** join/#byumug wps (~wade@
05:43.51*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
06:03.35*** join/#byumug wps (~wade@
06:03.39*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
13:12.45*** join/#byumug drewbono (~ajacobs02@
13:44.29*** join/#byumug drewbono (~drewbono@
13:52.41*** join/#byumug guest_3047 (
14:41.27*** join/#byumug guest_4230 (~BYUMUG@
16:06.44*** join/#byumug guest_2244 (
16:37.18*** join/#byumug guest_4764 (~BYUMUG@
20:39.48*** join/#byumug jbot (
20:39.48*** topic/#byumug is BYU Mac Users Group |

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.