irclog2html for #byumug on 20050430

00:33.29*** topic/#byumug by wps -> Tiger party underway at bookstore!
02:18.56*** join/#byumug drewby (
02:21.34drewbyanyone there?
03:28.39*** join/#byumug wps (
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03:29.07*** topic/#byumug by wps -> 10.4 released today!
05:22.50*** join/#byumug auuniguy (
05:22.58wpsevening, auuniguy
05:23.12auuniguyhave u got tiger yet
05:23.18wpsI do
05:23.27auuniguywhat kind of mac do you have
05:24.02wpsa Powerbook at home and a Powermac at the studio
05:24.07auuniguyi have an ibook g4 but my widgets dont splash as they do on the powerbook of imac g5
05:24.45auuniguycan you have a look at your file for me
05:25.15wpsyeah, I don't get the ripple effect on the Powerbook
05:25.19wpsthe video card doesn't support it
05:26.05wpsalright, the file is open
05:26.07wpswhat am I looking for?
05:26.32auuniguywhich is this on
05:26.42auuniguycomputer i mean
05:27.00wpsthe string "splas-mod" does not exist in that file
05:27.03auuniguyand when you click the arrow theres hould be two keys 0 and 1
05:27.18auuniguysplash-mod i mean
05:27.48wps"splash-mod" does not exist in that file either
05:27.54wpswhen I click what? where?
05:28.15auuniguyare you using plist editor
05:28.35auuniguyok serch for splash-mod
05:28.40wpsI did
05:28.42wpsit's not in the file
05:29.20wpsah, k
05:29.21wpsthat is
05:29.34auuniguythis is the prefernce for dash baord
05:30.16auuniguyi shuld have something like tihs
05:34.30*** join/#byumug auuniguy (
05:34.40auuniguysorry my clent died
05:34.52wpswhich are you using?
05:35.21auuniguyunder thet ther shoul be a loing nuber like <integer>1114836055</integer>
05:36.15auuniguyhas your powermac got the same number in there
05:36.30auuniguyi would chck my self but my powermac i a server
05:37.20wpswell, the powermac is at work, so I don't have access to it right now
05:37.34wpsand looking at this plist in a text editor is kind of messy
05:38.30wpsis dev tools on the new install CD?
05:38.33auuniguyi know you dont have the dev tools insatlled
05:38.39auuniguyyes they are
05:39.19wpsis it possible to just install the property list inspector without installing all of dev tools?
05:39.47auuniguyi think so if you customise the install but i never tried
05:40.39wpsyou mind sending me the property list inspector app?
05:42.32wpsyou have a server to toss it on or do you need an email address?
05:42.43auuniguyill need a email
05:43.06auuniguymy server doenst have an out interefave
05:43.53*** part/#byumug wps (
05:44.13*** part/#byumug auuniguy (
05:45.41*** join/#byumug wps (
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07:20.07*** topic/#byumug by wps -> BYU Mac Users Group |
08:46.29*** join/#byumug wps (
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22:17.29*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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23:31.02*** join/#byumug wps (
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