irclog2html for #byumug on 20050428

02:13.13*** join/#byumug drewbono ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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17:29.19feutetejsdOK, so here's a question...when I burn a CD on my PowerBook by dropping files on the disc, it first acts as if it's copying all the files to the CD (same copy dialog that you get when you copy files from folder to folder in the finder), which takes a long time if I have hundreds of megabytes, and then when I burn it, it again takes a long time to burn the files....any idea what it's actually doing during that first "copy" step?
17:30.30feutetejsdwhen I burn on WIndows, I drop files on the disk in my burner software, and it just uses pointers to the actual doesn't behave like it's copying files, so it's really zippy. Then the burn itself takes about as long as the actual burn on the PowerBook. In all, burning on Windows is twice as fast. What gives?
17:36.11macnewboldfeutetejsd: it may be building an ISO image in the first shot, or a DMG
17:36.52feutetejsdhmmm....that's a good thought. Frankly, I wish it didn't, because it takes forever to burn, but you may be on to something there
17:37.14feutetejsdmaybe I'll try another burner other than the built-in one with OS X
17:39.01macnewboldmaybe if  you try the Disk Utility, it will do it quicker?
17:41.32feutetejsdI've never used Disk utility to burn a CD....maybe I'll have to give it a go
17:41.52macnewboldit's pretty easy
17:42.02macnewboldit's the only way to burn .iso images, too
17:42.14macnewboldotherwise, it burns the .iso as a file on the disk, not hte disk itself
17:42.48feutetejsdyeah, I've used it to burn isos to disk, but never just burning files....
17:43.11macnewboldhm, not sure how well it does with files.
17:43.15macnewboldnever tried it :)
18:10.18feutetejsdactually, from what I can see, Disk Utility only lets you deal with images....I don't see a way to burn individual files
18:10.32feutetejsdman, I'm a whiner
18:25.02macnewboldif you want, you can use one of the activity monitors (or in terminal, top) to find out what's running during hte time it takes so long
18:30.35feutetejsdnot a bad idea
18:36.27feutetejsdso, here's another question...I want to share a folder under my home directory with windows users on my network, but I don't want them to have to provide a username or password to get to them--I'm pretty unfamiliar with Windows file sharing with OSX...any suggestions on how to go about this?
18:38.03wpsput it in your public folder and then have them connect as a guest
18:38.40feutetejsdhow do I create a user with guest permissions?
18:38.57wpsyou don't have to create any users
18:39.07wpsthey just connect as a guest (meaning, not as a user)
18:40.02feutetejsdummmm...on my Wintendo machine, when I try to connect, I don't get an option to connect as a guest...I get prompted for username and password to connect, and that's it
18:40.50wpshold please
18:45.25wpshmm... that's gay
18:45.30wpsyou're right, it doesn't give you that option
18:45.39feutetejsdnice, eh?
18:46.58wpsthe only solution I can think of then off the top of my head would be to use SMB
18:47.36wpsby setting up a SMB share in /etc/smb.conf you can specify a specific volume or directory that has read write access from anyone
18:52.23macnewboldSMB is the windows file sharing option that's in OSX
19:10.12feutetejsdyeah, I was looking into that before I posted...mebbe I'll give that a whirl
19:52.45feutetejsdanybody know how to get iTunes to fetch album artwork for CDs?
20:54.54wpsApple sued over "Tiger" trademark
20:55.01wps"The company, which sells computer hardware and software, has requested an injunction that may prevent tomorrow’s Mac OS X Tiger launch."
20:57.21feutetejsdin other news, the University of Texas is planning to sue Microsoft for use of the code name "Longhorn" for their upcoming release of Microsoft Windows, slated to be released in the year 2025
20:57.55feutetejsd...and there was much rejoicing...
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