irclog2html for #byumug on 20050427

03:00.26*** join/#byumug wps (
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03:02.50*** join/#byumug wps (
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04:24.02*** join/#byumug jbot (
04:24.02*** topic/#byumug is BYU Mac Users Group |
05:32.18*** join/#byumug wps (
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10:21.37*** join/#byumug guest_3897 (
12:04.18*** join/#byumug wps (
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12:51.30*** join/#byumug ArchAngelNix (
12:51.50ArchAngelNixIs there something wrong with the mailing list?
13:00.35wpsnot that I am aware of
13:00.56ArchAngelNixI sent a message last night, and it never arrived.
13:01.31ArchAngelNixI checked the address and I sent it to the right one, and nothing has bounced back saying it wasn't received.
13:01.58wpsI just sent a test
13:02.00wpswe'll see
13:16.04wpshmm... perhaps there is something wrong
13:16.04wpsmine has posted either
13:18.04ArchAngelNixI figured something was wrong with 2 days before Tiger, and no activity on the list...
13:38.02wpsi'll email andrew
13:52.58*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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14:19.41*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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14:27.11drewbonothe 2.7?
14:27.26wpsconfiguring my order right now
14:27.28drewbonoliquid cooled
14:27.35drewbonowhich video card?
14:27.36wpsthey are?
14:27.49wpshadn't noticed that
14:28.02drewbono"The dual 2.7GHz model packs so much power into tight quarters that Apple designed a liquid cooling system for it, resulting in a cool tower that runs Photoshop nearly two times faster than a Pentium 4-based system."
14:31.28wpswhen they  say "The dual 2.7GHz model packs so much power into tight quarters that", it sounds like they just designed something new
14:31.38wpsis this a different liquid cooling then the one in the 2.5?
14:32.31drewbonoGood question.
14:32.32drewbonoNot sure.
14:33.19wpswhat is PCI-X?
14:33.54wpsare those just the bays where you can add video and sounds cards and stuff?
15:41.33*** join/#byumug guest_0827 (
16:03.10macnewboldwps: pci-X is a faster, higher bandwidth version of PCI. it runs at gigabit speeds or better, if I remember right
16:55.34wpsdrewbono, you around?
17:22.23*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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18:23.26drewbonowps: you around?
18:23.45drewbonoSorry I missed you earlier.
18:23.46drewbonoDid you order?
18:23.50wpsI did :)
18:23.56drewbonoLet's see it.
18:24.04drewbonoWhat'd you get?
18:24.14wps4 GB of RAM!!!
18:24.23wpsoh baby, oh baby
18:24.24drewbonoNot from Apple I hope.
18:24.29wpsof course not
18:24.32drewbono4GB OF RAM?!
18:24.36drewbonoSHUT UP!!!
18:24.42drewbonoYOU SUCK!!!!
18:24.43wpsit was only 500 bones
18:24.54wpsyeah yeah
18:25.04wpsstill, Apple wants $900 for 4 GB of ram
18:25.17wpsApple can take their RAM and "stick" it
18:25.18wpsha ha ha
18:25.24wpsokay, here are the specs
18:27.40wpsDual 2.7 GHz PowerPC G5, 4GB RAM, 250 GB HD, 16x dual-layer SuperDrive, ATI Radeon 9650, Bluetooth, Airport Extreme, 10.4
18:28.06wpsand of course, my dual 20.1" displays are sitting at home waiting for it's arrival
18:28.55drewbonoSo what was the damage?
18:28.58wpsthat should do me for a while
18:29.14wps$3035.56 to Apple, and $500 to NewEgg
18:29.31drewbonoWhat kind of memory again?
18:29.41wpsI consider them the best
18:29.49wpsthen, Crucial behind that
18:29.56drewbonocuz you can get a gig (2 512MB) of the Corsair value ram (what I got for my g5) for $86.
18:30.43wps$120 was the best I could find (on
18:30.48wpsI wanted 1 GB sticks
18:31.33drewbonoMan, I'm jealous.
18:31.39drewbonoThat is one screaming machine.
18:31.41wpsI can't believe I just bought that
18:31.50drewbonoIt'll check email so fast it'll make your head spin.
18:34.38wpsoh, there was a extra copy of 10.4 in that price too. I bought one for my Powerbook.
18:34.56wpserr, Ivana's Powerbook :)
18:35.12wpsthat's the deal. I only get to buy this computer because she now gets my Powerbook.
18:50.17macnewboldgotta love the "deal" making process in marriage
19:49.14drewbonowps: you're portableless?
19:49.22wpsI will be :(
19:49.28drewbonoMan, that's harsh.
19:49.43drewbonoYou ordered the edu version, right?
19:50.00wpsyou mean, did I order at the academic price?
19:50.38drewbonoDo they still guarantee Friday delivery?
19:50.48wps3-5 business days
19:50.57wpsI will still be able to use the laptop a lot though since it's not going far
19:51.15wpsit will be her primary computer, but I will be able to grab it for things
19:51.39drewbonoSo are you content with the purchase?
19:51.50drewbonoOr if dual cores come out at the end of the summer will you be disappointed?
19:51.58wpsnah, I'll still be good
22:06.58*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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