irclog2html for #byumug on 20050413

01:23.42*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
02:17.03*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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07:16.35*** join/#byumug richard_ (
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15:40.50*** join/#byumug macnewbold (~mac@
16:03.01*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
16:28.49feutetejsdhey--have any of you used minicom or any other similar app with OS X?
16:31.24macnewboldnot on OSX
16:32.34feutetejsdwell, we have some machines in our company's datacenter that we occasionally need to access via minicom, and I was wondering if/how to go about it on my mac
16:32.57feutetejsdalso, wondering how to go about dealing with managed switches in our office via serial interface from my mac
16:41.19macnewboldwell, you can install minicom with darwinports or probably fink,
16:42.19macnewboldwhat type of physical connection do you have with the machines?
16:42.46macnewboldminicom is for serial, IIRC, which most Macs don't have, no?
16:44.10feutetejsdright--I've heard of using usb to 9-pin serial adapters....
16:44.28feutetejsdand I assume minicom would work fine with that, but....dunno
16:44.36macnewboldyeah, it should
16:45.58macnewboldthat's got more info
16:46.06macnewboldalso, it looks like there's a gui called ZTerm:
16:47.30macnewboldthank Senor Google :)
16:47.39feutetejsdSenor Google is so smart
18:14.04*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
20:51.21*** join/#byumug wps_ (~wps@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.