irclog2html for #byumug on 20050404

00:42.39*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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02:15.30*** join/#byumug drewbono (
02:15.33*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ
02:16.01*** topic/#byumug by drewbono -> Thanks to all who participated in the iOscars! |
04:47.56*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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06:29.56*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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15:12.48*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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15:47.00macnewboldso drewbono, how did the ioscars go?
15:58.02*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
15:58.05*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
16:03.20drewbonomacnewbold: It was awesome.
16:27.44drewbonoAnyone have a new poll idea?
16:28.25wpsHow much wood would a wood-chuck chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck wood?
16:28.51drewbonoprobably about a two buh four
16:29.05wpsHow much spam can the spam-man can if the spam-man can can spam?
16:29.26wpsis it Monday morning or what?!?!
16:29.34wpsgood morning, boys!
16:30.03drewbonowps got too much sleep last night
16:30.16wpsa whole seven hours!
16:30.18wpscan you believe it??
16:30.47drewbonoThat's got to be a new record for you!
16:37.41*** join/#byumug guest_5895 (
16:37.56drewbonoHowdy guest
16:38.12wpswelcome, guest
16:38.17wpspull up a chair?
16:38.39*** join/#byumug guest_3798 (
16:38.40wpsdang, lost another
16:38.46wpshe's back!
16:38.55drewbonoI love our guests.
16:39.07drewbonoGuest, type to us...
16:39.27drewbonodun...dun...dun....another one bites the dust...
16:40.47wpswant them... want them... want them!!
16:43.17drewbonodid they get announced?
16:43.41wpsno... that's what I am wining about
16:44.31drewbonoPatience, young padawan.
16:45.31wpsit's killing wondering what they are going to do!
16:45.36wpswhat will the processor be?
16:45.39wpswill it be dual-core?
16:45.40drewbonowhatever it is, it'll be worth it
16:45.41wpshow fast?
16:45.44wps3 GHz?
16:45.48drewbono68040 probably
16:45.48wps3.5 GHz?
16:45.52wpswill they change the case???
16:47.37drewbonowps, it's gonna be a new, lickable case (you choose the flavor) with dual dual-core 3.2 ghz procs and 512MB RAM standard.  The video card will still be woefully outdated by today's standards, and they'll announce that they're buying Microsoft that same day.
16:47.57drewbonoTo bail M$ out of their legal troubles with the EU, DOJ, etc...
16:48.45wpsI've actually never thought of Apple buying Microsoft
16:48.48wpsthat'd be so cool
16:48.57wpsbuy it and then dump it in the dumpster
16:49.28wpsI wonder how much Microsoft would cost
16:49.57wpsthere's no way that Gates would sell to arch rival Jobs though
16:50.10drewbonofor sure no.
16:50.26wpsso, they arrange for him to be bumped off
18:03.49*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
18:33.58wpsanyone know where I could get some high res screen shots of Apple's Pro apps?
18:35.16wpsI found two in their press/media kit, but more would be nice
18:35.34feutetejsdsorry man
18:38.15*** join/#byumug Phidius (
19:33.33feutetejsdhave any of you noticed that Firefox plays flash movies very slowly when there is a lot of motion/audion/
19:33.39feutetejsdnot audion/
19:33.55wpsI haven't
19:34.23feutetejsdstrange...I can't really use it for anything but the most basic flash files
19:35.52feutetejsdwhenever I try, the CPU gets pegged, and the HD goes nuts
19:36.16wpsthat's weird
19:36.19wpshave a URL for me to test?
19:36.47feutetejsdhit the "Check out our datacenters" button
19:37.02feutetejsdit will pop a window with a map of their datacenter that moves, and for me is't very choppy
19:38.04wpsis one heck of a datacenter
19:38.16feutetejsddid the flash play zippily for you?
19:39.29wpsseems the same as Safari
19:40.14wpswait... is slightly choppier's painfully choppy for me in firefox, and pretty nice in safari
19:41.13feutetejsdof course, i don't have the 17TB of RAM that you do, wps, but I'd think that my powerbook with 1/2 GB of RAM should suffice :D
22:42.35*** join/#byumug wps (
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22:42.45drewbonowps: what up?
22:42.49drewbonostill need those motion screenshots?
22:43.16drewbonoDoes yo = yes?
22:43.28wpsno, yo = howdy
22:43.43wpswell... I downloaded the trial version, but it is DOG SLOW
22:43.58wpsevery time I click on ANYTHING I get the SPOD for at least five seconds
22:44.15wpsso yeah, if I could still use the screen shots if someone can get them handy
22:44.29wpsI don't understand why it is so slow though... I'm on a dual proc G5 with 2 GB RAM
22:44.43feutetejsdwps, I assume SPOD=spinning beachball, but what does the acronym stand for?
22:44.44wpsonly thing that I can figure is it has something to do with the trial being crippled
22:44.53wpsyes, feutetejsd
22:45.01wpsSPOD = spinning pizza of death
22:45.12wpsI much prefer calling it a beachball than a pizza though
22:45.19feutetejsdnever heard it referred to as a pizza
22:45.28wpsSPOD is the acronym that the general public has been using though
22:45.35wpsI hadn't either until I read the acronym
22:45.39feutetejsdman, where have I been?
22:45.45feutetejsdI've never heard it before
22:56.35wpsI guess you could use SBOD easy enough
23:04.38drewbonowps: what kind of screenshots do you want?
23:05.01wpsscreen shots of the various dashboard palettes
23:05.13wpssliders and stuff

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