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00:45.34*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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00:46.04wpsdrewbono, do you remember how to open multiple images in Preview in their own windows?
00:46.14drewbonoI don't.
00:46.18drewbonoSorry man.
00:46.25wpsarg :(
00:46.55wpsI wonder if it was lost in an update
00:47.06wpsalthough that seems really strange that they would remove a feature
00:50.35drewbonoIt's the command key.
00:50.37drewbonoJust tried it.
00:50.52drewbonowps: are you still good to take pictures for us this Friday?
00:51.48drewbonoThanks man.
00:51.56drewbonoworked for me
00:52.14drewbonodrag pictures to the Preview icon in the doc while holding cmd
00:52.46wpsare you pressing cmd before or after you start dragging?
00:54.15wpsit just worked with option
00:54.24wpsare you sure it was command you used?
00:54.32drewbonodoesn't work with either for me now.
00:54.54wpssomething's really fishy
00:55.06drewbonotry option again
00:55.06drewbonodoes it work?
00:55.12wpsI tried this a hundred times yesterday and it didn't work for ANY key combination... but not it is working with option
00:55.37wpsWHAT THE?
00:55.44wpsand now option is not working anymore
00:55.46drewbonoI know!
00:57.42wpsyou thinking you're going to be able to announce 10.4 at the meeting? :)
00:59.15wpswere you able to narrow the videos down?
01:00.25drewbonoIt was a pain man.
01:00.27drewbonoso many good movies.
01:00.31drewbonoIt was way harder than I thought.
01:01.48drewbonoHoly bug.
01:01.51drewbonoTry to reproduce this.
01:01.52drewbonoOpen preview.
01:02.05drewbonoDrag a few pictures to it.   They should all open in one window.
01:02.13drewbonoclose the window (don't quit!)
01:02.17drewbonoopen the preferences for preview
01:02.19drewbonoclose them
01:02.27drewbonodrag the same pictures to the preview icon
01:02.37drewbonothey should all open in their own window
01:03.14wpsnow they open in separate windows without any key!!!
01:03.28drewbonothat's why I thought it worked with command, b/c I happened to hold that one down
01:03.37drewbonobut it doesn't require any key.
01:03.45drewbonoShall you bug report or shall I?
01:03.52wpsthat's crazy
01:04.28wpsso there is no temporary enable with a keystroke... it's all or nothing... and your enable/disable it by simply opening and closing preferences!
01:04.38wpsthat's awesome UI design!
01:05.04wpsmacnewbold: you getting this?
01:06.43wpsdrewbono: do you already know where to report it? here?
01:30.39wpsi'll submit
01:39.36drewbonowps: cool
01:39.43drewbonoThat's a joke, man.
01:39.51drewbonoWe discovered a bug!
01:39.56drewbonoI wonder if there's a reward...
01:40.05wpsshould be
01:40.07wpsfree Shuffle
01:40.20wpsmy evo skin came today
01:40.57drewbonoHow is it?
01:41.29wpsit looks like the reports of it attracting lint and stuff is true, but I still think that am glad to have it
01:41.34wpsit seems like it is the best skin
01:42.01wpsalthough I haven't handled any others, all fo the reports that I read have stated that the evo was the best
01:42.31drewbonodid you get the glo in the dark one?
01:42.46wpsno, I'm boring
01:42.55wpsjust the translucent one
01:43.42wpsIvana wanted me to get this one:
01:45.34wpsyou want Ivana to be at the iOscars in her shirt to present the awards? :)
02:53.47drewbonowps: That's a good idea about Ivana.
02:53.56drewbonoThat'd be hot if she dressed up in her "outfit"
02:54.08drewbonowe already asked Mark Linnell, the Apple rep for the area, to give out the awards.
02:54.15wpsalthough I doubt she would do it
02:54.47drewbonoDood, I got a couple of questions for you.
02:55.03drewbonoWe have a make a program, and I was wonder what you would suggest as the easiest way to do that.
02:55.13drewbonoAlso, I have to make a banner for the night of the event.
02:55.23drewbonoAgain, what's the easiest way so it prints out ok.
02:56.07wpswhere are you printing them?
02:56.13drewbonoDanny Yeo
02:56.21drewbonofor the banner
02:56.36drewbonoand Joe is sending the programs to somewhere on campus
02:56.51wpswhat does Danny have?
02:57.12drewbonoNot sure.
02:57.17drewbonoHe says it's a big printer.
02:57.20drewbonoOne that prints banners, etc.
02:57.28drewbonoNot that that's helpful.
02:57.42wpsthe easiest way is a press-ready PDF
02:57.48wpsyou can export that from InDesign
02:58.34drewbonoUnder export I just have Adobe PDF.
02:58.36drewbonoDoes that work?
02:59.01drewbonoOh, think I just found it.
02:59.13wpsyes, and then you have several options... print, screen, press, etc
02:59.13drewbonoFile/PDF Export Presets
02:59.21wpsno, don't use the presets
03:00.02drewbonoI use custom?
03:00.04wpsoh, wait, those might just be shortcuts
03:00.32wpsokay, yeah, File > PDF Export Presets works
03:00.57wpsI always just do cmd + E and then select the preset from the dropdown
03:01.33drewbonoAnd do you know of an easy way to make a program?
03:01.39drewbonoJust use Word?
03:02.06wpsInDesign is best, if you know how to use it
03:02.18wpswhat will the program be? just text?
03:02.36wpsI would use Pages before Word.
03:05.55drewbonoText with a short thumbnail of the movie.
03:06.26wpsyeah, exactly what a desktop publishing/page layout application is for
03:06.42drewbonoso pages?
03:06.44wpshow many movies?
03:06.59wpswell, I would use InDesign
03:07.05drewbonoHmm...I think we cut it to around 25.
03:07.17wpshow many pages you imagining the program to be then?
03:07.24drewbonoAs few as possible.
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16:03.40*** topic/#byumug is Come to the iOscars Premiere Night on April 1! |
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