irclog2html for #byumug on 20050321

01:03.06*** join/#byumug drewbono (
01:03.16*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ
02:11.12*** join/#byumug wps (
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04:43.18*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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04:51.26*** join/#byumug drewbono (
04:51.27*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ
10:11.17*** topic/#byumug by drewbono -> BYU Mac Users Group |
10:11.49*** topic/#byumug by drewbono -> iOscars movies due March 25! Premiere night April 1! |
10:12.20*** topic/#byumug by drewbono -> Come to the iOscars Premiere Night on April 1!
10:12.38*** topic/#byumug by drewbono -> Come to the iOscars Premiere Night on April 1! |
13:33.04*** join/#byumug wps (
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15:19.22*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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16:19.42*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
16:43.24wpsholy crap
16:43.25wpsget this
16:43.38wpsI had actually considered this, but for some reason was thinking it was true
16:44.01wpsit appears that the entire Super Shuffle might very well be just a PR stunt by LuxPro
16:44.21wpsit makes sense, as I knew that it wasn't actually in production yet
16:47.22drewbonoStoopid LuxPro.
16:47.38feutetejsdhey drewbono--you gonna pick up U2 tickets?
16:48.19drewbonoNot sure yet...
16:48.29feutetejsdgot 'em on the presale last week
16:48.29drewbonoTell me again when they're coming?
16:48.33feutetejsdDec 17
16:48.59drewbonothat's a presale presale!
16:51.16wpsdid that big poster make it up in the WSC?
16:52.16drewbonoUnfortunately, no.
16:52.34drewbonoThey told me that they didn't have any room for it.
16:55.29drewbonoThe new posters you make will go on the doors of the bookstore though...
17:09.08wpscool, I just found a cable that I could use to connect my iPod into the back of my stereo and have a cable just link in the BMWs
17:09.13wpstoo bad it's $200 :(
17:20.55drewbonoYou got the 40GB iPod photo, right?
17:21.03drewbonowith all the cool extras...
17:21.05wps60 GB photo
17:21.16wpsyes, the old packaging with all of the accessories
17:21.17drewbonoYou are a spoiled man.
17:21.27drewbonoWhat'd you throw down for it?
17:21.44drewbonoIsn't that how much the "new" ones are?
17:22.10wpsyes, but with the "old" is the exact same iPod but it comes with all of the accessories your camera can use the new photo cable when it comes out?
17:22.41drewbonoyour ipod, rather
17:22.54wpswhen what comes out?
17:22.58wpsyou can already connect to it
17:23.05drewbonoThe photo cable thing ding.
17:23.07wpsyou just need a connector (which they sell at the bookstore)
17:23.21drewbonoIs it already out?
17:23.26wpsI guess
17:24.27wpsI spoke with someone at Apple and they said that the thing needed to connect a camera to an iPod photo is just making the connection
17:30.04wpsso, you just need a converter that takes the male end of the USB cable that comes out of my camera and the iPod
17:30.31wpsthe connector in the bookstore plugs into the bottom of the iPod and then has a female USB and firewire
22:43.59*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
22:44.02*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
23:03.42*** join/#byumug jbot (
23:03.42*** topic/#byumug is Come to the iOscars Premiere Night on April 1! |
23:36.00*** join/#byumug wps (
23:36.00*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.