irclog2html for #byumug on 20050314

01:06.19*** join/#byumug BiOsLaSh (~bioslash@
03:28.27*** join/#byumug Thelonious (
06:08.43*** join/#byumug wps (
06:08.51*** join/#byumug drewbono (
06:08.54*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ
06:08.56*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
14:11.00*** join/#byumug wps (
14:11.15*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
15:41.34*** join/#byumug drewbono (
15:41.37*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ
16:32.49*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
16:32.52*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
16:37.55drewbonoFinally...I'm not alone.
16:58.07*** join/#byumug macnewbold (~mac@
17:02.56*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
17:04.01wpsregarding the iPod, it doesn't seem possible to have sounds shuffled within shuffled albums
17:04.10wpsis that correct?
22:20.25*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
22:46.54*** join/#byumug drewbono (
22:46.57*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ
23:48.03*** join/#byumug wps (
23:48.06*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.