irclog2html for #byumug on 20050219

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14:24.55guest_0761I want to store my contact information in one of the LDAP servers on net and then access it via addess book. Can anyone help me for the same?
14:26.51cmkilgerI don't think I'll be too much help there
14:27.05cmkilgerCan such a thing be done?
14:27.40guest_0761any idea how many record address book can support?  100000!!!
14:27.43cmkilgerwhat LDaP servers are you refering to?
14:28.03cmkilgerthat's a lot of records
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15:02.54cmkilgerso how's that gnump3d?
15:03.10feutetejsdgood stuff
15:03.24feutetejsdthanks much
15:03.35cmkilgerno, thank you
15:04.43feutetejsdno worries. it's weird that you had to go through all the trouble of reinstalling, rebooting, etc., to get the devtools to work properly, but....
15:04.49feutetejsdit is what it is
15:05.11cmkilgeryeah, but it all works now, so I'm happy
15:05.24cmkilgerand now I know more for next time
15:07.02feutetejsdso, you're awake and online early for a Saturday, eh?
15:07.44cmkilgeri have to take my wife to work every morning at 5
15:08.05feutetejsdd'oh...she has to be to work at 5, even on a Saturday?
15:08.13cmkilgerthen I go home and just lie in bed with he computer
15:08.32cmkilgerMon, Wed, Thur, Fri, sat
15:08.50feutetejsdnot quite as good as having the wife there, but it'll do in a pinch
15:09.23cmkilgerI do love my ibook
15:09.40cmkilgerthough it could use more ram
15:13.37cmkilgerI'm not sure how I feel about the name "Bonjour"
15:13.46feutetejsdme neither....
15:13.52feutetejsdwell, actually, I am sure....I don't like it
15:15.15cmkilgerwhy couldn't they just buy the name of of them
15:15.52cmkilgerRendezvous just works
15:16.03cmkilgereven the name is zero config
15:20.10cmkilgerGraphulator's kind of a dumb name too
15:20.19feutetejsdwhat's that?
15:20.19cmkilgerwho's coming up with these?
15:21.07cmkilgerApple bought some company that made a graphing calculator for OS X that will now be included in Tiger, that's the new name
15:21.28feutetejsdholy cow
15:21.32feutetejsdthat's insane
15:22.50cmkilgerand it looks like bluetooth ipods are on the way
15:24.09cmkilgerand though I didn't expect it, though kinda suspected it, it looks like there will be one more Panther update before Tiger
15:24.44feutetejsdwhere are you reading all of this?
15:26.03feutetejsdah. it's always interesting to see where everyone gets their rumored information
15:29.30cmkilgerI also read macosrumors, appleinsider, and thinksecret
15:31.07cmkilgermacosrumors is interesting because they always have more details than the others but are also less reliable because they are looking at things so far into the future compared to the others who typically publish rumors last minute
15:31.54feutetejsdI see....I just have to quit listening to rumors and such, because it always makes me want to spend $$
15:32.08cmkilgeryeah, I know
15:32.21cmkilgerbut it also makes me want to wait
15:32.31feutetejsdfunny how that works
15:33.13cmkilgerlike right now i wouldn't buy a computer until June after WWDC
15:33.33feutetejsdgood point
15:33.35cmkilgerthat's when all the new stuff comes
15:34.32cmkilgerbut then there's always a few things that come a little late like the iMac G5, so you want to wait til fall
15:34.56cmkilgerbut then MacWorld is just around the corner in January
15:35.07feutetejsdI wouldn't mind an iMac G5, that's for sure
15:35.10cmkilgerit's a vicious cycle
15:35.30feutetejsdsmart planning on Apple's part, in a way
15:36.23cmkilgerthey're killing me, I wish they would just tell me what they're planning
15:37.10feutetejsd"hey, cmkilger, it's Steve. So, about that PowerBook G5....oh yeah, and when are you coming to Cupertino next? We'll do lunch"
15:38.03cmkilgerdon't I wish
15:38.40cmkilgerhe better be paying for lunch
15:40.07feutetejsdno kidding
15:40.18feutetejsdand someplace Burger King
15:40.23feutetejsdor Apple cafeteria
15:45.19cmkilgermaybe I could get a tour
15:45.34cmkilgerand get to see prototypes of all the new toys
15:45.43feutetejsdthat would be uber-cool
15:45.46cmkilgerI need to try and arrange this
15:46.05cmkilgerwhat;s his email address?
15:46.24cmkilgerthis reminds me of an applegeeks comic
15:46.29feutetejsdjust send it to I'm sure he reads everything that gets sent there
15:46.56cmkilgeryou think?
15:48.43cmkilgeris that a yes or a no?
15:48.50feutetejsdit's a no
15:49.09cmkilgerI was afraid of that
15:49.37cmkilgerWoz reads all his mail and replies from what I hear
15:49.57cmkilgerYou would think Woz would already be in the system's dictionary
15:50.05feutetejsdthat wouldn't surprise me
15:51.28cmkilgermaybe Wozniak is
15:59.49cmkilgerfound it:
16:04.55cmkilgeryou'd have to read the other ones to get the squirrel part, they have a talking squirrel
16:05.24cmkilgerI found Steve's resume:
16:11.03cmkilgerstill no luck finding a real email address
16:11.07cmkilgerhe must have one
16:12.34feutetejsdI would think so
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16:17.31feutetejsdmornin' wps
16:20.07cmkilgeryou wouldn't happen to know Steve's email address do you?
16:20.42wpsbluetooth iPod rumor:
16:21.06cmkilgerhmmm, the question mark isn't reassuring
16:21.28cmkilgeryeah, I read about that
16:21.44wpswere you really looking for Steve _Jobs_ email address?
16:22.44cmkilgeryeah, just thought I'd send him a friendly letter, maybe invite him to lunch
16:25.20cmkilgerthey're expecting to cancel an iPod, probably make one normal iPod (30gb?) and bring down the price of the iPod Photos
16:25.38cmkilgernow that the Minis will have color screen now too
16:27.05cmkilgerand that will make room for the rumored "iPod Home", the supposed media center
16:27.21wpsiPod Home?
16:27.28wpsI haven't heard any rumors about an iPod Home
16:28.00wpsthere have been plenty of rumors about a Mac Mini Home Entertainment Center, but I haven't heard anything about it being an iPod
16:28.59cmkilgerthey were calling it an ipod but said it would be larger
16:29.07cmkilgerI'll see if I can find a link
16:30.57feutetejsdgotta run, guys
16:31.10feutetejsdhave a good morning....ttyl
16:31.45cmkilgertowards the bottom of the page
16:34.17cmkilgerit kinda sounds like a frankenpod to me, and the final product will probably be nothing like I imagine
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