irclog2html for #byumug on 20050218

00:04.51*** join/#byumug jbot (
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05:59.43guest_3882know how to get iSight and iChat AV to work on the BYU network?  I'm trying to connect with my brother in North Carolina who just returned home from Iraq.
06:00.02wpsyou'll need to speak to drewbono
06:00.09wpshe knows that inside and out
06:00.30guest_3882where do i find him?
06:00.46wpshe's in here all the tim
06:00.52wps(just not right now, unfortunately)
06:01.22wpsdrewbono = Andrew Jacobs = BYU MUG President
06:02.29jbothmm... drewbono is the mac, or a grammar super-freak
06:04.05wpssorry that I cannot be of assistance
06:04.30wpsI have never used an iSight
06:05.06guest_3882thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
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17:23.12drewbonoMan, I'm sick....again.
17:23.15drewbonoThis stinks.
17:23.30feutetejsdsorry man
17:23.30drewbonoI guess I shouldn't stay up until all hours of the night playing Call of Duty.
17:23.42drewbonoGood thing I just finished the expansion pack, so there's nothing more for me to accomplish.
17:26.01feutetejsdthat's good to hear
17:43.03*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
17:44.25cmkilgercan somebody help me with the terminal?
17:44.47cmkilgerI'm trying to install gnump3d
17:44.58wpsah, I am not good with installing
17:45.00cmkilgerand when I type 'make install'
17:45.07cmkilgerit says there is no make command
17:45.12wpsdrewbono and feutetejsd probably are however
17:45.28feutetejsdwhere did you get the source?
17:45.45feutetejsd ?
17:45.50feutetejsdah, ok
17:46.35feutetejsdstand by...downloading
17:46.59cmkilgerbut why do I get "tcsh: make: Command not found."
17:47.17cmkilgerI should have gone to the meeting yesterday
17:47.22cmkilgerWhen is the next one?
17:47.52feutetejsdsee if /usr/bin/make exists
17:48.33cmkilgerI've got makeinfo
17:48.35feutetejsdah....have you installed the OS X developer tools?
17:48.56cmkilgeris that a problem?
17:49.04feutetejsdhmmm....are you on 10.3.8?
17:49.14cmkilgeror does that just mean I need to use a different method?
17:49.16feutetejsdno, you need the dev. tools, so that's a good thing
17:49.17cmkilgeryes I am's weird that make isn't there....stand by
17:50.01cmkilgerI know I've used it before, though I can't remember on what
17:50.47feutetejsdhmmm. That's REALLY weird....might be worth it to try installing the devtools again. make should be there...
17:50.54feutetejsdand that would cause the problem you're seeing
17:51.13cmkilgerif I have to
17:51.15feutetejsdjust for kicks, check to see if /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/cc exist
17:52.17feutetejsdsounds like something went awry with the devtools install
17:52.30feutetejsdthey should be there if devtools is there....I'd reinstall devtools and try again
17:52.46cmkilgerwill comply
17:53.19cmkilgerXcode 1.5 work?
17:54.38feutetejsdrun /Applications/Installers/Developer\ Tools/Developer.mpkg
17:55.32feutetejsdi think...stand by
17:56.41feutetejsdactually, try /Applications/Installers/Developer\ Tools/Packages/DeveloperTools.pkg
18:02.49drewbono'sup cmkilger
18:03.31cmkilgerjust trying to install stuff
18:03.48cmkilgerwhen's the next mac 'n snack?
18:03.52drewbonoThere is an update for the Dev Tools as well.
18:03.58drewbonoYou can get it off
18:04.04drewbonoI think it'll be in 2 weeks.
18:04.10cmkilgerhow updated?
18:04.18drewbonoNov 2004
18:04.20drewbonoI think.
18:04.35cmkilgerok, then I already have it
18:04.46cmkilgerI think.
18:05.14drewbonoAre you installed the dev tools now
18:05.21drewbonoIt's a big install.
18:06.06cmkilgerI've installed it before, so it's just doing an "update" because there seem to be some things missing
18:08.48drewbonoYeah, the mac 'n snak was cool...
18:09.08drewbonoexcept that the room we reserved didn't allow food inside it, so it was a lot more mac than snak
18:09.29feutetejsdthat's unfortunate
18:09.34cmkilgerthat's too bad, i really like snacks
18:09.51drewbonoWe'll have to get a different room next time, although those room behind the HBLL are perfect.
18:09.58drewbonoCentrally located.
18:10.30cmkilgerare slides posted yet?
18:10.36drewbonoNot yet.
18:10.48drewbonoHe's still putting some finishing touches on them.
18:11.19feutetejsdcmkilger, how is the install going¿
18:11.32feutetejsdman, I always do that... make that ¿ a ?
18:11.48cmkilger4 minutes remaining
18:24.21cmkilgerok, it's finished the install and is now optimizing but i've still got nothing
18:29.40feutetejsdstill no /usr/bin/make ?
18:30.33drewbonocmkilger, are you in the terminal?
18:30.33drewbonoor are you looking in the Finder?
18:30.33cmkilgerno, I'm trying to install that package from the CD now, if I do it from the disk it says I can't install it on this computer
18:30.38cmkilgerfor /usr/bin/make in the terminal
18:32.26cmkilgerstill nothing
18:32.34cmkilgerI don't get it
18:32.43drewbonowhat are you typing into the terminal?
18:33.05cmkilgercd /usr/bin and ls
18:33.12cmkilgeris that wrong?
18:33.26drewbonols | grep make
18:33.28drewbonotry that
18:33.56drewbonoYou may just want to download the december developer tools from Apple directly.
18:34.42cmkilgerare you sure you don't mean august?
18:35.46feutetejsddoes which make return anything in the terminal?
18:36.26cmkilgermake: command not found
18:36.45cmkilgersill computers
18:37.19feutetejsdif you run the env command in terminal, what does the line that begins with PATH say?
18:37.58feutetejsdgrr again
18:38.20feutetejsdand what installer did you run?
18:39.02feutetejsdthat's all very odd
18:39.08cmkilgerI've also run in from the CD
18:39.19cmkilgerand XcodeTools.mpkg
18:40.03cmkilgerwhat if I were to uninstall and then reinstall
18:43.07feutetejsdhave you tried running the installer as root, or are you just running it as an administrator user?
18:43.48cmkilgerI'll be right back
18:46.24*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
18:47.23feutetejsdwelcome back
18:47.33feutetejsddid you reboot?
18:48.13feutetejsdany improvement on the no make issue?
18:48.26feutetejsdI don't imagine it would, but....
18:48.59feutetejsdwhat does ls -ld /usr/bin return?
18:49.25cmkilgeri'm logged in as root and it's there
18:50.02feutetejsdyes, but what permissions?
18:50.12feutetejsdsomething like:
18:50.12feutetejsdls -ld /usr/bin
18:50.13feutetejsddrwxr-xr-x 639 root     wheel       21726 Feb 10 09:24 /usr/bin
18:50.56cmkilgerdrwxr-xr-x  627 root  wheel  21318 18 Feb 11:38 .
18:51.53cmkilgerbe right back again
18:53.37*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
18:54.41cmkilgerlooks like I just needed to reboot
18:54.54feutetejsdI'm stunned
18:54.56cmkilgersilly computers
18:55.09feutetejsdso, make install is working now?
18:55.22cmkilgershould, find out in a sec
18:56.39cmkilgerinstall -d /etc/gnump3d
18:56.40cmkilgerinstall: mkdir /etc/gnump3d: Permission denied
18:56.40cmkilgermake: *** [install] Error 71
18:56.54feutetejsdare you running it as root?
18:57.19feutetejsddo that
18:57.47cmkilgerwow, that was fast
18:59.00feutetejsdnow the real question is....does gnump3d work?
19:00.04cmkilgeri ran a test script and a few tests failed
19:00.27cmkilgerdo you know how to fix that?
19:00.38cmkilger0. Testing that all the test scripts are executable. [FAILED]
19:01.00cmkilger5. Test that every configuration option is documented in 'man gnump3d.conf'. [Key '"use_client_host' not documented
19:01.03cmkilgerKey 'downsample_"level"_"file suffix"' not documented
19:01.06cmkilgerKey 'downsample_clients' not documented
19:01.09cmkilgerKey 'host_rewrite' not documented
19:01.11cmkilgerKey 'no_downsample_clients' not documented
19:01.13cmkilger14. Test that the OS detection works correctly. [FAILED]
19:01.14feutetejsdare these test scripts included with gnump3d?
19:01.25cmkilger21. Test the operating system is sane. [FAILED]
19:01.38cmkilger22. Test that each plugin is reference at least once in each theme directory. [Plugin playlist not found in ../templates/handheld/
19:01.54cmkilger25. Test that each installable theme has an AUTHOR file. [FAILED]
19:01.55cmkilger26. Test that each installable theme has the necessery files within it. [
19:01.55cmkilgerTheme ../templates/handheld/ is missing at least one file.
19:01.56feutetejsdstand by....
19:10.01feutetejsdI got the same errors when I tried on my machine, but if I run the gnump3d command, it starts
19:10.14feutetejsdoh, I had to edit /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf
19:10.27cmkilgerthanks, i was just looking for that file
19:10.36feutetejsdand change the line that reads root=/home/mp3 to a directory that actyually exists
19:12.02feutetejsdwhen I do that, the server starts and listens on the port it's supposed to....
19:16.21feutetejsdlooks like it works, even with the errors during the make
19:16.32cmkilgerhow can I edit the file in the Terminal?  I used to know vi fairly well but I've forgotten it now.
19:17.00feutetejsddo you have pico on your machine?
19:17.07feutetejsdit's a little easier than vi....
19:17.24cmkilgerdon't know
19:17.46feutetejsdtry pico /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf
19:17.50feutetejsdas root
19:20.52wpsFastest G5 Power Macs vs fastest Windows PCs
19:21.32cmkilgerI don't think I saved it right
19:21.47feutetejsdI think it's control-O
19:21.56feutetejsdthen control-X to exit
19:23.47feutetejsdinteresting, wps....
19:24.17feutetejsdhowever, I'm going to have to ask you to stop making me covet expensive hardware
19:24.48feutetejsdany luck, cmkilger?
19:25.09cmkilgerI find SimpleText to be a little easier
19:25.48feutetejsdis that a third party editor?
19:25.59feutetejsdI remember it from OS 9, but don't have it in X
19:26.18cmkilgerIt comes with the developer tools
19:26.36feutetejsdis it a GUI app, or command line?
19:28.41feutetejsdhmmm....haven't seen it
19:28.54cmkilgerbut using a backslash before the space didn't seem to work for a space
19:29.26feutetejsdyeah, I noticed that, too...I had to remove the slash, and it worked fine
19:29.54feutetejsdgnump3d must escape the path itself
19:30.02feutetejsdand gets confused if the path is already escaped
19:33.51cmkilgerit still doesn't like the space
19:34.07feutetejsdwhat does that line look like in gnump3d.conf?
19:36.09cmkilgerbut I now think I have more than one gnump3d.conf out there because I tried changing it too many times in different ways
19:38.00cmkilgerok, here it goes
19:38.06cmkilgerindexing my music
19:38.35cmkilgerthanks for all the help by the way
19:38.40feutetejsdno worries
19:41.47drewbonoWhy is so slow?
19:41.53drewbonois it slow for everyone else too?
19:42.33feutetejsdyeah, a bit
19:44.18drewbonowps: that article rocks
19:45.05drewbonoI'm surprised that the 2.5 ghz is that much faster than the 2.0 ghz G5
19:46.04feutetejsdanyone know how the dual 2.5G5 compares to the dual Xeon 3.4 they tested against?
19:46.11feutetejsdprice-wise I mean
19:46.44drewbonoI'm sure the G5 if very similar, if not cheaper, than the Xeon.
19:46.54feutetejsdthese numbers are all great, but all my Wintendo-loving buddies will still say that the Windoze is cheeper
19:50.31drewbonoThere's one comparison:
19:50.51drewbonoThere's a picture with a babe in a bikini on it though...
19:51.46drewbonoTime for a new poll...
19:54.09feutetejsdso, cmkilger, I don't know much about you just hit it in a browser and click the links, or are there clients that you point at it....or both?
19:54.48cmkilgertry that and see for yourself
19:55.50feutetejsdyeah, I saw that on my machine too....can you point clients at it too? I mean, clicking the link will launch my mp3Player anyway, so it would be cool to just point the MP3 player right at it rather than having to navigate via browser and then click.....
19:56.49drewbonoWell, feutetejsd
19:57.16drewbonoI just hopped on Dell's site and configured a Precision workstation with the specs as the dual 2.5 g5, and it was $3611.
19:57.23drewbonoApple's: $2999
19:58.42drewbonoBut, to be fair, the Dell _does_ come with a floppy drive...
19:59.02drewbonoActually, it's only $3,502.00...I had to subtract out the extended warranty the automatically included.
19:59.04feutetejsdoh yeah....forgot about that
20:01.31cmkilger(about GNUMP3d) no I don't think you can but you can download a playlist to, say iTunes, and then just play them as streams
20:01.53feutetejsdoh, cool
20:01.55feutetejsdI like that
20:02.20feutetejsdwell, cmkilger, you have introduced me to yet another new toy today....
20:03.08cmkilgeryeah, my brother-in-law has been playing with it on his linux box and I figured it should work on my mac too
20:04.49cmkilgerthanks for the help
20:04.51cmkilgersee ya guys
20:17.37drewbonofeutetejsd: so what does GNUMP3d do ?
20:17.56feutetejsdit's a streaming music server
20:18.10drewbonoSo I can connect to my music from anywhere? can create playlists that iTunes can use
20:18.33drewbonodoesn't work with AAC, I assume.
20:18.42feutetejsdat least, that's my impression so far....
20:19.12feutetejsdwell, wait....
20:19.31feutetejsdI could be may support other music formats
20:21.16feutetejsdI'm new to it myself
20:21.22feutetejsdbut it looks pretty slick
20:22.37drewbonoI'll have to check it out when I get a sec.
20:26.35*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
20:33.13feutetejsddoes anyone remember how to manually tweak the type and creator on a file in OS X?
20:37.38feutetejsdnevermind...I found it
20:43.03feutetejsdcmkilger, thanks for opening my eyes to gnump3d. it's good stuff
20:43.36cmkilgerno prob
20:50.40macnewboldhave you guys seen JHymn, or iOpener?
20:51.11macnewboldpretty sweet stuff... lets you remove the DRM Digital Rights Management from your iTunes-purchased files
20:51.22macnewboldso you can play them anywhere
20:51.28macnewboldor do other things permissible under your Fair Use rights
20:51.42feutetejsdme likey
20:52.29macnewbold~jhymn is at - it lets you remove DRM from iTunes-purchased files, so you can take back your Fair Use rights
20:52.30jbotmacnewbold: okay
21:19.26wpscolor iPod mini
22:03.35drewbonoThat'd be pretty impressive if they add the color screen and higher capacity without raising the price.
22:18.09wpsI would probably be ready to purchase one
22:18.09*** join/#byumug guest_2540 (
22:18.14wpswelcome, guest
22:18.41wpsgoodbye, guest
22:19.35feutetejsdwe almost had a guest there...
22:19.51wpsthere was one in here the other day looking for iSight help, drewbono
22:19.55wpsdid he get ahold of you?
22:20.19drewbonoActually, funny you should ask right now.
22:20.29drewbonoI just got off the phone with the security engineer in OIT.
22:20.42drewbonoI sent him a list of ports that need to be opened, and he's going to review it and try to get it approved.
22:20.54wpshow about closing up LDAP?
22:20.58drewbonoSo if all goes well, people will be iSighting to their hearts content in ResNet.
22:21.05drewbonoI heard it's going to happen.
22:21.14wpsrequiring teachers to use BCC?
22:21.16drewbonoThat's what my friend was told.
22:21.27drewbonoYour list never ends...
22:21.35wpsi'm done
22:21.37drewbonoI think it's pretty funny when they don't BCC.
22:21.48wpsit drives me nutes
22:21.53wpsI have a ticket open for that one
22:22.14wpsthere is no reason that everyone and their dog needs to see my address
22:22.42drewbonoI wonder if that's the default for BB.
22:22.50drewbonoOr if teachers are just dumb.
22:25.59wpsmost likely both
22:35.39drewbononew poll ideas?
22:35.42drewbonoWhat do you wanna know?
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22:41.10drewbonoHow about which IM clients people use?
22:41.13drewbonoHow many are there?
22:42.19feutetejsdgood idea
22:42.34feutetejsdiChat, Adium, Fire, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, etc
22:42.40drewbonoAdium, MSN, AIM, Fire, iChat
22:42.45drewbonoIs there a yahoo one?
22:43.08feutetejsdobviously, it's specific to Yahoo's protocol....but yeah
22:43.53drewbonoAny others?
22:44.14feutetejsdhmmm....I'm sure there are....gaim in X11
22:47.26drewbonoIt's up.
22:47.29drewbonoVote away.
22:48.10feutetejsdgo Adium!!!
22:48.59drewbonoAdium is kicking trash!
23:49.49macnewboldGaim rocks

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