irclog2html for #byumug on 20050214

00:06.24*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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00:08.37*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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01:31.49*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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04:36.54*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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11:17.20*** join/#byumug guest_0921 (
15:24.02*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
15:55.54*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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16:06.23*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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19:28.57*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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21:37.30*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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22:10.29*** join/#byumug guest_1667 (~BYUMUG@
22:22.36feutetejsdhow is it going, guest?
22:22.52guest_1667Good, except I've got a problem with my web server.
22:23.02guest_1667I wondered if you might have some suggestions?
22:23.17feutetejsdpossibly, what's up?
22:24.06guest_1667One of the users was trying to delete a file from his folder, and it kind of froze up.  I logged onto the server through the Server Settings
22:24.34guest_1667program, and it said that there was an alert under the SLP services thingy.
22:25.28*** join/#byumug guest_1879 (~BYUMUG@
22:26.47feutetejsdguest_1879, are you the same as guest_1667?
22:27.13guest_1879Yes, my browser is giving me some problems.
22:29.11guest_1879Anyway, do you have any ideas on the server problem?  I'm completely new to any kind of Mac stuff.
22:29.22feutetejsdI assume this is OS X server?
22:31.58feutetejsdwhat did the alert say?
22:32.40guest_1879I couldn't find the alert, I clicked on the slp service icon, and the only option it gave me was 'Show Registered Services'
22:33.14guest_1879However, in the bottom left corner of the 'Registered Services' window there is an icon that says 'Is in an unknown state.'
22:33.55feutetejsdhmmmm....I honestly haven't ever used OS X Server....
22:34.21guest_1879Hmm, oh well.  I guess I'll check on the internet and see if I can find anything on it.  Thanks.
22:35.14feutetejsdmight send an email to
22:35.28feutetejsdthere are a lot of smart folks that subscribe to that list
22:35.41feutetejsdsorry I'm not any more help
22:37.36guest_1879Okay, thanks.  no worries.
22:52.17macnewboldfeutetejsd: what would you say the going price would be for an iMac w/cd-rom drive, with system 8 (or 9 maybe?) on it?
22:53.09*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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22:53.30feutetejsdyou talking about one of the older iMacs, macnewbold?
22:53.43macnewbold(haven't seen it yet, so don't ask hard questions :) )
22:53.48feutetejsdhow fast is the proc?
22:53.50macnewboldsomeone I know wants to sell theirs
22:53.51feutetejsdoh :)
22:54.01macnewboldit's probably 3-5 years old, I'd guess
22:54.09feutetejsdI'd be surprised if you could get more than $300
22:54.18feutetejsdprobably more like $200
22:54.35macnewboldI'll have to go see how much they're going for on ebay, too, I guess
22:54.44feutetejsdyeah, that's a good call
23:13.13*** join/#byumug drewbono (
23:13.23*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.