irclog2html for #byumug on 20050211

00:55.44*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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01:18.53*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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03:48.31*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
05:08.11*** join/#byumug drewbono (
05:08.14*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ
05:09.06drewbonomacnewbold: Have you seen wps?
05:09.10jbotwell, wps is Mr. Wedgy Pants
05:09.26drewbonoHow do you see the last time he was online?
05:10.05drewbonojbot, where is wps?
05:10.07jbotwell, wps is Mr. Wedgy Pants
05:10.14drewbonojbot, when did you see wps?
05:10.23drewbonojbot, is wps online?
05:13.24*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
05:13.27*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
07:09.06*** join/#byumug drewbono (
07:09.16*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ
08:51.50*** join/#byumug guest_2817 (
08:52.11*** join/#byumug guest_2817 (
08:52.23drewbonoWhat up guest?
08:52.40*** part/#byumug guest_2817 (
14:27.30*** join/#byumug guest_1467 (
14:27.59guest_1467I have a question
14:52.14*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
15:33.07*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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16:16.01feutetejsdanyone here a whiz with iDVD?
16:16.51wpsI have never used it. Sorry.
16:47.25*** join/#byumug drewbono (
16:47.27*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ
16:49.26drewbonoComputer still livin' large, feutetejsd?
16:49.39feutetejsdhappy as a clam
16:50.10drewbonoI finally ended up wiping my hard drive last night and starting over.
16:50.34drewbonoRemember that lockup problem I was having, where my system wouldn't respond?
16:50.40drewbonoI was getting worse and worse.
16:51.25feutetejsdthat's no good
16:51.33drewbonoYeah, it's a pain.
16:51.41drewbonoBut it's always nice to start fresh.
16:51.45drewbonoand "dejunk"
16:51.49feutetejsdin a way, yes
16:54.47drewbonoYeah, in a sick, twisted, I-won't-have-my-system-back-to-normal-for-days way. :-)
16:55.22wpsso you finally wiped your system, eh drewbono?
16:55.23feutetejsdyeah, that
17:04.53drewbonoYeah, it's a little baby's bottom.
17:14.11macnewboldhmmm... mentioning wiping and baby's bottoms within a phrases of each other brings un-fun images to mind...
17:14.38macnewbolddrewbono: great work with the sendmail, btw - what did you do to beat it into submission?
17:15.20drewbonoTrying to remember for the first part...
17:16.00drewbonoWe messed around with it for a while, and I added something to allow certain IP addresses to connect, and had wade test it.
17:16.20drewbonoHe was trying to authenticate, which I didn't know, so as soon as he turned that if it worked.
17:16.34drewbonoThen to get authentication to work, all I had to do was uncomment these lines:
17:17.21drewbonoin the file, recompile the .cf, restart sendmail, and then start saslauthd and it worked.
17:17.47drewbonoSo you did most of the work. :-)
17:19.26wpsdrewbono: so was just "make" in "/etc/mail/" sufficient to redo all of the files?
17:19.34drewbonoIt was.
17:19.38drewbonoThat's a nice trick.
17:19.41drewbonoI never knew that one.
17:19.48drewbonoI've always had to do:
17:20.03wpsso, do I still need my IP in "/etc/mail/access" ?
17:20.08drewbonomakemap hash virtusertable.db < virtusertable.db for each file
17:20.24drewbonoand then the m4 command as well to create the .cf file.
17:29.25macnewboldyeah, makefiles in /etc/mail are sweet
17:29.35macnewbold'make all restart'  is magical
17:30.00wpsdrewbono: do I still need my IP in /etc/mail/access ?
17:30.16macnewboldif auth is working right, no :)
17:30.21macnewboldand you can use it from anywhere
18:18.07feutetejsdso, have any of you heard of/used greylisting as a means to stop spam?
18:21.49macnewboldyes, I believe so, feutetejsd, but can you be more specific about what type of greylisting you mean? I use spamassassin, among other things, for example.
18:23.34feutetejsdwell, greylisting by itself is a means where your receiveing MTA will reject incoming mail with a 4.x.x error, and if the sending MTA retries after a user-specified time interval, your receiveing MTA will then accept the mail
18:24.02macnewboldthat's odd
18:24.05macnewboldnever done that
18:24.06feutetejsdit keeps previous attempts in a database of originating IP, MAIL FROM and RCPT TOO
18:24.08macnewboldsounds weird
18:24.09feutetejsdit rules
18:24.32feutetejsdlots of spam comes from either zombie machines or spam generators that don't have retry algorithms
18:25.15feutetejsdI'm using it on my home mailserver and in the last 5 days have had 325 fewer emails arrive successfully in my wife's mailbox than I would without it
18:25.37feutetejsdlegitimate mail usually comes from legitimate MTAs that will retry
18:26.05feutetejsdoh, and future messages from known senders will be allowed, because their previous attempts are stored in a DB
18:27.46feutetejsdit works great
18:28.03feutetejsdone of my co-workers saw an 80% reduction in spam in his mailbox
18:28.59macnewboldso how hard is it to set up? (i.e. with sendmail?)
18:30.16feutetejsdmy co-worker uses sendmail, and he said it took about 30 minutes, once milters were already working properly
18:30.31feutetejsdI use postfix, and it's even faster---about 8 lines in the config file, and a perl script
18:30.39macnewboldI've used milters before, and they worked
18:30.43macnewboldat least okay
18:30.50feutetejsdshouldn't be too tough in your situation, I would think
18:30.57macnewboldhow soon will a retry happen if it blocks it?
18:31.00feutetejsdalthough I've never endeavored to try on sendmail
18:31.06macnewboldwe don't want to delay mail too long
18:31.16macnewboldand what messages does it do this trick on?
18:31.42feutetejsddepends on the sender's MTA. I've seen some that retry after 10 minutes, and some after an hour. but remember that once a sender is in the database and has waited long enough, future mail will be accepted with no delay
18:31.48feutetejsdso it's only the first one that gets delayed
18:32.38feutetejsdit does it on all incoming messages unless (at least in the case of postfix), it's coming from a truested sender
18:33.17feutetejsdso, I have a list of trusted machiines, including all of my machines at home, and no mail gets rejected from them, but everything from all other hosts gets temporarily rejected
18:34.14macnewboldfirst message from a particular user?
18:34.28macnewboldor combo of IP, From, and To?
18:34.36feutetejsdyeah, the DB holds sender's IP, time of first attempt, from, and to
18:34.58feutetejsdso, future messages from the same host, to same user, but from different user will be rejected again
18:35.47macnewboldwhat about same host, from same user, to different user?
18:36.00feutetejsdwill be delayed
18:37.09macnewboldI guess that's okay once
18:37.39feutetejsdI've noticed it's not too much of a bother, and the benefits greatly outweigh the delay on the first mail from a particular source
18:39.05macnewboldhave you seen many false positive problems?
18:39.43feutetejsdno...and really, the only way to get a false positive is if someone legitimate is using an MTA that doesn't follow the RFC guidelines in its retries
18:40.00feutetejsdI can't think of a single false positive I've seen in the week I've been using it
18:42.54feutetejsdI use it in conjunction with spamassassin, and can think of only 1 or 2 emails that have made it through greylisting and weren't caught by spamassassin....which is much better than my previous results with spamassassin alone
18:47.01drewbonofeutetejsd: That rules!
18:47.08feutetejsdI love it
18:47.16drewbonoI've never heard of that.
18:47.26drewbonoI've heard of black listing and white listing...
18:47.30drewbonoThat's a genius idea though.
18:47.41feutetejsdpostfix has had it for quite some time, but I guess it's just now starting to catch on
18:47.43drewbonoIt's totally true as well--real mail will try again.
18:47.58feutetejsdyup...that's what my experience with it has shown
18:48.29drewbonoSo it's built in to sendmail and postfix?
18:48.33drewbonoOr it's an add-on package?
18:48.44feutetejsdadd-on, but it's been available from postfix for a long time
18:48.53feutetejsdsendmail requires milters to make it go
18:49.12feutetejsdbut in the case of postfix, it's a perl script and a few lines of config changes
18:49.32drewbonoSo does it have a name?
18:49.51feutetejsdgreylisting :)
18:49.55drewbonoBy the way, I hate mail servers.
18:50.02drewbonoThey're such a pain to configure.
18:50.23feutetejsdI'm impressed at how simple postfix turned out to be--
18:50.28drewbonoso there isn't a "package" for it, there's more of a method...?
18:50.35feutetejsdyeah, a method
18:50.59feutetejsdi think has some tutorials as well as links to download for your config
18:51.23drewbonoJust found that with google.
18:51.31feutetejsdit's good stuff
18:51.49feutetejsdand they're not even paying me to say that!
18:52.39feutetejsdI'm just so happy to be getting less spam *sniff*
18:53.19drewbono"And the award for the most dramatic scene in an IRC channel goes to..."
18:53.52feutetejsd(please let it be me)
18:54.12drewbonospeech! speech!
18:54.48feutetejsdI just don't know what to say
18:55.21drewbonoI'm taking suggestions for a cool open-source project now.
18:57.09feutetejsdhmmm....I can't even come up with a dumb open-source project right now
18:57.23feutetejsdsorry man
18:57.36*** join/#byumug guest_0386 (
18:57.46feutetejsdhi guest!
18:57.51drewbonoa guest!
18:57.54drewbonoWhat up, guest?
19:02.45*** join/#byumug guest_0386 (
19:02.49feutetejsdhow's it going?
19:03.06guest_0386ey can you connect to another server with this app?
19:03.27feutetejsdwith the web-based client?
19:04.12guest_0386i foudn one that you could
19:04.17guest_0386but forget to bookmark
19:04.32feutetejsdI don't konw....maybe wps or drewbono know?
19:04.43guest_0386hmm but it dosent look like u can
19:04.53guest_0386if anyone know such app please let me know :D
19:05.00wpscan you connect what with what?
19:05.18guest_0386i want to conect on an irc server with a web-based client
19:05.45wpsyou want to connect to an IRC server with a web-based client?
19:05.55wpsisn't that what the web IRC client on is doing?
19:06.35guest_0386ya but i want to specify a server
19:06.36feutetejsdbut I think guest wants to connect to an arbitrary IRC server, right, guest_0386?
19:06.40feutetejsdyeah, that one
19:06.42guest_0386i need to connect to..
19:07.59wpsyou mean he wants the users using the client to be able to specify which server they want to connect to? instead of just having one that is the default?
19:09.40wpshmm... seems like it would be fairly simple to specify that dynamically using PHP on the app on our website
19:11.42guest_0386that would b nice this char seem nice
19:11.56drewbonoI looked into such a thing when I implemented this.
19:12.31drewbonoIn order to get this to work with our channel, I had to sign the code (which is why you have to accept the applet when joining via the web).
19:12.55drewbonoThere were others out there that let you connect to any channel you wanted, but they were much uglier. :-)
19:12.55wpsah, yes... forgot about the applet junk
19:13.09drewbonoI think this could be modified to allow for other channels as well...
19:13.20drewbonoit's been a while though, and my memory stinks.
19:13.55drewbonoJust read the above part again.
19:14.02drewbonoYou want to connect to a different server, not channel right?
19:14.08guest_0386server  that is what i need to conect to
19:14.29drewbonoYou can use this web applet, modify it to connect to wherever you want, re-sign it, and you'd be golden.
19:14.48drewbonoBut it's much easier to use an IRC application
19:14.54guest_0386ya but
19:14.56guest_0386this is not my comp
19:15.03guest_0386and owned do not want such progs
19:15.14drewbonoIf you were on a mac, they'd never know. ;-)
19:15.24guest_0386i wish i had amac
19:15.36drewbonoYou could just trash it when you were done--no .dll files or registry entries ratting you out.
19:16.09guest_0386how do i modify the applet?
19:16.27drewbonoDo you have your own webserver to run it on?
19:17.00guest_0386hmm i dont think im not really good with web things
19:18.28drewbonoYou'd have to have somewhere to run it.
19:19.12guest_0386oh u mean i need to modify the aplet code and run it from somewhere?
19:21.47wpsyes, it will need to be hosted on a web server somewhere
19:23.01guest_0386hmm i think finding one taht support server change might be easier
19:25.23drewbonoSorry we couldn't help more, guest.
19:25.31drewbonoGood luck with your search.
19:25.45drewbonoIf you change your mind and want to know how to modify this, just come back.
19:25.59drewbonoI know I wrote down the instructions somewhere in case I had to do it again.
19:26.30drewbonoAgain, you _may_ be able to modify this one to allow it to connect to many servers.
19:28.27guest_0386thanks :P

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.