irclog2html for #byumug on 20050208

00:04.13drewbonoHas anyone here used Photoshop Elements?
00:04.23drewbonoIt's invaluable if you're scanning in a lot of photos.
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03:42.12wpsman, I am frustrated
03:42.28wpsI installed some software for my scanner and auto-launches on boot
03:42.32wpsand I can't find out where to disable that
03:42.50wpsis isn't in any of the start up folders
03:45.33drewbonoAn HP?
03:45.42drewbonoI just did the same thing today.
03:45.57drewbonowps: did you check in the accounts control panel?
03:46.11wpsno, it's Microtek
03:46.15wpsyeah, not there either
03:46.44drewbonoIt's not a startup item?
03:46.49drewbonoin your CP?
03:47.50wpsI can't figure it out
03:47.53wpsit doesn't make sense
03:47.57drewbonodo a search for it...
03:48.05drewbonodo you know what the process is called/
03:48.14wpsyeah, that's what I have been doing
03:49.15wpsyes, I know that name of the process
03:49.22wpsthe app is "Microtek Scanner Finder"
03:49.39wpsthe process' name is the same
03:54.29drewbonoIt's not in /System/Library/StartupItems
03:54.35drewbonoor /Library/StartupItems?
03:54.51drewbonoit _should_ be in /Library/StartupItems.
03:59.21wpsstrange, huh
04:01.04drewbonoit _has_ to be somewhere.
04:01.07drewbonois it invisible?
04:01.30drewbonoWhen you 'ps -auxww | grep Microtek' where is the path?
04:03.41wpswade     292   0.0  0.5   150720   5500  ??  S     1:40PM   0:02.69 /Applications/ScanWizard 5 Folder/Microtek Scanner Scanner Finder -psn_0_1310721
04:03.44wpswade     629   0.0  0.0    18172    336 std  S+    9:03PM   0:00.01 grep Microtek
04:04.05drewbonoIf you run that app, are there options in there to disable it?
04:04.09drewbonoin the prefs?
04:04.39wpsno... it's weird little app
04:06.37drewbonoDelete the app.
04:06.49drewbonoPiece of junk software.
04:06.59drewbonoMan...I'm sick of people writing crappy software for OS X.
04:07.03drewbonoand not supporting it.
04:07.28drewbonoI've been trying to open up an encrypted .pdf I was _forced_ to buy of the harvard business school's site for the past couple hours.
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16:27.58drewbonoDid you guys see this?
16:28.07drewbonoSome guy put his Mac mini into a full-size case.
16:28.31drewbonoI guess that's one way to get around the built-in 4200rpm hard drive.
16:29.08wpsug... it only comes with a 4200 RPM hard drive?
16:29.53feutetejsdinteresting.....I guess
16:30.07drewbonoA laptop hard drive.
16:30.27feutetejsdnot entirely sure what to make of Mac OSX running on a machine that looks like a Wintendo box
16:31.01feutetejsdmakes me feel a little funny
16:31.20drewbonofeutetejsd: What makes you feel funny?
16:31.24feutetejsdalmost like I have to go repent for even looking at it
16:31.37feutetejsdOS X in an intel flavor case
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20:01.16drewbonoAnyone here on MSN?
20:01.43macnewboldISP or IM?
20:02.27feutetejsdI am
20:02.40drewbonoIs it working for you right now?
20:03.17macnewboldnot well
20:03.24macnewboldthe last few days I've been getting kicked off a lot
20:03.25feutetejsdI've been getting errors as well
20:03.32macnewboldand get "Can't connect to notification server"
20:03.37drewbonoI can't connect using Messenger or Adium.
20:03.45drewbonoJust wanted to make sure it wasn't my network.
20:03.46feutetejsdme neither on Adium
20:03.52macnewboldI'm glad I'm not alone... For a while I though tit might be Gaim giving me the trouble
20:04.09macnewboldbut if someone has tried an Official client and it's b0rk3d too, then I'm okay
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