irclog2html for #byumug on 20050202

02:22.14*** join/#byumug guest_1793 (
08:23.34*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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09:17.38*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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10:11.38*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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11:05.41*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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11:59.43*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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12:53.50*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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13:47.50*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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14:33.10*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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14:41.55*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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15:35.56*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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16:05.44*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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16:15.42*** join/#byumug drewbono (
16:15.52*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ
16:24.16drewbonoaight doodes
16:24.21drewbonoWho's a marketer here?
16:24.31drewbonoI need a cool name for our new meetings...
16:24.45drewbonoThey're short, more hands-on, and application specific.
16:24.54drewbonoThey're like tutorials...
16:24.56drewbonoor info sessions.
16:25.01drewbonoor HOWTO sessions.
16:25.14drewbonoSomeone suggested a focus session...
16:25.23drewbonoWhat think you guys, wps and macnewbold ?
16:25.32drewbonoand where's feut today?
16:27.35wpsthat too formal?
16:31.11drewbonoit is kind of a workshop, isn't it?
16:31.17wpsworkshop is good
16:31.28drewbonoI'm not sure what to associate with seminar.
16:31.33wpswell, kind of... workshop usually implies hands-on interaction
16:31.44wpsand these are usually just presentations
16:31.44drewbonoWe want them to be hands on.
16:31.53drewbonoThere are different than regular presenations.
16:32.10drewbonoWe'll have someone present, yes, but we'll also have ppl in the crowd to help and answer questions, etc.
16:33.09wpsI would vote for workshop then
16:34.12drewbonoI like it.
16:34.13drewbonoThanks guys.
16:34.25drewbonoIntro to Terminal next Thursday.
16:34.43drewbonoCuz I know you're both dying to know how to use it more. :-)
16:35.31wpsooo... I've heard cool things about the terminal
16:39.06macnewboldterminal rocks!
16:39.12macnewbold~praise unix shells
16:39.14jbotAll hail unix shells!
17:20.16*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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18:23.24*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
19:27.11feutetejsdman, it has been quiet around here the last couple of days
19:28.19macnewboldwell, with just the three of us, plus drew coming and going...
19:28.58feutetejsdwe need some more recruits
19:29.22wpsand you're not kidding about the coming and going
19:29.39macnewbold~recruit some people
19:36.18feutetejsdheh heh....,2125,66460,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_2
19:38.19*** join/#byumug drewbono (
19:38.23*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ
20:26.39macnewboldmaybe we need to get jbot set up to "think" something every now and then...
20:26.49wpsthat'd be cool
20:27.15macnewboldmaybe we need to ask TimRiker to turn it on.. I dunno. We ought to do it for #uphpu too.
23:38.36*** join/#byumug drewbono (
23:38.39*** mode/#byumug [+o drewbono] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.