irclog2html for #byumug on 20050125

00:07.44*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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00:38.30*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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05:37.53*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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14:18.46*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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14:53.10*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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14:59.38drewbonoDid you guys see this yet?
14:59.48drewbonoLooks like we may have found a convert...
15:02.59wpsI hadn't
15:03.03wpsI'll read
15:50.47*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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15:56.53*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
17:05.05*** join/#byumug guest_2157 (
17:08.08*** join/#byumug Changty (
18:17.10*** join/#byumug mrclary (
19:01.38*** join/#byumug guest_1039 (
19:03.01guest_1039Hey guys.
19:08.06feutetejsdso, here's a there a way in to delete specific emails from a server over POP? One thing that I like about Entourage (sorry, wps) is that you can right-click a message and say "remove from server." Can do anything like this?
19:16.11macnewboldmost POP clients are set up with one of three modes:
19:16.19macnewbold1) Delete it from server when you download it
19:16.32macnewbold2) leave the msg on the server forever
19:16.40macnewbold3) delete it on the server when I delete it here
19:16.59macnewboldThe 3rd is nice because it's a lot more like IMAP
19:17.03feutetejsdMail doesn't seem to allow the third option (that would be great if it did).
19:17.20feutetejsdmost that I've used also allow a fourth--Delete after X days
19:17.28macnewboldNetscape Mail / Mozilla Mail / Thunderbird allow the third
19:17.38macnewboldyeah, that would be cool too
19:18.09feutetejsdyeah....perhaps I'll have to migrate to thunderbird or something. I have a few other beefs with Mail, but for the most part, I really like it
19:18.32feutetejsdI haven't played with thunderbird much....maybe I'll have to give it a go
19:52.23wpsyou can set Mail to remove from server when the item is moved from your inbox
19:52.40wpsthis is basically the same as "when" deleted or Entourages "remove from server" feature
19:52.46wps...and should accomplish what you want
19:53.32feutetejsdexcept my rules move all of my incoming mail from the inbox into folders
19:53.43feutetejsdwhich it seems would result in all mail being deleted from the server all the time
19:54.49wpshmm...  you'd have to try it. I don't know if it literally means "inbox" or it means moved from where it was popped into
19:55.01feutetejsdyeah, trying now :D
19:57.30wpswow! Apple dropped their Mac Mini upgrade prices!
19:58.08wpsdid you read about the Mac Mini colocation server?
19:58.13wpsI think that that rocks
19:58.16wpsI would love one of those
19:58.25feutetejsdI didn't hear about that...what is it?
19:58.30feutetejsdthe colo macmini, I mean
19:58.47wpsthey're so cute all lined up on the racks
19:59.01feutetejsdwhere did you hear about that?
19:59.12wpsa company that will colocate your Mac Mini as a server
19:59.51feutetejsdand, BTW, it appears that if a rule moves the incoming mail to a folder, it deletes the message from the server....not what I'm looking for  :(
20:00.27wpshmm.... bummer
20:34.52*** join/#byumug kirhere (
21:33.12*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
22:41.00*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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22:44.15feutetejsdhey drewbono....have you heard anything about U2 coming to SLC?
23:04.21*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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23:09.41drewbonoare they?
23:10.21feutetejsdI know they've announced some US dates, but none in SLC
23:10.36feutetejsdhowever, last time they came, they didn't announce the second leg until the first leg was under way
23:11.32feutetejsdI'm considering going to the Denver show in April
23:16.18drewbonoI get the feeling U2 doesn't like Utah much...
23:16.33drewbonoWhen they came in 98 or whenever, all they did was perform and leave.
23:16.41drewbonodidn't really talk to the crowd or anything.
23:17.03drewbonoGood thing Rage Against the Machine opened up for them. :-)
23:17.14feutetejsdhmmm...they talked to to crowd more when they came in 2001
23:17.17feutetejsdthat was a good show
23:17.29drewbonoI was on my mish...
23:17.30drewbonodarn it.
23:17.40feutetejsdyeah...good stuff
23:51.47*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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