irclog2html for #byumug on 20050124

04:25.16*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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13:03.36*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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15:06.38*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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15:20.11*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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15:21.54*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
16:40.05wpswhat makes people think that they can just completely ignore copyright laws???
16:40.11wpsand just rip-off anyone's work???
16:40.21wpsI just got another one of my sites copied
16:40.41feutetejsdif you would quit doing such good work, wps....
16:41.09wpsit's always the same thing too... getto, girly little piece-of-crap "web developers" that don't know anything more about design and art then to rip off someone else's
16:41.25feutetejsdthat sux
16:41.44wpsand the thing that absolutely blows my mind is that it's always people that are close!
16:42.06wpsif I was going to do that I would at least make sure that they artist was as far from me as they could be... like in Russia or something
16:42.31wpsboth of the last two latest occurances have been by people in BYU MUG!!! people that live within 50 miles of me!!!
16:42.40wpscome on!
16:43.06feutetejsdthat's crappy
16:43.54wpsman, nothing like starting off the having to send out cease-and-decisist notices
16:44.25feutetejsdd'oh...sorry man
16:44.38wpsthanks... it just blows my mind
16:44.46wpsi just... honestly... I just don't understand what they are thinking
17:24.27macnewboldso wps, what are you going to do about it? This is a real problem, and could happen to any of us.
17:25.33wpsit is a big problem... and happens all of the time, all over the world
17:26.01wpsthe thing that just blows my mind though is that the past two times have both been LDS, BYU students, living thirty miles from me in Provo!
17:26.11wps...who belong to my same user group!
17:26.18macnewboldif it's people you know, we can do something about it
17:26.39wpsI sent a cease and desist letter to him this morning
17:26.45macnewboldgot some URLs? (yours and theirs) I'm curious now
17:26.48wpshe responded quickly and has taken the site down
17:26.57macnewboldso they copied the design?
17:27.09macnewboldthat's a lot more obvious that copying someone's code
17:27.21wpsoh yeah... the design
17:27.40feutetejsdwow...yeah, that's pretty blatant
17:27.47wpsyeah, very blatant
17:27.56macnewboldwell, at least he didn't steal your images, and bothered to make his own...
17:28.03wpsvery true
17:28.09wpsmost pirates steal the whole package
17:28.15wpsand then just teak some of the images
17:29.12wpsI am glad that I screen-shot his site before he took it down
17:37.35wpshere's the other site that was ripped off:
18:39.51macnewboldalso ripped by someone who knows you? that stinks.
18:40.31macnewboldIf it weren't for the matching whitespace between the different sections, I'd say it wasn't copied, but the way it is, it appears to be a ripoff
18:40.54macnewboldthat layout is pretty common everywhere, but the way you use whitespace makes yours unique, IMO
18:43.09wpsI actually know that he ripped it... in this case, he took the codde
18:43.34wpsit was my code (XHTML and CSS) verbatim
18:43.54wpsthis command...
18:43.55wps<!-- <ul> -->
18:44.07wps(changing topics)
18:44.09wpsthis command: fgrep -r "<\!-- <ul> -->" *
18:44.22wpsdang... still typed it wrong
18:44.24wpssorry, guys
18:44.35wpsthis command: fgrep -r "<!-- <ul> -->" *
18:44.47wpsreturned an error ("-bash: !--: event not found")
18:44.53wpsI assume that I need to escape the ! ?
18:44.58wpsthe "!"
18:50.21macnewboldyeah, copying comments verbatim is a really good indicator it was copied... :)
18:50.31macnewboldthere's a thing called MOSS (don't know what it stands for)
18:50.40macnewboldthat a bunch of UofU cs classes use
18:51.00macnewboldto detect cheating and copying/sharing of source code, or too much "cooperation" between students
18:51.04macnewboldit's really sweet
18:52.07macnewboldit detects variable renaming, some line reordering, etc
18:52.18macnewboldbasically, anything that produces the same program gets detected
18:52.41macnewboldbut at the same time, things that produce something that does almost the same thing, but in a different way, doesn't get detected
18:52.49macnewboldit's kinda useless though on trivial things
18:52.59macnewboldor where there's an example in the book that everyone started from :)
18:53.05macnewboldI think it's from Berkeley
18:54.11macnewboldso both the copiers were/are BYU students? do they know you personally? friends?
18:54.24wpsyes, BYU students
18:54.26wpsno, not personally
18:54.27macnewbolddoesn't BYU honor code prohibit this kind of thing?
18:54.44wpsI am aquanted with them through BYU MUG, but don't know them personally
18:55.02macnewboldwell, there's a little something you could throw in your cease-and-desist letter... :) "I'll report you to the Honor Code office"
18:55.21wpsluckily he took it straight down and it didn't have to get ugly
18:56.19macnewboldyeah. What happened with copy2 guy? or is it the same person?
18:56.29macnewboldwhat did he say when you busted him? "oh, sorry"?
18:57.22wpsthat situation was really lame
18:58.02wpsI had been helping him... for free... teaching him... and then he finally send me a URL showing me what he had put together and it was a total rip off of a site that I had done
18:58.18macnewboldso wps, how did you find out about copy.png guy's copying?
18:58.52wpsI called him on it and he said that he "was... uh... just tinkering... and learning... but that he would take it down... and would be redoing the entire site with something of his own... for the real site"
18:59.03wpsyeah, well, that was at least four months ago
18:59.07wpsand the sites still up
18:59.14wpsI sent him another message today
18:59.34wpsI found his site because I just happened to be looking at his profile on the website and followed a link to his site
19:03.09macnewboldyeah, I had a client who joined some "affiliate" program ( for their treadmill/fitness stuff, and was forced to pay them $5000 for a redesign (graphic design only, they had to implement the new design still)
19:03.22macnewboldand then later, I was talking to a guy about it, and he had worked with those guys before
19:04.00macnewboldand pointed out that the $5K design job they sold them (wasn't that great anyway, worth more like $500) was an almost identical copy of the main site of the guys running the group
19:05.46wpswhat'd he say/do?
19:19.43macnewboldnothing really... I don't remember if I even told our clients about it. But I lost what little confidence I had in the "crew" thing, and they later got rid of them.
19:20.34macnewboldapparently in the fine print was that referring affiliates got to set _6_month_ cookies, so they'd lose $100 for the affiliate referral if they'd been to any affiliate site in the last 6 months
19:20.34macnewboldit was really lame
19:20.49macnewboldcause they thought they were only paying for affiliates who send someone to our page (directly) that causes a sale
19:21.05macnewboldso they quit as soon as they could
19:41.51*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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20:05.18wpsdrewbono: you around?
20:09.19wpsgot a minute
20:09.20drewbonowps: hey
20:09.51wpsI am trying to fix something on the website
20:10.17wpsview the source on the home page
20:10.38wpssee the commented out tag, "<!-- <ul> -->" on line 132?
20:11.10wpsI have been fgrep-ing the crap out of the web tree but cannot find that code anywhere!
20:11.29wpsWould you mind doing a search and to see if you can find what file that is in?
20:11.37wps(perhaps I am not searching correctly)
20:12.53drewbonoI'll look.
20:12.59drewbonothe right nav looks messed up today.
20:13.03drewbonodid something change?
20:13.12drewbonoNot right nav, but the right-hand side.
20:13.34wpsyes, I am trying to clean up the code there
20:16.36drewbonoIt's in the db
20:16.48drewbononot sure what inputs it yet though
20:16.57wpsit's in the database?
20:20.31wpsI probably can't do what I was trying to do then... if GL is writing those tags into the database
20:20.51wpsbecause, even if we changed the code so that it stopped writing them, we would have to go and edit the entries that already existed
20:21.26wpsthat explains why I couldn't find the string though
20:22.23wpsnever mind then
20:22.27wpsthanks for taking a few minutes
20:23.50wpssite is back to normal
20:26.12wpsman, the server dragging
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20:59.12*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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20:59.44feutetejsdyeah, wps...what's up with the pokey server?
20:59.55feutetejsdyou want me to get out and push?
21:00.04wpsdon't know... but it's really slow
21:00.11wpstaking forever to just serve pages
21:02.03drewbonoNo kiddin.
21:02.03drewbonoI was noticing that earlier.
21:02.03drewbonoSooooooo slow.
21:02.46feutetejsdweird...a traceroute to it shows the last 4 hops as the same machine--, which appears to be the server itself....not sure what to make of that
21:09.53drewbonoThe server's under a super heavy load right now.
21:10.08wpswhat's it working on?
21:10.23drewbonoThe admin just got put his notice in at BYU (got a new job) and is probably copying things to/fro it.
21:10.44drewbono*just put his notice in at...
21:11.12feutetejsdis it a wimpy server?
21:11.31drewbonoIt's an old g4.

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