irclog2html for #byumug on 20050112

02:17.02*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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15:44.49*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
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16:29.06*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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16:32.01drewbonoMornin' all.
16:36.24drewbonoHow's it going? about you?
16:37.50wpswhen you coming home, drewbono?
16:37.50drewbonoI'm well.
16:37.50drewbonoJust getting ready to go to breakfast, and then the expo.
16:38.35drewbonowps: I found out today that the editors for user groups' webpages get a free media pass to macworld.
16:38.42drewbonoit lets you get in to all sorts of cool events.
16:40.55drewbono"Do not eat iPod shuffle"
16:41.22wpsfunny, huh
16:43.56feutetejsdwhile funny, you know that they HAD to put that on there because some moron is going to eat their iPod Shuffle and choke on it and sue Apple
16:45.00feutetejsdit's like they had to put signs up in on campus housing warning people that the stove may be hot....
16:46.41wpssweet... Apple changed the blue areas of the menu bar that they had going in the far left and right of Tiger betas (behind the Apple icon and the spotlight icon)
16:46.45wpsI am very happy about that
16:46.48wpsit was ugly
16:47.01wpsthe Apple is back to it's normal self and spotlight is just an icon now
16:47.03wpsmuch better
16:48.08wpsthey have really improved dashboard too
16:49.26drewbonoyou're using it?
16:49.46wpsI'm ready! Steve, here's my money! I'm ready for Tiger!
16:50.00feutetejsdupgrade price?
16:50.04drewbonostudent upgrade price
16:50.04wpsjust watching the demo movies on
16:50.07wpsacademic price
16:51.25wpsthat demo that steve did of Mail yesterday was pretty impressive too
16:51.33wpswhen you receive pictures as attachments?
16:51.35macnewboldthe next version is Tiger? Isn't that like a downgrade after a name like Jaguar and stuff?
16:52.00wpsI agree, macnewbold
16:52.05wps10.4 is good enough name for me
16:52.14drewbonowps: that was the part that crashed on Steve. :-)
16:52.26wpsand you can go into full-screen preview mode... and then decide which ones to automatically go into iPhoto!
16:52.38wpsno... is was at the beginning when he was demoing spotlight, wasn't it?'re right.
16:53.53drewbonoWhen he was importing the fotos into iPhoto it didn't work--that was it.
16:54.03drewbonoHe moved away from that topic really fast?
16:54.06feutetejsddid it crash iPhoto?
16:54.31drewbonodidn't crash it
16:54.37drewbonojust didn't put the fotos in it
16:54.51feutetejsdoh...not nearly as bad as I thought
16:54.59wpsno, nothing crashed
16:55.12wpsit still looked but, but was nothing compared to Gate's problem
16:55.17wpsGate's system actually crashed
16:55.27wpsJob's system was still running.... just fine
16:55.43feutetejsdhuzzah for OS X!!!
16:55.47wpsthe application (not sure which is was) that was trying to open the photo just froze
16:56.30wpsI would bet money that if he brought up the processes (Activity Monitor or TOP in terminal) and killed just that one that you could have moved on totally smoothly
16:56.45wpsI actually almost wish that he had just to show that OS X just keeps going
16:56.51feutetejsdand would have looked like an 00ber geek
16:57.04wpsbut... he is under time constraints during the presentation and had to move on
16:57.12wpsit was sweet how prepared he was
16:57.16wpsdid you notice what he did?
16:57.31drewbonoswitched to antoher mac?
16:57.39wpshe had at least one other mac (I bet he had three or four) running with them all connect to the same display with a switch
16:57.52wpsso he just toggled the switch to a second box and away he went
16:58.04wpsthat's thinking ahead
16:58.24wpsyou can be sure that I would have those kind of backups in place if I was doing a demo in front of the world like that though
16:58.46drewbonono kiddin
16:59.18wpsinteresting... they have changed the icons in Mail (they were still the same in the Tiger beta that I saw a month or two ago)
16:59.34wpsI want it... I want it... I want it
17:00.16wps"Wade... thought shalt not covet...                                                                                               ...anything except Apple products"
17:00.30wpssweet, I'm good
17:01.33feutetejsd.....flipping to Exodus, checking footnotes....
17:01.38feutetejsdwell, I'll be!
17:01.58feutetejsd....calling wife....
17:08.25*** join/#byumug drewbono (
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18:32.44*** join/#byumug macnewbold (~mac@
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.