irclog2html for #byumug on 20050111

01:27.41*** join/#byumug wps (
01:27.51*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
03:45.54*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
03:46.04*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
15:14.06*** join/#byumug wps (~wade@
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15:31.14*** topic/#byumug by wps -> Live MacWorld keynote coverage in #mercworld on
15:39.24*** join/#byumug philou22 (
15:39.34wpsgood morning, philou22
16:45.07*** join/#byumug midnys (
16:47.49*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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16:49.40macnewboldhi, midnys
16:58.43wpscheck this out
16:58.57wpsveeeeeery interesting
16:59.08wpsgood morning midnys
16:59.21midnyswps: good morning
17:00.12*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
17:03.01feutetejsdapple logo with today's I missing something?
17:03.57wps(the new iPod)
17:04.50wpsI think that it's dumb though. The word is that it won't have a screen, so you will only have two play options: random or straight through the play list.
17:05.15feutetejsdummmm....still don't see what you're talking about....all I see is a blue-gray background with an apple logo in the middle of the page with today's date....
17:08.02feutetejsdor do I just have a case of the Mondays....on Tuesday?
17:08.15wpsthat's all that's there
17:08.16*** part/#byumug midnys ( least I haven't lost my mind
17:08.37wpsit is just excellent confirmation of the rumors
17:09.03feutetejsdoh--I hadn't heard that rumor
17:10.19*** join/#byumug lansz_nl (
17:11.08*** join/#byumug midnys (
17:11.22wpsthe lights just went down... keynote starting!!!
17:11.48wpsdang I wish they were streaming the video
17:13.36feutetejsdare you watching a webcast, wps?
17:13.47wpsnope, none exist
17:14.00wpsbut there are several play-by-play IRC feeds
17:14.45feutetejsdI see
17:15.11lansz_nlwhere else, besides mercworld?
17:15.39lansz_nlthe joined and quitting messages are insane!
17:15.47*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
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17:28.35*** join/#byumug nallegro (
17:29.20*** part/#byumug nallegro (
17:37.19*** join/#byumug dreraserce (
17:38.46*** join/#byumug midnys ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:39.02*** part/#byumug dreraserce (
18:07.39*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
18:20.02*** part/#byumug lansz_nl (
18:21.44wpsiLife '05, available 22 Jan, $79
18:22.30cmkilgerwhat about student price?
18:22.41wpsdon't know yet
18:22.45cmkilgerI guess we'll have to wait til the store comes back up
18:22.58wpsthey are talking about iWork now
18:23.06wpssuccessor to AppleWorks
18:23.14cmkilgerwhere are you getting your information
18:23.56wps#mercworld on
18:24.01feutetejsdwps has his finger on the pulse....kinda scary actually
18:24.09wpsI think that the channel is full though
18:24.16wpsthere's nearly 1000 people in there
18:24.39wpsand everyone keeps getting booted because "Max SendQ Exceeded"
18:25.01*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
18:25.36wpshe's talking about Pages now
18:25.43wpsApple now makes a word processor
18:28.19wpsinterface is like Keynote
18:28.44wpscompletely integrated with iLife
18:32.41cmkilger$79 for iWork
18:33.17cmkilgerMac Mini?
18:34.32wpssize of an external hard drive
18:35.02cmkilger3" tall?
18:35.58feutetejsdMac Mimi? are you talking about the rumored headless sub $500 mac?
18:36.03feutetejsdwe... Mac Mini
18:36.05feutetejsdnot Mimi
18:36.18wpstwo models
18:36.34wps1.25 Ghz $499
18:36.42feutetejsdG4, I assume?
18:36.52wpsavailable 22 jan
18:37.12cmkilgerso what's the iHome?
18:37.29feutetejsdand what about the other Mac Mini model?
18:37.33cmkilgerhow much for the 1.4 Ghz?
18:37.56wps1.4 80 GB, $5.99
18:39.23cmkilgerOoh, I'm in
18:41.28feutetejsdholy smokes
18:41.43feutetejsdand again I say holy smokes
18:46.59feutetejsdso, will Mac Mini have a Combo Drive or Super Drive?
18:47.02feutetejsdor neither?
18:48.10wpscombo, I think
18:48.31feutetejsdoption for super?
18:49.02cmkilgermy guess is yes, everything else has the option
18:49.30cmkilgeriPod Shuffle
18:49.40cmkilgerLife is random.
18:50.02cmkilger1 oz
18:50.09cmkilgerthat's light
18:50.13wpsno display, but it has a click wheel
18:53.10cmkilgerI don't get this Autofill
18:53.26wpsrandomly fills iPod Shuffle with songs
18:53.57cmkilgeroh, right, it only hold 240
18:54.08cmkilgeror 120
18:54.09wps512 MB for $99
18:54.55cmkilgerwow shipping today
18:55.05wps1 GB for $149
18:56.27cmkilgerthose are awesome prices
18:56.53wpsvery smart
18:57.33feutetejsdso, iPod Shuffle is a screenless, click wheel-less iPod?
18:57.38feutetejsdwith smaller storage?
18:57.47wpsnow, has a click-whell
19:00.24cmkilgerI guess there's no Asteroid.
19:00.44cmkilgeror perhaps I've spoken too soon
19:00.54wpsthey had better update the powerbooks
19:01.56wpshot dang
19:05.57cmkilgerI can't get to the store!!
19:10.29wpsdang, no updates to the Powerbooks
19:10.49wpsThat better be coming in a few weeks.... it has been way too long since the professional laptop line has been updated
19:14.15cmkilgerwhat speeds were they before?
19:15.37wpswhat do you mean?
19:15.58cmkilgerthe powerbook speeds
19:16.14wpswhat do you mean what were the speeds before?
19:16.16wpsbefore what?
19:16.38feutetejsdbefore they didn't upgrade them, is my guess.....
19:16.45cmkilgerbecause they're 1.5 Ghz now and I don't know if they were like that yesterday or not
19:16.54feutetejsdI'm with you....when the Mac Mini outperforms my PowerBook, I'm a little chapped
19:17.03wpsexactyl, feutetejsd
19:17.19feutetejsdbut that Mac Mini is exceeding cool
19:17.20wpsI don't remember what the last step up was, cmkilger, but they haven't been updated in a long, long time
19:17.35wpsthere needs to be a 2 Ghz Powerbook, pronto
19:17.43cmkilgerbut they were at 1.5?
19:18.50cmkilgerwell I'm off to class
19:18.52cmkilgersee ya
19:19.32wpsI feel bad, but I don't understand what cmkilger was trying to say/ask
19:20.37feutetejsdI think he was just wondering the speeds before macworld
19:20.46feutetejsdof course they didn't change at macworld....
19:20.52wpsright... that's why I was confused
19:21.02feutetejsdnot sure whether he knew that
19:23.16*** join/#byumug guest_5667 (
19:23.53feutetejsdhello guest
19:24.11*** join/#byumug guest_1086 (
19:24.33drewbono_macSFAnyone home?
19:24.45drewbono_macSFThat keynote was AWESOME!
19:25.12drewbono_macSFI assume everyone's heard all the news already?
19:25.24wpswere you monitoring in an IRC channel, drewbono?
19:25.30wpswe've been busy in here
19:25.33drewbono_macSFI was monitoring the keynote. :-)
19:25.43drewbono_macSFI snuck into it.
19:25.45feutetejsdwps rules
19:25.46drewbono_macSFshhhh...don't tell.
19:25.58drewbono_macSFI'm at MacWorld.
19:26.06drewbono_macSFSitting on the expo floor.
19:26.06wpsyou're in CA???
19:26.12drewbono_macSFAt the eBay internet cafe.
19:26.12wpsholy fart
19:26.20drewbono_macSFIT WAS AWESOME!!!
19:26.23wpsI thought you decided not to go!
19:26.31feutetejsdholy smokes
19:26.34drewbono_macSFOne of the machines crashed on  Steve.
19:26.43wpsyeah, that makes me mad
19:27.02wpseverything rocked... totally stoked about all of the announcements...
19:27.06wpsonly one gripe
19:27.15drewbono_macSFno LCD on shuffle?
19:27.22wpsit is bad that they didn't release updated Powerbooks
19:27.29drewbono_macSFYeah...I know.
19:27.40wpsit is really bad that the best Powerbook is only .1 GHz better than the Mac Mini
19:27.43wpsreally, really bad
19:27.54wpsThe powerbook is no longer a "professional line"
19:28.26wpsso... I hope that the updates are coming soon
19:29.05wpsyou're right though, drewbono_macSF, this was big
19:29.10wpsvery exciting
19:29.14wpsbig stuff for Apple
19:29.22wpsPages sounds sweet
19:30.33drewbono_macSFI'm so tempted to walk over to the Apple Store and buy a Shuffle.
19:31.03drewbono_macSFI wanted to type to you guys what was going on, but my PowerBook has about 20 mins of battery life.
19:31.07drewbono_macSFI need a new one.
19:31.36drewbono_macSFthe mac mini is TINY.
19:31.51wpsyeah, that's awesome
19:31.59wpsvery good move for Apple
19:32.31wpsthere are a lot of people that would be much happier buying a new computer if they don't have to buy a new display too
19:32.31drewbono_macSFI know.
19:32.39drewbono_macSFThey're all about work domination. :-)
19:32.50drewbono_macSFDoesn't even come with keyboard and mouse.
19:32.53drewbono_macSFSuper smart move.
19:33.16drewbono_macSFIf they only made a util to easliy xfer stuff from a pc to a mac.
19:50.05drewbono_macSFwell, I'm off to play with the shuffle.
19:50.08drewbono_macSFI'll send pics.
20:29.07*** join/#byumug wps (~wade@
20:29.10*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
20:29.21wpsdang, I wish that iWork included a spreadsheet
20:33.38feutetejsdso, is it just word processing and presentation?
20:35.17wpsfor only $79 though!
20:35.25wpsthat is $20 less than keynote used to cost alone
20:36.05wpsfor only $579 you can get a mac with a word processor
20:36.49wpsfor only $679 you can now get a mac, a word processor, and an iPod
20:36.51wpsthat's amazing
20:37.13feutetejsdme likey
20:45.14wpsI said that I would not be interested in an iPod without a screen, but I might have to take that back
20:45.35wpsI hadn't thought about being able to wear it... how light it will be... for athletics (working out... running)
22:36.51*** join/#byumug guest_2062 (
22:37.11wpswelcome, guest
22:38.49feutetejsdhave we ever had a guest stick around for more than 3 minutes?
22:39.08wpsnot that I remember anyway
22:39.22feutetejsdare we offensive?
22:39.53feutetejsdoh good
22:54.13macnewboldit's feutetejsd... he smells a little, sometimes
22:54.24macnewboldafter a while, you just get used to it though
22:54.25feutetejsdamen to that
22:54.30feutetejsdand it's more than sometimes
22:54.54macnewbold(/me has never really smelled feutetejsd, especially not via IRC, that I recall)
23:13.02feutetejsdman, I'm seeing the uber-slowness starting up Stuffit that was being discussed on the mailing list too....ugly
23:14.24feutetejsdpiece o' hud
23:14.47feutetejsdis there anything out there that will open .sit files other than Stuffit?
23:18.01wpshmm... good question
23:19.00macnewboldfeutetejsd: there are unix versions of stuffit that can do it, or windows versions
23:19.11macnewboldbut nothing open source, afaik, cause it's a proprietary format...
23:19.30macnewboldon OSX you could probably get the unix version and use it from terminal or something
23:19.43feutetejsdthat's what I figured....maybe I'll give that a go. thanks, macnewbold
23:21.04feutetejsdhmmm...their download page only has Solaris and Linux versions....could be interesting...
23:27.43*** topic/#byumug by wps -> BYU Mac Users Group |
23:28.38macnewboldfeutetejsd: if you have fink or darwinports, you can probably get it there, or just use the linux version... :)
23:29.02macnewboldI would guess that when they borrowed a lot of FreeBSD it would have been desirable to take FreeBSD's linux emulation abilities as well
23:29.15macnewbold(FreeBSD can run linux binary executables)
23:29.50feutetejsdyeah....mebbe I'll give it a go
23:29.56macnewboldthe stuff and unstuff on my bsd box aren't too new, but they work:
23:30.02macnewbold> unstuff
23:30.03macnewboldunstuff 2001/06/28 15:24 - archive expander

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