IRC log for #buglabs on 20120802

03:13.03*** join/#buglabs infobot (
03:13.03*** topic/#buglabs is Bug Labs IRC Channel. New with logged, indexed goodness, thanks to Tim Riker. see here:
04:29.39*** join/#buglabs jedahan (~jedahan@subtle/user/jedahan)
07:13.01*** join/#buglabs jkridner_ (~jason@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
13:15.11*** join/#buglabs alliek (
13:18.36*** join/#buglabs haveahennessy (
13:31.29*** join/#buglabs c4milo (~c4milo@
13:39.54*** join/#buglabs jedahan (~jedahan@subtle/user/jedahan)
13:49.17*** join/#buglabs jedahan_ (
13:53.22*** join/#buglabs GNUtoo (
14:10.49*** join/#buglabs jedahan (~jedahan@subtle/user/jedahan)
14:26.13*** join/#buglabs GNUtoo (
14:41.49*** join/#buglabs kgilmer (
14:41.49*** mode/#buglabs [+o kgilmer] by ChanServ
16:25.52*** join/#buglabs alliek_ (
19:13.04*** join/#buglabs jkridner (~jason@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
20:28.29*** join/#buglabs jedahan_ (~jedahan@
21:03.41*** join/#buglabs c4milo (~c4milo@
22:40.56*** join/#buglabs jedahan_ (
23:03.22*** join/#buglabs jedahan_ (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.