IRC log for #buglabs on 20120106

00:07.56*** join/#buglabs guillaum1 (
00:13.55*** join/#buglabs poswald (
00:50.32*** join/#buglabs c4milo (
01:54.28*** join/#buglabs guillaum1 (
02:21.32*** join/#buglabs poswald (
02:42.28*** join/#buglabs c4milo (
03:44.49*** join/#buglabs jedahan (~jedahan@subtle/user/jedahan)
07:13.22*** join/#buglabs stefan_schmidt (
10:34.02*** join/#buglabs guillaum1 (
11:17.43*** join/#buglabs arun (~arun@2001:610:110:4e2:280:5aff:fe69:e130)
11:17.43*** join/#buglabs arun (~arun@unaffiliated/sindian)
11:50.36*** join/#buglabs GNUtoo (
12:49.49*** join/#buglabs guillaum1 (
14:13.04*** join/#buglabs c4milo (
15:22.31*** join/#buglabs c4milo (~camilo@
15:51.43*** join/#buglabs jedahan (~jedahan@subtle/user/jedahan)
16:15.10*** join/#buglabs c4milo (~camilo@
16:33.08*** join/#buglabs jedahan (~jedahan@subtle/user/jedahan)
19:09.50jconnollyhaveahen1essy: when you joined the apple developer program, did you pay?
19:10.05jconnollyor did you grease finsprings plams?
21:09.42*** join/#buglabs MenDin (~Win@
22:15.48haveahen1essyjconnolly: i payed
22:16.01haveahen1essywhy.. can finsprings get disconnect/freebies?
22:16.46haveahen1essygosh.. typos
23:08.06*** join/#buglabs jedahan (~jedahan@subtle/user/jedahan)
23:43.02jconnollyhaveahen1essy: not sure, just wanted to check ;D
23:46.17*** mode/#buglabs [+o haveahennessy] by ChanServ

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