IRC log for #buglabs on 20110324

01:38.14*** join/#buglabs GNUtoo|bug20 (
01:38.30*** join/#buglabs cfdisk (
01:48.01*** join/#buglabs cfdisk (~cfdisk@unaffiliated/cfdisk)
02:14.46*** join/#buglabs jedahan (~jedahan@subtle/user/jedahan)
02:40.37*** join/#buglabs jedahan_ (
03:43.35*** join/#buglabs jedahan (~jedahan@subtle/user/jedahan)
06:01.09*** join/#buglabs guillaum1 (
09:59.17*** join/#buglabs chrisw957 (
10:01.20CIA-55Bug Labs: kgilmer * r13040 /dragonfly/trunk/com.buglabs.dragonfly.ui/src/com/buglabs/dragonfly/ui/actions/ dragonfly: remove informational dialog of 2.0 project conversion. Fixes #2133
10:17.03CIA-55Bug Labs: kgilmer * r13041 /dragonfly/trunk/com.buglabs.dragonfly.ui/ (2 files in 2 dirs): dragonfly: new toolbar item for downloading app to bug. fixed #424.
11:45.35*** join/#buglabs GNUtoo|bug20 (
12:44.36*** join/#buglabs slashdevnull (
12:44.36*** mode/#buglabs [+o slashdevnull] by ChanServ
13:26.42*** join/#buglabs desenna_ (~desenna@
13:44.42*** join/#buglabs ahernandez (~xchat@
14:09.19*** join/#buglabs stefan_schmidt (~stefan@2001:638:602:1183:21f:16ff:fe0d:7d41)
14:13.57*** join/#buglabs theterg (~tergia@
14:22.35*** join/#buglabs GNUtoo|bug20 (
14:29.41GNUtoo|bug20hi stefan_schmidt
14:31.14stefan_schmidthi GNUtoo|bug20
14:31.43GNUtoo|bug20is there any news about the kernel config?
14:31.57GNUtoo|bug20also I've additional ideas
14:32.20GNUtoo|bug20basically gspca is useless without the specific modules
14:32.35GNUtoo|bug20so I propose to add all gspca modules
14:32.43GNUtoo|bug20I can test
14:32.52GNUtoo|bug20I've an old gspca webcam
14:33.12GNUtoo|bug20the advantage of that webcam is that it is tripod compatible
14:33.18GNUtoo|bug20the disavantages are huge
14:33.21GNUtoo|bug20jpeg errors
14:33.26GNUtoo|bug20and bad quality
14:42.46*** join/#buglabs grund (~grund@
14:42.46*** mode/#buglabs [+o grund] by ChanServ
15:10.26GNUtoo|bug20can we also add support for usb sound cards
15:11.12jconnolly|awaythat's in .35 now
15:11.15jconnolly|awayi can add it to .31
15:11.16GNUtoo|bug20I know
15:11.22GNUtoo|bug20that's why I ask
15:11.37GNUtoo|bug20it's in the "bloated" commit
15:11.48GNUtoo|bug20basically to add in 31:
15:12.17GNUtoo|bug20I tested and it works
15:12.20stefan_schmidtjconnolly|away, GNUtoo|bug20: you guys already figure out where to put the FB config change I guess?
15:12.26stefan_schmidtah, yes, you are doing :)
15:12.36GNUtoo|bug20without increasing the memory to graphics
15:12.42GNUtoo|bug20I just add that
15:12.45GNUtoo|bug20and I get XV
15:12.50GNUtoo|bug20since you have a camera
15:12.57GNUtoo|bug20XV is important
15:13.24GNUtoo|bug20*GSPCA needs to have some drivers, else without the driver it's useless
15:13.32GNUtoo|bug20for now there is only gspca_main
15:13.47GNUtoo|bug20*CONFIG_USB_AUDIO would be nice
15:14.12GNUtoo|bug20*I can workarround the lack of framebuffer console and someone told me it has issues
15:14.17GNUtoo|bug20altough I didn't find the issues
15:14.51GNUtoo|bug20I think that's all for now
15:15.08GNUtoo|bug20should I send a git patch
15:15.19GNUtoo|bug20I mean
15:15.21GNUtoo|bug20to bug-dev
15:16.00jconnolly|awaythat would work just fine GNUtoo|bug20
15:16.25GNUtoo|bug20ok I'll do that then
15:16.35GNUtoo|bug20should I send a big patch?
15:16.39GNUtoo|bug20or separate patches?
15:21.26GNUtoo|bug20that is to say
15:21.35jedahansend a big patch, with a patch that turns that big patch into smaller patches if we decide we need that :-p
15:21.36GNUtoo|bug20one big patch for updating the defconfig
15:21.37jconnolly|awayi forget the KB cap
15:21.56jedahanactually dont listen to what I just said
15:25.57GNUtoo|bug20jedahan, I still send the big patch?
15:26.23jedahanGNUtoo|bug20, no, ignore everything I said except for this sentence until jconnolly gets back to you with what to do
15:26.36jedahangrep -v jedahan
15:26.44jconnollyjust send a big patch GNUtoo|bug20
15:26.52GNUtoo|bug20ok thanks I'll do
15:26.58GNUtoo|bug20maybe not at once tough
15:29.48jconnollyno rush ;D
15:34.22*** join/#buglabs c4milo (~Adium@
16:16.34*** join/#buglabs guillaum1 (
17:52.47*** join/#buglabs cfdisk (
19:08.55*** join/#buglabs desenna_ (~desenna@
20:02.42*** join/#buglabs stefan_schmidt (
21:41.35*** part/#buglabs slashdevnull (
21:46.45*** join/#buglabs theterg (~tergia@
21:49.43CIA-55Bug Labs: jconnolly * r13042 /bug/trunk/com.buglabs.bug.module.lcd/com/buglabs/bug/module/lcd/ com.buglabs.bug.module.lcd: fix sysfs path for .35
22:09.28CIA-55Bug Labs: jconnolly * r13043 /bug/trunk/com.buglabs.bug.module.vonhippel/com/buglabs/bug/module/vonhippel/ com.buglabs.bug.module.vonhippel: remove +1 from slot when opening /dev node. (modlet code).
23:35.11*** join/#buglabs cfdisk (~cfdisk@unaffiliated/cfdisk)

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