IRC log for #buglabs on 20110201

00:09.11*** part/#buglabs FarMcKon (~Adium@hive76/members/farmckon)
00:30.20*** join/#buglabs c4milo1 (
00:31.15*** join/#buglabs c4milo1 (
00:39.19*** join/#buglabs jedahan (
00:39.19*** join/#buglabs jedahan (~jedahan@subtle/user/jedahan)
00:49.33*** join/#buglabs c4milo1 (
01:35.01*** join/#buglabs bballantine (
02:10.53*** join/#buglabs bballantine (
02:55.18*** join/#buglabs c4milo1 (
02:56.50*** join/#buglabs c4milo1 (
03:02.04*** join/#buglabs c4milo1 (
03:09.55*** join/#buglabs wwward (~wwward@2001:470:8955:0:c62c:3ff:fe0a:dbd6)
04:02.28*** join/#buglabs guillaum11 (
04:43.30*** join/#buglabs bballantine (
05:25.20*** part/#buglabs wwward (~wwward@2001:470:8955:0:c62c:3ff:fe0a:dbd6)
05:42.59*** join/#buglabs jedahan (~jedahan@subtle/user/jedahan)
08:40.10*** join/#buglabs jedahan (
08:40.10*** join/#buglabs jedahan (~jedahan@subtle/user/jedahan)
10:39.46*** join/#buglabs GNUtoo|laptop (
11:49.49*** join/#buglabs c4milo (
11:49.49*** join/#buglabs bug_pip (
11:49.52*** join/#buglabs Ch0lly (
11:50.24*** join/#buglabs bugvish (
11:50.24*** mode/#buglabs [+o bugvish] by ChanServ
11:50.40*** join/#buglabs jconnolly (
11:50.40*** mode/#buglabs [+o jconnolly] by ChanServ
11:51.00*** join/#buglabs grund (
11:51.00*** mode/#buglabs [+o grund] by ChanServ
11:51.07*** join/#buglabs aturley (
12:59.19*** join/#buglabs jplacerda (8258c218@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:00.09*** join/#buglabs jplacerda (8258c218@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:01.39jplacerdaHey all! Does /31 have precompiled SGX drivers?
13:17.49jconnollyno jplacerda, not to my knowledge
13:17.54jconnollythis might be a good start
13:18.55jplacerdajconnolly: that'll be why I'm having problems. Thanks, I already had knowledge of that link :)
13:36.25*** join/#buglabs guillaum1 (
14:39.21*** join/#buglabs ahernandez (
15:03.04*** join/#buglabs ahernandez (
15:03.58*** join/#buglabs desenna (
15:06.32*** join/#buglabs bballantine (~Adium@
15:21.46*** join/#buglabs cmw (
15:32.07*** join/#buglabs grund_ (~grund@
15:32.07*** mode/#buglabs [+o grund_] by ChanServ
15:32.33*** join/#buglabs theterg (
16:21.58*** join/#buglabs wwward (~wwward@128-122-170-168.DYNAPOOL.NYU.EDU)
16:32.08*** join/#buglabs jplacerda (5d598486@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:34.55jplacerdagrund: how well does the bug play with SGX?
16:37.58jconnollybugvish: how well does bug play with SGX?
16:38.29bugvisheek jconnolly jplacerda
16:38.49bugvishwe havent yet exposed that magic
16:38.51jconnollymanky, one might say
16:39.22jplacerdaFair enough.
16:39.27bugvishthey dont make it easy - there's a suite of third-party drivers they (TI) include
16:39.30bugvishonly binaries
16:39.39jplacerdaYes, I've requested those :/
16:40.18bugvishwel - let us know if they happen upon you
16:40.36jconnollyI think I may have received them
16:41.00bugvishjconnolly: the sources?
16:43.20jconnollylots of threads in oe on this
16:43.22jplacerdabugvish: I'm using the omaplfb and pvrsrvkm that you guys ship with angstrom, and am getting an oops whenever they are loaded.
16:45.05bugvishi wasnt aware that we shipped pvrsrvkm
16:46.08jplacerdaIt's under kernel/drivers/gpu/ (along with omaplfb) in angstrom rootfs
16:46.11bugvishin any case - I remember our guy from TI mentioning they dont support pvr for lower than 2.6.32
16:53.24*** join/#buglabs GNUtoo (
16:54.20thetergjconnolly: LCD screen shows mangled data, kernel sez "omapdss DPI: Could not find exact pixel clock. Requested 500
16:54.23theterg0 kHz, got 4965 kHz"
16:54.29thetergknown problem?
16:55.33jconnollytheterg: no hotpluggy on LCD.
16:55.44jconnollytheterg: hotplug LCD, /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm restart
16:56.00thetergi'm getting closer and closer to catching up on all the bug2 quirks
16:56.20jconnollytheterg: hehe I'm prepping some slides ahead of a meeting
16:56.23jconnollymy favorite part:
17:15.27*** join/#buglabs ccustine (
18:22.09jconnollythis is so radical
18:22.13jconnollyGNUtoo: ^^^
18:22.16jconnollyI'm sure you saw
18:31.02GNUtoo|laptopjconnolly, hi
18:31.29*** join/#buglabs stefan_schmidt (
18:32.18GNUtoo|laptopjconnolly, yes I was aware of the gta04 altough not about the news
18:32.27jconnollyhot hot hot
18:32.37GNUtoo|laptopI'm pragmatic and I wait to see
18:32.46GNUtoo|laptopin the meantime I do some ports
18:32.53GNUtoo|laptopand wait for the bug 2.0 to be out
18:33.18GNUtoo|laptopbasically I'm a bit tired of not having the right tools for theses ports
18:33.27GNUtoo|laptopI've no serial on most of my phones
18:33.52GNUtoo|laptopthat's often frustrating
18:34.13jconnollyI can imagine
18:34.52GNUtoo|laptopdebugging an alsa driver without knowing anything at alsa with printk is very problematic
18:35.01GNUtoo|laptopit makes you never wanting to do it again
18:35.41GNUtoo|laptopand it's hard stuff
18:35.59GNUtoo|laptopbecause even palm didn't fix it in their palm pixie
18:36.11GNUtoo|laptopanyway I'm going to fosdem
18:37.45GNUtoo|laptopI'm unsure if I should bring a bug device
18:37.54GNUtoo|laptopI've broken screens
18:38.05GNUtoo|laptopthat doesn't make a good impression
19:48.32*** join/#buglabs GNUtoo|laptop (
19:57.30*** join/#buglabs jplacerda (8258a69e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:29.52*** join/#buglabs arun_ (~arun@unaffiliated/sindian)
20:56.53*** join/#buglabs mgrundy (~grund@
21:26.26jplacerdabugvish: where does the tslib xorg module provided in the angstrom root fs come from?
21:27.19bugvishno idea
21:30.00jplacerdapourque? :p
21:31.49jplacerdaArgh, X is stuck on "waiting for X server to begin accepting connections"
21:34.26jconnollyjplacerda: /usr/lib/ipkg/info  is your friend
21:34.55jconnollyls -haltr | grep tslib or grep -i tslib
21:41.57jconnollyOE: xf86-input-tslib
21:42.02jconnollyDepends: libts-1.0-0 (>= 1.0), libc6 (>= 2.9)
21:42.02jconnollyRecommends: hal
21:42.02jconnollySource: file://use-hal-for-device.diff;patch=1 file://01_fix-wrong-value-r
21:42.03jconnollyange-for-the-axises.diff;patch=1 file://dynamic-xy.patch;patch=1 file://10-x11-input-tslib.fdi
21:45.11GNUtoo|laptopjplacerda, xf86-video-tslib
22:07.38cmwbugvish: hows it goin mate
22:08.04bugvishheya cmw
22:08.17bugvishits almost time to get-goin
22:08.20bugvishthank goodness
22:08.32bugvishhow you feelin
22:08.58cmwfeeling ok :) wait till you get aload of the 3d bug stuff
22:09.03cmwit looks like teh shitz
22:11.30bugvishwhat you got goin on?
22:34.39cmwbugvish: bug emulator in 3d :>
23:38.16*** join/#buglabs c4milo1 (
23:42.40*** part/#buglabs Ch0lly (

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