IRC log for #brlcad on 20161220

00:05.46caen23hmm... apparently bitdefender (and maybe others) mark some files from brl-cad as threats
00:05.49gcibot[WANT TO CODE? START HERE] Compile and Install BRL-CAD || 3 days || Code, Documentation || BRL-CAD || Beginner task
00:26.57*** join/#brlcad teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
00:52.59*** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
01:38.54*** join/#brlcad pkglbiclzwvqfrqd (
01:49.53*** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
03:03.38starseeker``Erik: cool!
03:06.47starseekernot sure if it's right (if the first report is supposed to be only svn commits?) but that's a neat idea
05:18.03*** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
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05:42.07*** join/#brlcad gcibot-afk (~gcibot@unaffiliated/ignaciouy/bot/gcibot)
06:55.51*** join/#brlcad KimK (~Kim__@2600:8803:7a85:6d00:48e5:c225:120a:294b)
07:00.12*** join/#brlcad ickby (
07:00.54*** join/#brlcad Apra (75c856e0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:09.11ApraI had posted a comment 2 days ago in my task but I think no one has seen it...I have just 20 minutes left for my task...Its regarding T-Shirt designing for BRL-CAD
07:36.37andromeda-galaxyApra: link?
07:37.23gcibotDesign a t-shirt for BRL-CAD || 3 days || Outreach / Research || BRL-CAD
07:37.31andromeda-galaxyApra: if you reclaim it I will extend the tim
07:38.58andromeda-galaxyApra: time added!
07:39.04andromeda-galaxyno idea why it was not reviewed for so long, sorry
07:39.24andromeda-galaxyI tend not to review the design tasks b/c I usually miss things on them (stick to more code-oriented ones). sorry!
07:39.28ApraNever mind
07:39.36andromeda-galaxy(although we have fewer of those than usual this year...)
07:39.36Apraits ok :)
07:40.16andromeda-galaxybrlcad: btw if we do not have a docker container anywhere I will create/mentor a task to set one up
07:41.30andromeda-galaxyApra: hope somebody looks at it soon ;)
07:41.57ApraYeah...even I hope the same :D
07:42.56Apraandromeda-galaxy: You were one of the grand-finalist last year...Isn't it?
07:44.09andromeda-galaxyApra: yeah, a bunch of the old students are mentoring now. I was one of the winners the last 2 years brlcad participated (2013/2014) many codeing tasks did you complete...just curious :)
07:47.02*** join/#brlcad Caterpillar (~caterpill@unaffiliated/caterpillar)
07:48.40andromeda-galaxyApra: it is hard to remember exact numbers (+ I did do some design/modelling/documentation/etc. especially during 2014). but I think probably somewhere in the 25-40 area?
07:49.10Apra25-40 tasks?
07:49.36andromeda-galaxyyeah, about that, I think
07:50.48ApraThats actually great....Its hard for me to manage that much of a time coz I having exams too but still i am trying to do my best
07:51.43Apraand, the most important is I am this enjoying open-source :D
07:51.57Apra*enjoying this
07:52.05andromeda-galaxyyeah, exams are annoying. that year I had fewer in-class exams I vaguely remember, which was nice. but yeah, the most important thing is to enjoy this and get involved!
07:53.52ApraMy aim was to complete ~20 tasks till 1st Jan...but just ~10 tasks till now
07:54.04andromeda-galaxyApra: also the contest overall does seem a little bit more low-key this year. And I feel like we haven't been doing as great a job of stocking tasks as we should be for you all to work on (I admit to not having been great about this so far...)
07:54.16andromeda-galaxysounds like a good plan
07:54.50andromeda-galaxysorry to delay you with the lack of recent review on design tasks
07:55.04andromeda-galaxywaiting for review is always a little too bad ;)
07:55.09ApraThats ohk :)
07:55.23ApraIt must be the mentors were busy too
07:56.17andromeda-galaxypresumably. thanks for the patience! btw if you want to get started doing more coding tasks I'll be around and would be glad to get you pointed in the right direction
07:58.04ApraYeah, I can concentrate upon codeing tasks, when my dad comes in the weekend coz he has the laptop and stays out of station, and my pc is quite full and slow, so it just crashes with vb
07:58.32andromeda-galaxyah, yeah. Okay, in that caes I might not be as much help since I've never built brlcad on windows
07:58.35andromeda-galaxyonly linuxes
07:58.37Apraand i dont have a free space to just dual boot ubuntu with windows
07:59.20ApraElse I had plan to make the plugins for LibreCAD 3
07:59.27andromeda-galaxyah yeah, that's hard
07:59.29andromeda-galaxytoo bad
08:00.50Aprahmm, and yeah even caen23 is there for codeing tasks for windows...he asked me to install visual studio and cmake but once again luck didn't favour
08:02.05andromeda-galaxyoh yeah, I saw that conversation. it is too bad that getting dev envs (overall) set up on windows is so difficult
08:03.06Aprajust another query the place where the comments and all are visible in doesn't reload automatically is there any fix for it?
08:05.31andromeda-galaxythe task page on the website?
08:05.40andromeda-galaxyI'm not super-familiar with the new system, so I don't really know
08:05.54andromeda-galaxy(2014 was the last year that Google used Melange for GCI)
08:06.34Apraoh...I need to click on the refresh button every time I want updates or rather press ctrl + r
08:09.56ApraTill the mentors look into my task...can you tell me whats opencl and how is it related to c?
08:11.18andromeda-galaxyso roughly,
08:11.19ApraAs I developed an interest for this task:
08:11.21gcibotConvert a single function from C to OpenCL (hyperboloid) || 3 days || Code || BRL-CAD
08:11.36andromeda-galaxyC is a programming language that you can use to write code that will be compiled to run on your computer, right?
08:11.47andromeda-galaxybut computers nowadays tends to have fairly sophisticated coprocessors, like fancy graphics cards
08:11.57andromeda-galaxy(or fpgas, or Xeon Phis or whatever, but mostly GPUs)
08:12.13ApraYeah GPUs
08:12.13andromeda-galaxyso the idea of OpenCL is that it is a language for writing code that doesn't necessarily run on the cpu like most code does
08:12.31andromeda-galaxyso you write these "kernels" in this sort of c-ish language that are compiled to be able to run on the gpu where does it run?
08:13.00andromeda-galaxybut this actually turns out to be very different from "normal" C programming because the main advantage of gpus is basically that they can do tons and tons of small operations in parallel
08:13.19andromeda-galaxyso you have to write code that does tons of stuff in parallel *and stays synchronized*
08:13.33andromeda-galaxyand to make it even worse, they usually have lots of different levels of memory available and not very much for each individual shader unit
08:13.38Apraseems challenging
08:13.43andromeda-galaxyso you have to manually deal with the memory heirarchy
08:13.46andromeda-galaxyso it's pretty annoying
08:13.58andromeda-galaxybut it can make great speedups and be a lot of fun!
08:14.06andromeda-galaxyI definitely don't want to discourage you from working on those tasks
08:15.16ApraYeah have programmed on Java for 2-3 years and now learning an outdated c++ which is taught in school(borland c++)
08:17.01ApraBasically I love programming...but when i opened up the .c file i got nervous- it was some 400+ lines i guess...though much of it were filled by comments  so just wanted to ask you about it
08:18.10ApraBut header files like raytrace.h are these library there in c programs?
08:19.42andromeda-galaxyheader files contain declarations of functions defined elsewhere.  "public"  header files like the ones in include/ are usually used basically as interfaces to other libraries, yes
08:20.16andromeda-galaxyso I am not involved with the opencl effort/that task, but looking at the sample that is provided, I don't think that you have to convert the whole 400+line file---basically just the shot/norm functions?
08:22.50ApraJust the 2 functions?
08:23.49andromeda-galaxyso like I said I am not the authority on this
08:24.08andromeda-galaxybut if you look at the ehy files that are provided, the opencl version only has ehy_shot and ehy_norm while the regular c version has a bunch of other useful functions
08:24.56Aprayeah, thats true
08:25.14Aprajust two functions in opencl
08:29.44Apracan you give me the irc nicks of the mentors?
08:30.06andromeda-galaxyso Sean is brlcad
08:30.30andromeda-galaxyI am apparently on there even though I don't know much about the task:) mentors were selected pretty much at random apart from any particular requests, I think
08:30.54andromeda-galaxyI don't have the other nicks off the top of my head
08:31.08andromeda-galaxybut probably just ask in here about the opencl effort overall and somebody working on it will show up
08:31.41Aprawhat do you think should I read some opencl tutorial?
08:31.52andromeda-galaxythat would probably be useful preparation
08:32.50Apraohkk..i would then read some of them
08:33.51Apraaren't ther any participants other than me spamming the brlcad irc page :P ?
08:34.26andromeda-galaxyyeah the irc channel has been unusually quite...
08:35.32ApraI guess its this time was it when you had been a participant?
08:35.51andromeda-galaxythe irc channel was definitely way busier
08:36.20andromeda-galaxyI feel like the contest overall for brlcad at least was somewhat busier as well. it definitely was on the code side of things, but we had more available and reasonable tasks at that time, I think
08:37.32*** join/#brlcad ickby (
08:40.49*** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~Amarjeet@2405:205:4107:1ab9:edd4:70fd:a54:fa8d)
08:41.22Aprabtw it was a nice talking you :)
08:41.31andromeda-galaxynice to talk to you also :)
08:41.57andromeda-galaxygood luck! and I hope you enjoy your student time at gci as much as I did
08:43.26Aprayeah...thanks :)
08:45.23gcibotDesign a t-shirt for BRL-CAD || 3 days || Outreach / Research || BRL-CAD
08:46.04*** join/#brlcad merzo (~merzo@
08:46.49*** join/#brlcad shivam (uid200876@gateway/web/
08:47.02*** join/#brlcad shivam_ (uid200876@gateway/web/
08:47.05shivamHii everyone
08:47.20andromeda-galaxyHi Guest41973!
08:47.55Guest41973I m new in gci.
08:48.08andromeda-galaxy(sorry wrong window)
08:48.11andromeda-galaxynice to see you!
08:49.44andromeda-galaxyGuest41973: are you working on anything in particular right now?
08:51.52andromeda-galaxyneat ;) I hope you find gci fun!
08:53.01*** part/#brlcad shivam_ (uid200876@gateway/web/
08:56.06ApraYou need to submit a .psd or .svg or any other file that you have created the t-shirt in....if you have taken pictures from internet then you might need to submit a .txt file citing its source and a .png preview of your file in the GCI page
08:56.21andromeda-galaxyApra: hmm?
08:56.56Aprasame I can help here I guess?
08:57.35andromeda-galaxyah, I see. makes sense
08:58.01andromeda-galaxyGuest41973: I am a mentor but I'm not great at reviewing/working on the design tasks, Apra is another student working on the same task
08:58.34ApraHello Guest41973 nice to meet you :)
09:23.34Apraandromeda-galaxy do you see tasks for open-scad?
09:24.16Apracoz I have made a space-ship...
09:25.16ApraI am trying to do other tasks, till my mentors are free
09:32.36*** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~Amarjeet@2405:205:4107:1ab9:edd4:70fd:a54:fa8d)
10:04.56caen23compilation on windows is actually rather straight-forward
10:05.58caen23common problems these days have been 1) some bugs on our part (but compilation proceeded and reported the errors correctly); 2) people unable to click next next to install program; and 3) some guy whose antivirus detected some files as infected :-??
10:07.02caen23the bugs, we could've done something about (i fixed them last week), and we could update the wiki article on compiling to give step-by-step instructions for windows
10:07.15*** join/#brlcad Caterpillar (~caterpill@unaffiliated/caterpillar)
10:07.18caen23i wanted to do that, but i figured it might be a good gci task
10:11.20caen23as for other coding tasks, i'm curious how many of the students who completed compilation have taken any other programming task
10:12.05caen23every time i check the task instances page, i only see "compile from source" and "design a banner"
10:15.42Apracaen23: compilation of what? brl-cad?
10:16.30caen23and i guess other projects, but i didn't try others
10:17.01caen23by the way, i checked out your task
10:17.21caen23the latest files are psds. could you send some pngs? i don't have photoshop installed
10:18.06caen23actually, no need, macos seems to be able to quick view psds without photoshop nice
10:20.55caen23Apra: if you're here, i can try to reiterate some of the feedback you got from the other mentors
10:22.30ApraYeah sure
10:22.46Aprajust a minute and i 'll be available
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10:35.08ApraSo caen23 you wanted the png...right?
10:35.36caen23i don't need it anymore
10:36.38Apraso now what?
10:36.44caen23anyway, the first problem is with your writing of BRL-CAD, both on the back and on the front
10:37.05caen23you used a shade of red that's different from the pink-ish color found in the logo
10:37.14caen23and makes it look bad its clear
10:39.30caen23second problem is with the assets (i.e. other images) you used to create your design. in your file "website.txt", you are listing direct links to the images. what we need are links to pages which contain the images and provide aditional information (such as licensing information)
10:40.35caen23so for example, if you got the image from here . we need this link, but instead, you gave us this link
10:42.38caen23if all we have is an image, we can't decide if we are allowed to use that image for marketing purposes (that is, if the author does not specifically allow you to use it, he might force you to stop making those t-shirts; we need to make sure that doesn't happen)
10:43.20ApraSo how can I get the license part?
10:44.10caen23well, you need to search for it on the website where you fond the image
10:44.59Aprai didn't get the 2nd msg s/fond/found
10:45.17caen23it was a typo
10:45.24caen23don't mind the second message
10:46.00caen23let's put it another way. how did you arrive to the image with the flags?
10:46.53ApraJust a normal image search
10:47.38Apra   In this link we can see the download option which means you can use it anywhere...right?
10:48.29caen23no, not at all. in order to be able to use it anywhere, it needs a licence which explicitly says that you are allowed to do that
10:49.12Apraoh..i didn't know that...anyways so do I need to contact the author?
10:49.25caen23for example, if you go here
10:49.39caen23you can see there's a Permission row
10:49.47caen23and it says "The copyright holder of this file allows anyone to use it for any purpose, provided that you acknowledge and The GIMP if someone asks.
10:50.11caen23that's what allows you to use it for your design, not the simple download button
10:52.02Apragot it....but for the gear file there isn't any license do I need to ask for its license?
10:54.31caen23i am not entirely sure, but i believe that the licensing information needs to be somewhere public. so an email between you two might not be enough. but i'm not sure
10:54.59*** join/#brlcad shubham_ (31cc68fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:56.53ApraJust go to this link and then inspect element
10:57.31caen23what do you want me to see?
10:57.52Aprasth like "<path d="M411.1,256c0-23.9,14.8-42.8,36.9-55.8c-4-13.3-9.3-26.2-15.8-38.2c-24.9,6.5-45-3.2-62-20.2c-16.9-16.9-22.1-37.1-15.6-62   C342.6,73.3,329.8,68,316.4,64c-13,22.2-36.4,36.9-60.4,36.9c-23.9,0-47.4-14.7-60.4-36.9c-13.4,4-26.2,9.3-38.2,15.8   c6.5,24.9,1.3,45-15.6,62c-16.9,16.9-37.1,26.7-61.9,20.2C73.3,174,68,186.8,64,200.2c22.2,13,37,31.9,37,55.8   c0,23.9-14.8,47.4-37,60.4c4,13.4,9.3,26.2,15.8,38.2c24.9-6.5,45-1.3,61.9,1
10:57.58ApraWhats it?
10:59.08caen23svg is a vector format. that is, it represents the image as a list of primitive shapes, which are generated on the fly, as opposed to a list of pixels in something like jpg or png
11:00.02Apraok...i am thinking of making this gear myself
11:01.22caen23you can give that a try
11:03.57Apraanother thing when I image search it....there comes sth called black box...and nothing comes out...give it a try
11:04.43caen23i didn't get you
11:04.45caen23what should i try?
11:04.53Apraimage search
11:05.13Apralike when you go to this link
11:05.26Apraclick right mouse button and image search
11:06.36caen23i don't have image search
11:09.55ApraSearch google for image?
11:12.04*** join/#brlcad merzo (
11:17.44Apraopen the link and then right click on the image and click on search google for image
11:18.38Apradoes google search for black box?
11:22.32caen23i don't have the menu
11:23.11caen23however, it might just search for a black pixel, which is why you get black boxes
11:23.24Apraanyways another query
11:23.48Aprai have got 2 different website which uses this gear
11:24.41ApraOmit the above link
11:25.11caen23how do you know it's the exact same gear?
11:25.34caen23even if it looks similar, some things might be a bit different
11:25.45caen23maybe it's thicker, maybe the spacing is different
11:26.03ApraYeah it can be
11:26.15caen23and even if it's the same image, if someone else uses it (without permission), this proves nothing
11:26.18caen23we still can't use it
11:26.22caen23without proepr licensing it
11:29.30ApraI think this file has a proper license...right?
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11:38.03Apraand can you give me flags of world which can be used
11:40.16caen23you'll have to find those yourself
11:43.57ApraDoes this link have any license?
11:46.34caen23it should be fine
11:48.17Apracool is the t-shirt ok?
11:50.12caen23well, apply all the changes we talked about
11:50.17caen23and submit it again
12:01.29*** join/#brlcad ickby_ (
12:09.42Apracaen23 I have fixed the colors
12:10.17Apracolors should be same?
12:10.59caen23yes, they should be the same shade as the one on the logo
12:11.04caen23the pink-ish color
12:11.13caen23you should be able to clone the color in photoshop
12:16.53caen23ok, good job on making the changes we talked about
12:17.10caen23by the way, you still need to stick the urls to the images you used in a file, and upload that to gci
12:17.21caen23you also need to upload the psd and a png preview
12:18.00Aprayeah...I am saving all the files now, waiting for your approval :)
12:18.32caen23what i would change is, i would make the brl-cad logo stick out better on the front (it currently feels crammed)
12:18.40caen23and i also don't think the elements are aligned vertically
12:19.18caen23for example on the front, the text and the gear seem misaligned to me
12:22.21Apra"elements are aligned vertically" didn't get it
12:23.50caen23i think the text "uniting the world through..." is a bit to the right, compared to the gear
12:24.11caen23their middles are not on the same axis
12:25.18*** join/#brlcad yorik (~yorik@2804:431:f720:cd8e:290:f5ff:fedc:3bb2)
12:31.22Apraok...shifted a little to the left
12:32.02caen23you shouldn't shift a little to the left
12:32.34caen23i'm pretty sure photoshop has some form of alignment guides, which should allow you to see the axis and properly align it
12:38.41caen23that doesn't look like it
12:39.20ApraThat's grid to align everything
12:39.28*** join/#brlcad amarjeet (~Amarjeet@2405:205:4107:1ab9:edd4:70fd:a54:fa8d)
12:44.34Apracaen23 is it ok?
12:45.12caen23honestly, it doesn't look ok to me, but i don't know how to bring up the guides to make it properly aligned
12:45.38caen23also, the thing about the logo being crammed still applies
12:46.20caen23but that's just my opinion, you should upload what you have and see what the other mentors have to say
12:46.34caen23i don't mean the grids you showed me, i mean the guides i am refering to
12:46.36Apralogo crammed..I didn't get you?
12:47.09caen23the logo doesn't stand out inside the gear
12:47.13caen23it's easy to overlook
12:47.37Apraok...wait let me think what could be done
12:52.28Aprahow about it now?
12:52.39Apralogo part
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12:55.35caen23seems better
12:56.50caen23although it looks misaligned as well, and did it looks like you made the logo narrower
12:56.58Apra ?
12:57.32ApraYeah do I flatten it?
12:58.09caen23yeah, i don't know, i would say submit these changes and wait for review
12:58.17Apraok :)
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13:38.38Apracaen23 I had a question that I also asked GCI launcher doesn't reload there any fix for it?
13:38.55caen23i don't know what a gci launcher is
13:38.59caen23the start page?
13:39.43Aprayep...the age where we attach files,comments and receive them too
13:41.10caen23the app is made by google, not much we could help with
13:41.47caen23i think brlcad can open a ticket, but i'm not sure the other mentors can
13:42.03Apraa ticket?
13:42.46caen23a message to let them know about this, and hopefully they'll fix it
13:43.33Apraohh...getting to learn many new terms
13:45.30caen23tickets are usually opened on a bug tracker (it does what it says it does). don't know if google has one for gci
14:10.52*** join/#brlcad kintel (~kintel@unaffiliated/kintel)
14:16.58*** join/#brlcad Matt__ (d824160e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:20.44Matt__I need help
14:20.57Matt__I am using Archer 7.26.0 and I am trying to convert the .g file to either a .stl, .step, or .iges but when using the g-stl/step/iges I receive the error invalid command name. I need to convert this file ASAP
14:22.20Matt__I have tried "g-iges -o file.iges file.g object"
14:23.00Matt__and that returns the error message "invalid command name "g-iges""
14:26.52caen23Matt__: i don't think that program is available from mged
14:27.01caen23archer* instead of mged
14:27.11caen23you need to run it from the command line
14:27.28Matt__in the cmd prompt?
14:29.42caen23also, if you go to Help > Archer Man Pages, you can see different sections on the left
14:30.06caen23MGED (mann) are available from mged, Programs (man1) are available from the command line
14:30.58Matt__I'm very new to BRL, I have only ever used Catia v5 r20 and Solidworks 14-16
14:32.07caen23yup, i was just pointing out one place where you can get help
14:34.34Matt__ok, so I used the command in CMD prompt and it syas "g-iges: No such file or directory"
14:34.56Matt__It is there and it does exist
14:35.40caen23if g-iges is in the current directory and you're not on windows
14:36.17*** join/#brlcad merzo (
14:39.17Matt__Im on windows, but I do not understand the ./g-iges?
14:40.24Matt__the CMD prompt is at C:\Users\MyName\Documents\BRLCAD 7.26.0\bin>
14:40.52Matt__then I entered g-iges -o file.iges file.g object
14:41.26Matt__that returned the error "g-iges: no such file or directory"
14:42.23Matt__underneath that it says "ERROR: unable to open geometry database file ((g-iges)"
14:43.52caen23by cmd prompt, i mean the windows cmd prompt
14:43.54caen23not mged
14:44.05caen23sorry, not archer*
14:44.29Matt__correct, I am using the windows CMD prompt, not archer or mged
14:44.46*** join/#brlcad merzo (
14:44.53caen23hmm... then maybe "g-iges"? with the quotation marks
14:47.52Matt__no luck with the quotes around g-iges
14:48.45caen23how about g-iges.exe?
14:51.01caen23ooh, actually, the command works, but the parameters must be wrong
14:52.43caen23is the path to file.g correct?
14:55.36Apracaen23 I want you to look into this:
14:55.43gcibotImport geometry from BRL-CAD to OpenSCAD, report || 3 days || Outreach / Research || BRL-CAD
14:55.56gcibotImport geometry from BRL-CAD to OpenSCAD, report || 3 days || Outreach / Research || BRL-CAD
14:56.12Apraaren't these same but 2 different tasks?
14:57.46ApraJust mentors are different :P
15:00.34caen23i think you're right should remove one of them
15:06.43caen23not really, it doesn't matter
15:07.06caen23and only the org admin can remove/publish tasks
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15:23.20Aprawhat does the org admin mean? The admin of BRL-CAD?
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15:26.26arshis there any mentor ?
15:28.22Aprayes...there are you just need to ask your question
15:31.22arshoh ! i got it . thanks
15:32.35arshcan you tell me that the one who is in the top 10 leader list ........ how many task has been done by the one who is at the last no.
15:34.00ApraI don't know...coz I am a participant
15:34.28arshand why there are only 9 students in the list instead of 10
15:36.28ApraI thought the mentors would review and select the finalists on 30th...I don't think any leader board like this exits
15:36.41Apratill now
15:37.34arshi think , may be
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15:42.28Aprabtw, how many tasks did you do?
15:44.40arshyou tell ?
15:46.23ApraIt is not the quantity that the mentors look for, they look for the quality...
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17:18.01nmz787sounds like Matt__ didn't have the BRLCAD 'bin' directory on their system/environment PATH
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17:35.05caen23nmz787: no
17:35.24caen23it launched properly, but the path to the .g file was wrong
17:36.09caen23the error messages were/are very bad tho
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17:47.42nmz787caen23: ah, now I see
17:49.06caen23nmz787: if you have the binaries, you can give it a try with a non-existent .g file
17:55.42nmz787caen23: well, i'm on linux at the moment, and it pretty obviously prints the filename which is incorrect/non-existent
17:59.30caen23uh, even on macos, i still get `g-iges: No such file or directory`
18:01.10caen23i do get the .g below as well, but the misleading g-iges error is there too
18:06.24nmz787oh, I always read error logs from bottom to top
18:06.29nmz787well, often if not always
18:07.42nmz787(in some programs I write, I sometimes even reverse the order of errors, so I can start reading from the last output of the program backwards... rather than searching for the beginning of interesting things (or warnings/errors)
19:15.01nmz787"renamed 'make_bb' mged command name to 'bb' - Cliff Yapp"  :( now I guess I need to have error-handling to provide seemless backwards compatibility
19:28.31nmz787hrmm, now it seems the bb command doesn't work :(
19:29.57nmz787I list my object, then I call 'bb' on that object, and get 3 error messages
19:31.00nmz787starseeker: any ideas? you seem to be the one who made the method rename
19:45.47Apra@nmz787 which task is this?
20:11.29nmz787Apra: it's a bug I am running into with personal projects
20:12.31nmz787and indeed, I am using 7.24.0 on my working environment
20:13.47nmz787Apra: are there unit-tests for bb (maybe they're still named with the old name, make_bb) ?
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20:31.52nmz787starseeker: I think the problem is that you didn't simply rename the command, rather, the command itself seems to have changed... bb <object name> now prints the box dimensions, while before it actually created an bounding-box object which you then listed the dimensions of
20:34.22nmz787starseeker: old usage seems to work with 'bb -c'... so my issue seems solved... but it would be nice if the docs were updated
20:35.40nmz787starseeker: i.e. add a new command on the wiki, and link to the existing old command, and link to the new command in the old command's page (
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