IRC log for #brlcad on 20140127

00:08.50*** join/#brlcad FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
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02:46.58Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:Harman052 * 6409 /wiki/Online_Geometry:
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03:21.47Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:Harman052 * 6411 /wiki/Online_Geometry/TODO: Formatting improved
03:22.23Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:Harman052 * 6412 /wiki/Online_Geometry/TODO: /* New Features */
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03:42.29Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:Harman052 * 6415 /wiki/Online_Geometry/TODO: /* Enhancements */
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14:01.28Notify03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59531 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/g-step/Assembly_Product.cpp: Set description to blank string as well to avoid step-g complaining about incomplete expressions
14:34.22Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:Harman052 * 6419 /wiki/Online_Geometry/TODO:
14:36.33Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:Harman052 * 6420 /wiki/Online_Geometry/TODO: /* Research work */
14:46.48Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:Harman052 * 6421 /wiki/Online_Geometry/TODO: /* Enhancements */
14:49.49*** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
14:58.16Notify03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59532 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/sketch/sketch_brep.cpp: We do want to duplicate trims here - avoids a crash in g-step
15:31.46``Erikstarseeker: "yalo"  lithp on bare metal x86-64
15:33.45Notify03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59533 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/eto/eto_brep.cpp: If eip->eto_C is parallel to eip->eto_N, the brep conversion routine has problems. Try the x and y vectors if eto_C is parallel - one of them should work...
16:48.46*** join/#brlcad Anaphaxeton (~george@unaffiliated/anaphaxeton)
16:48.59Notify03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59534 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Add a test for lrint - not sure yet what to do when we haven't found it...
16:49.27Notify03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59535 brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: ws
16:56.09brlcadstarseeker: ah, you beat me to it
16:56.42brlcadthat was on my to-do for today, so thanks
16:57.00brlcadI need to figure out an approach for all of them since this pattern is recurring
16:57.16starseekerbrlcad: that's just the detection - I'm not sure what to do to actually make it work
16:57.45brlcadwhat do you mean?
16:58.06starseekerI mean that test tells me when we don't have lrint, but I don't know what to do about it in libbu and friends
16:58.27starseekerif I do the define trick we have for Windows, won't it give me casting complaints?
16:58.35brlcadwe always "have it" afaik
16:58.44brlcadwe just don't always get it declared
16:59.04brlcadthat's in a category of functions that are compiliance-related
16:59.26brlcadjust a pedantic detail, windows is the only that doesn't actually have it iirc
16:59.41starseekerso, what do we do to make libbu think we have it?
16:59.48starseekeror aware we have it, I guess
16:59.57brlcadthat's what I'm working through now
17:00.11brlcadthat's the general approach I was referring to
17:00.21brlcadbecause there's at least a dozen symbols like this
17:00.25starseekeroh, I thought you were talking about the compile-source tests in CMake :-)
17:01.25brlcadcertainly related, because we need to know 1) if it's actually available (i.e., it's a function in libc), 2) whether it's declared (i.e., a header announces it) to do anything about either failing
17:02.37brlcadthe solution that should work is to just do those two tests, then make a source change to handle the case where it exists but is not declared (and if we need to, the case where it's not available)
17:06.25starseekerbrlcad: is it worth all that vs just defining bu_lrint and whatever other functions of that type we would need and calling it a day?
17:08.01starseekerpresumably if a header doesn't announce it, the intent of the system is that it not be used?
17:08.09brlcadit if were just one, perhaps
17:08.13brlcadbut there are at least a dozen
17:08.40starseekerhow many would go away once we bump to C99?
17:08.47brlcadand, no, there's no intention .. it's not announced because we requested a particular mode of compilation
17:09.07brlcadnearly all at least
17:09.29brlcadit would have maybe been an issue 15 years ago
17:09.34starseekerin that case, the wrapper functions would only be present for a short while - just until we get to C89 strict
17:09.55brlcadthen we would have needed to handle the actually-doesn't-exist case
17:10.40starseekeris dubious - it sounds to me like we're sort of breaking the C89 paradigm we're requesting to get the functions we need...
17:10.49starseekerif we do that, what's the point of C89?
17:10.54brlcadyou mean the 6-60 months it takes to actually deprecate it, rescrub sources, update calling code that might have relied on it
17:11.33brlcadI'm not looking for strict academic compliance, that does very little for us to obsess on the past too much
17:11.49brlcadwe just need some assurance that we'll work, a baseline that is good enough
17:12.11brlcadsome of the symbols are dangerous and easily won't exist, most of which we already have wrapped
17:12.17brlcadothers like lrint, not so much
17:13.13brlcadone line in cmake and three or four in a header is not so bad
17:13.24starseekerOK - I always lose these arguments anyhow, so I'll just go with it
17:13.47brlcadbut what's wrong with the alternative?
17:14.22starseekerwe'll see how it ends up looking - I don't know what you're going to have to do, so I can't visualize it
17:14.23brlcadrather aim for simplicity in our code, this gets that
17:15.03starseekerwe'll see
17:15.20brlcadalways the optimist ;)
17:15.40starseekerthinks this feels like jumping through hoops to avoid going straight for C99
17:16.26starseekerhowever, you're the expert :-)
17:16.38brlcadthis was started a LONG time ago
17:17.37brlcadif we were this close with c99, it'd feel like jumping through hoops instead of just jumping to C11
17:18.24starseekerexcept C11 isn't 14 years old ;-)
17:18.53brlcadit very well could be if we address it at the same rate that we've addressed c89
17:18.55brlcad(that's the point)
17:22.21brlcadit this all works out they way it should, our source changes will just be a few lines in a header file that won't need to change when we go to c99 or c11
17:23.15brlcadonly work will be for functions that go from not missing to missing, then we have to decide whether to change our code or implement what went away
17:23.54*** join/#brlcad Anaphaxeton (~george@unaffiliated/anaphaxeton)
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17:41.06mpictorI'm looking for a cross-platform way to recursively delete directory contents from c/c++
17:42.13mpictorlooks like I need to use nftw() on linux and osx, and SHFileOperation() on windows. or is there something simpler that will work on all 3?
17:52.35*** join/#brlcad kesha (~kesha@
18:06.34brlcadmpictor: man remove
18:07.38brlcadrather, are you looking for cross-platform traversal or cross-platform deleting?
18:11.58brlcadfor traversal, what you found should work but ... deleting recursively is rather dangerous
18:15.42brlcadI suggest keeping a manifest, and just delete your manifest .. safe, robust, and if remove() fails on a directory after you remove all your files+dirs, the user put files+dirs there
18:16.01brlcadotherwise, remove() will also remove files and dirs
18:30.01mpictorbrlcad: now that I think about it, it won't hurt anything if extra files accumulate in subdirectories of the build dir
18:30.18mpictorso I don't need recursive delete
18:34.14mpictora manifest is a good idea though, I'll keep it in mind
20:06.56Notify03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 59536 brlcad/trunk/src/lgt/do_options.c: despite its use for the now-deprecated lgt, I have implemented h and ?, using bu_optopt because '?' is the default for c
20:09.50*** join/#brlcad luca79 (
20:18.33Notify03BRL-CAD:starseeker * 59537 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/g-ap214/CMakeLists.txt: Try adding the /bigobj to the AP214 generated C++ file
20:39.41*** join/#brlcad ncsaba__ (
20:40.47ncsaba__kanzure: Hi Bryan, I just created another pull request for python-brlcad :-)
20:42.36ncsaba__this time it is actually useful stuff I think - some python syntax sugar around libwdb
20:42.54kanzurebtw i haven't merged your other work yet (well, some of it)
20:43.03ncsaba__no prob, it's independent
20:43.05kanzurebecause i am having trouble determining if there are any regressions in functionality
20:43.27ncsaba__yes, I understand, it's a complex change...
20:43.37ncsaba__I wanted it in smaller pieces but couldn't manage
20:43.38kanzure"For the windows port - for now I gave up on making it work well, librt doesn't want to work either with cygwin nor with mingw. The path problems are solved, but there is some fundamental problem somewhere in ctypesgencore which I just don't have the motivation to debug to it's end."
20:43.51kanzureif you can collect some details about the ctypesgencore issues i can take a look. i have spent some time poking around in there.
20:43.52ncsaba__yes, but that was not better before :-)
20:44.13ncsaba__I added myself librt, and it seems to only work on linux
20:44.27kanzuredid you have any trouble with macros?
20:44.31kanzurei am looking at
20:44.38ncsaba__if you scracht librt then windows installs too
20:45.05ncsaba__the windows error was something with a long long type
20:45.21ncsaba__it is not supported by ctypes, and it is supposed to be skipped by ctypesgen
20:45.27kanzurein general i am against 'from ctypes_adaptors import *' and prefer 'from ctypes_adaptors import (\n    thing1,\n    thing2,\n)' but it is a minor nitpick
20:45.28ncsaba__but somehow it manages to not skip it
20:46.10kanzurei am not really sure what a long long is at the moment (i am in python mode..)
20:46.15ncsaba__well just fix it then, it was just quicker to develop this way
20:46.30kanzurebrlcad: approximately how many crippling changes are you willing to make to brlcad to make it play nice with python/ctypesgencore? :)
20:46.32ncsaba__I don't mind, if it works :-)
20:47.02kanzure"class WDB:" btw i highly recommend always at least subclassing object, so "class WDB(object):"
20:47.04ncsaba__well have a look at the test I wrote
20:47.25ncsaba__well again: do it, I'm a python beginner still
20:47.48kanzureyep, anyway i'm fine with these changes, i'm merging
20:48.19ncsaba__the current wrapper is already allowing you to easily build the most useful geometry elements
20:48.28ncsaba__and all with python "duck typing"
20:48.49ncsaba__that was my first goal for now
20:49.12ncsaba__I can now easily script some objects, with the power of python instead of fighting with tcl
20:49.44ncsaba__I will post some real objects later, just to demonstrate what I mean...
20:49.46kanzureit's too bad that WDB.cone doesn't return the physical cone that was constructed. hrm.
20:49.50kanzureokay cool
20:49.52kanzurei like examples
20:50.17ncsaba__what do you mean by the cone ?
20:50.33kanzurewell, if i construct a cone, presumably i can have a reference to the cone that was just made
20:50.36ncsaba__in fact all objects show up well in my tests, except the hyperboloid
20:50.52kanzurelike, cone = wdb.cone(settings, whatever); cone.x = 5; cone.some_other_attribute = 5114
20:51.00ncsaba__ok, it doesn't work that way, sorry
20:51.07ncsaba__wdb is write only
20:51.08kanzure(i don't know if x would be a realistic attribute of a cone)
20:51.24kanzureoh, the actual wdb methods don't return a pointer to the objects? i didn't consider that
20:51.44ncsaba__librt will help do that
20:51.50kanzureoh it's direct write to a database file?
20:51.51ncsaba__if we go that way
20:52.21ncsaba__but that's all you need to script some geometry !
20:52.55ncsaba__I will use high level python wrappers, they are much more flexible then the internal BRLCAD structures for actually _building_ the geometry
20:53.17ncsaba__then serialize the result to a .g file, then raytrace
20:53.35kanzurei tried to make a simple python function to generate a png of the geometry, but i didn't come up with anything useful
20:53.42kanzureperhaps you will find a good way of doing that
20:53.47ncsaba__will do
20:53.51kanzure(displaying a png is of course, much easier)
20:54.17ncsaba__in fact I would settle for calling a brlcad executable and display the result :-)
20:54.35ncsaba__if there's no library call which can directly do that
20:55.15ncsaba__the best would be to be able to process the internal brlcad structures directly from python, but that's a real long road
20:55.28ncsaba__the rt library is too tied to tcl
20:56.10ncsaba__it has many features, and in this case that means lots of work till we could get any result in python with working directly with internal structures via the rt lib
20:56.29ncsaba__I had a cursory look and it's not trivial
20:56.34ncsaba__wdb was trivial
20:56.57ncsaba__except figuring out why it dumps core on "mk_arbn" :-)
20:57.22ncsaba__which in contrary to it's header, it does free the array it gets passed in
20:57.47ncsaba__then python dumps core when it tries to free that again
20:58.48ncsaba__OK, I will leave now - not sure when I'll have time again to work on this, but I'm definitely satisfied with what I got so far...
21:00.14kanzurehm, so yeah we should be able to represent the same internal structures, but i would posit that python would never have a database parser that isn't just pass-through to brlcad libs
21:01.04ncsaba__well that's the whole point of having those libs :-)
21:01.29ncsaba__but they are unfortunately off track a little bit because of the TCL stuff
21:02.15ncsaba__for python I wouldn't embed python in brlcad though, as it is done with TCL, but the other way around
21:03.06ncsaba__but for the moment I'm happy with only serializing things to BRLCAD from python high level objects, because that's exactly what I need anyway
21:03.34ncsaba__I was not much using the GUI editing features before either, but scripting with TCL - and that's a real pain
21:04.05ncsaba__I can show you some TCL scripts, they are simply unmaintainable
21:04.47ncsaba__I discovered in the meantime python for myself - and like it more and more
21:05.21ncsaba__anyway Bryan, please fix all the points you mentioned about inheriting object, imports, etc, it is definitely something I need to check out and remember for the next time :-)
21:06.25ncsaba__OK, see you later, not sure when, I'll have some busy weeks next...
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21:26.09Notify03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 59538 brlcad/trunk/src/lgt/prnt.c: noticed a duplication of G option, so I kept the 4-argument occurrence and deleted the other one
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