IRC log for #brlcad on 20121222

00:04.06*** join/#brlcad milamber (
00:57.47Notify03GCI: Melange: Modify IRC notifier output - Task Reopened  Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
00:58.14maths22Actually.  I will take a break from this task and claim another (mysql migration)
00:59.43Notify03GCI: Jacob B: Migrate ALL our MySQL databases - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
01:00.10maths22brlcad: I will need my bzflag account reactiveated to complete the task.
01:00.27maths22Also, I will need a list of database usernames and passwords.
01:52.21*** join/#brlcad Notify (
02:25.40Notify03GCI: javamonn: cmake case cleanup - Ready for review  The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
02:28.12Notify03GCI: javamonn: cmake case cleanup - Fixed it...   Yeah, I saw that earlier, I wasn't sure if it was going to cause problems. I fixed it so those aren't edited anymore, which is how it should've been in the first place. I apologize about that. But yeah, regex's are perfect for this sort of task. Let me know if there are any other problems. ...
02:55.49*** join/#brlcad brlcad_ (
03:14.31Notify03GCI: Amanda Pereira: Write a manual page for MGED's "brep" command - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
03:28.09gmercer015where can i get the documentation for bu_strcmp? i cannot seem to find it anywhere
03:43.22*** join/#brlcad milamber (
04:35.54Notify03GCI: Sean: Migrate ALL our MySQL databases - Task Assigned  This task has been assigned to Jacob B. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
04:36.04Notify03GCI: Sean: Write a manual page for MGED's "brep" command - Task Assigned  This task has been assigned to Amanda Pereira. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
05:00.44*** join/#brlcad justinjuncl (7c376cb2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:06.35*** join/#brlcad justinjun (7c376cb2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:15.13Notify03GCI: Gmercer015: Create a numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for poly.c - Ready for review  The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
05:39.30Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:RandynvbfyesjdgRasnake * 4797 /wiki/Benefits_Associated_With_Using_Liquid_Rubber_Sealan: New page: Were they given all the attention they considered necessary? Probably will of our freezes in Primary Florida only last for or even more two nights, fabric and pressboard coverings can be l...
05:47.38*** join/#brlcad simpleirc1 (~YatharthR@
06:33.37*** join/#brlcad Pupuser (
06:41.02*** join/#brlcad milamber (
07:10.02Notify03GCI: Sean W. Caldwell: Mock up new BRL-CAD website interface design (#2) - Done   Dear BRL CAD:  I'm Done.  Design 3: View in MS Word in Webpage view; was preliminary Idea  brlcad.html (12/22/2012): may not fucntion as upload messes with the coding  style.css (12/22/2012): Fuctions, unaffected by upload.  BRL CAD Website Design #3...
07:21.43Notify03GCI: Sean W. Caldwell: Mock up new BRL-CAD website interface design (#2) - Ready for review  The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
07:48.18*** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
07:51.21SkriptkidNeed someone to review my task. It's been 44 hours since submition
07:51.26Notify03BRL-CAD:jordisayol * 54113 (brlcad/trunk/misc/debian/archer.desktop brlcad/trunk/misc/debian/mged.desktop brlcad/trunk/misc/debian/rtwizard.desktop): Add mimetypes on Linux ".desktop" files
07:57.38*** join/#brlcad milamber (
08:21.08*** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
08:28.16*** join/#brlcad Pupuser (
09:48.01*** join/#brlcad YatharthROCK (~YatharthR@
10:06.07*** join/#brlcad Pupuser (
10:08.29Notify03GCI: Silvrous: Create a numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for msr.c - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
10:14.01Notify03GCI: Andrei Popescu: Create a numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for msr.c - Task Assigned  This task has been assigned to Silvrous. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
10:31.58*** join/#brlcad jasleen (~chatzilla@
10:32.35*** part/#brlcad jasleen (~chatzilla@
10:46.19*** join/#brlcad Silvrous (4f704459@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:51.49SilvrousHow should I unit test msr.c? Just check if it works without crashing? Or also test for randomness?
11:21.20*** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
11:24.58*** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~andrei@
11:45.49Notify03GCI: Alexandur Osenov: Compile BRL-CAD using Dev-C++ - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
12:09.09*** join/#brlcad chanho (7c376cb2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:10.40*** join/#brlcad YatharthROCK (~YatharthR@
12:15.00Notify03GCI: Gauravjeet Singh: Mock up new BRL-CAD website interface design (#3) - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
13:03.28*** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
13:04.33Notify03GCI: Melange: Design an MGED command spreadsheet - Initial Deadline passed  Melange has detected that the initial deadline has passed and it has set the task status to ActionNeeded. The student has 24 hours to submit the work before the task is reopened and sent back to the pool for other students to claim.
13:15.27Notify03GCI: Erik: cmake case cleanup - Still some left   a quick grep pass shows there're still a handful to be converted.  I used this command: (find . -name 'CMakeLists.txt' | grep -v '/src/other/' ; find misc/CMake -type f | grep -v '\.\(c\|in\)$') | xargs grep '^[^"#]*[AZ][\t ]*('  So at least that set needs to be updated, there may be others...
13:15.32Notify03GCI: Erik: cmake case cleanup - Task Needs More Work  One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
13:18.28brlcadSilvrous: I would expect given a specific seed to see a specific sequence of numbers result
13:19.53*** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
13:20.28Notify03GCI: Erik: Create a numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for poly.c - C file not included in patch   Only the CMakeFile.txt changes are in the patch. If you're using subversion to generate the patch, make sure you do an "svn add" to the new file before creating a diff. Please verify the patch is coherent and complete by visually...
13:20.30brlcadSkriptkid: sorry for the delay, I was hoping daniel would review it yesterday
13:20.34Notify03GCI: Erik: Create a numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for poly.c - Task Needs More Work  One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.
13:20.59Notify03GCI: Sean: Integrate new thread affinity interface into LIBBU and LIBRT - Task Closed  Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
13:21.37brlcadI'm sure more work will invariably be needed cross-platform, but you've put really good effort in
13:21.54SkriptkidBrlcad: it's ok :) thanks :)
13:21.58brlcadit's definitely one of the more comprehensive patches
13:22.11brlcadand I think you win for most patch iterations so far ;)
13:22.13SkriptkidEverything's alright?
13:22.25brlcad"good enough" :)
13:22.33brlcadhard to say alright without more testing
13:22.34SkriptkidOk :)
13:22.49brlcadand that testing usually takes days
13:23.26brlcadby the way, when you add a new file, the date ranges should be specific to that file
13:23.50brlcadyou copied some other file so it says 2004-2012, but it should have just been 2012
13:24.01brlcadminor, just fyi in case you need to do it again
13:24.17brlcadalso, the /** */ should be in the .h not in the .c file
13:24.37``Erikcaen23 == Cezar?
13:24.48caen23``Erik: yes
13:24.51SkriptkidOh, I am so sorry about those. The year, I hadn't seen and the comments I didn't know.
13:25.01``Erikgrats on the commit bit
13:25.50*** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
13:27.23brlcadSkriptkid_: that is impressive that you were able to sort through all of the issues
13:27.37brlcadgranted that is WHY there were so many iterations, I take it you haven't done that before ;)
13:27.47brlcadbut still good work
13:28.27Skriptkidbrlcad: Nope :) I've never really done any open source work. So I wouldn't work with this level of strictness. :)
13:28.52Notify03GCI: Sean: Compile BRL-CAD using Dev-C++ - Task Assigned  This task has been assigned to Alexandur Osenov. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
13:29.02Notify03GCI: Sean: Mock up new BRL-CAD website interface design (#3) - Task Assigned  This task has been assigned to Gauravjeet Singh. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!
13:29.27``Erikbrlcad: any opinions on standardizing man page section names in HACKING?
13:29.47Skriptkidbrlcad: You had mentioned something about documentation. What was it?
13:30.18SkriptkidAnything to add in docbook?
13:31.08Notify03GCI: Melange: Mock up new BRL-CAD website interface design (#2) - No more Work can be submitted  Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.
13:31.23brlcad``Erik: what do you mean? mann vs manq ?
13:31.42brlcadSkriptkid: that's the comment
13:31.48brlcadit's in the wrong file
13:31.58brlcadapi docs belong in api headers
13:32.08brlcadi'll fix that post-commit
13:32.40SkriptkidDo I have to do anything? I don't want to leave it incomlpete?
13:33.39Notify03GCI: Sean: Append CMake build flags to the end of a compile line - works with and without cache set?   Did you test with and without a previous cmake cache'd result?  I'm seeing variables getting joined together here, but it could be my older version.
13:33.47brlcadI don't think you can upload another file after a task is closed, right?
13:34.29Skriptkidone sec
13:34.35*** join/#brlcad stevenkou (~stevenkou@
13:34.48``Erikbrlcad: SYNOPSIS, EXAMPLES, etc... we were discussing EXAMPLE vs EXAMPLES the other day
13:35.23brlcad``Erik: ah, hm -- sure if someone wants to write all that down
13:35.35Notify03GCI: Erik: Enable our fbthreadtest tool for compilation - Applied with r54106   .
13:35.40Notify03GCI: Erik: Enable our fbthreadtest tool for compilation - Task Closed  Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
13:35.48brlcadI hadn't really thought about it or cared much since we hadn't even converted all existing until last week
13:35.57brlcadand there's still 135 missing
13:36.14caen23ugh, sorry i forgot to leave a comment with the commit number
13:36.59stevenkouduring the compilation of brlcad, in the zlib component, -w flag is passed to windres.exe which apparently it does not accept, is it normal or does any problem lie in the windres.exe in cygwin?
13:37.05Notify03GCI: Cezar: Fix GCC 4.8 compilation - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
13:37.44``ErikHerr Roßberg noted that if we had a standard, bringing existing pages into complience would be a good GCI task
13:39.36*** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
13:39.58stevenkouis windres.exe suppose to accept any -w flags at all? is anyone sure on this matter?
13:40.23Skriptkidbrlcad: If you sent any message, could you send it again? Connection unexpectedly closed. Sorry
13:44.28Notify03GCI: Skriptkid: Set up a Buildbot continuous integration compile slave for Mac OS X - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
13:44.42brlcadstevenkou: it sounds like it shouldn't be sending -w, whatever is sending/setting that
13:45.28Notify03GCI: Sean: Fix GCC 4.8 compilation - Task Assigned  This task has been assigned to Cezar. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
13:46.21stevenkoubrlcad: i am deducing that as windres.exe is complaining about the -w flag
13:46.39stevenkouas seen from my latest log
13:46.49stevenkou2 instance of it has occurred
13:46.59Notify03GCI: Sean: Append CMake build flags to the end of a compile line - Task Closed  Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
13:47.03*** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
13:48.37brlcad``Erik: I see that wikipedia identifies some common ones:
13:49.15brlcadwhich of course conflicts with
13:49.42brlcadw.r.t. EXAMPLE vs EXAMPLES
13:50.40stevenkoufor the errors, is there anything wrong? or is the makefile generated giving problems?
13:50.59SkriptkidCould someone please assign this:
13:52.06Notify03GCI: amitoj singh: Mock up new BRL-CAD website interface design (#5) - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
13:55.42``ErikI grepped the fbsd headers and found almost excusive use of the plural form (krb5 being the oddball)
13:58.04Notify03GCI: Chan Ho Jun: Design an MGED command spreadsheet - Ready for review  The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
13:59.49`` is linux specific, and linux has a history of being 'not quite right'
14:04.43stevenkoudoes anyone have any idea for my problem? or is there any recent revisions that would possibly affected compilation? I am currently retrying after updating to the latest revision.
14:12.52Notify03BRL-CAD:erikgreenwald * 54114 (brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/CMakeLists.txt brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/g2asc.xml): Apply patch by Yatharth Agarwal from Modified AUTHORS clause to reflect original program developers.
14:13.06Notify03GCI: Erik: Add missing documentation for any one command (#2) - Applied with r54114   .
14:13.16Notify03GCI: Erik: Add missing documentation for any one command (#2) - Task Closed  Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
14:20.22maths22£/lastlog maths22
14:23.08``Erikmaths22: there is an awesome program installed on crit called 'screen' that you might benefit from;
14:23.43Skriptkidmac slave has been setup for buildbot(unassigned task)
14:29.16SkriptkidSo could someone please assigne this to me?
14:33.15Notify03GCI: Erik: Set up a Buildbot continuous integration compile slave for Mac OS X - Task Assigned  This task has been assigned to Skriptkid. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:35.20Notify03GCI: Erik: Mock up new BRL-CAD website interface design (#5) - Task Assigned  This task has been assigned to amitoj singh. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!
14:36.44``Erikholds the mic out, drops it and walks off stage (time to work on other things)
14:37.36*** join/#brlcad chanho (7c376cb2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:38.02SkriptkidFor the buildbot mac slave task, do I have to just note down all the steps I tokk and submit it?
14:40.36``Erikand any scripts... optimally, the documentation will be complete enough that it could be written as a shell script someone can just run and be all set up
14:43.31*** join/#brlcad Alexandur (d4058960@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:43.40*** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
14:44.37AlexandurGreetings! I a little more explantion about a google code-in task --
14:44.48AlexandurGreetings! I need a little more explantion about a google code-in task --
14:49.23``Erikuse dev-c++... to compile BRL-CAD...
15:03.34Skriptkid``Erik : But there's no dev c++ for mac
15:06.25Alexandurok but should i compile it with cmake?
15:07.08Notify03GCI: Steven Kou: Compile BRL-CAD on Windows using Cygwin (attempt #2) - Help required for further progress   As I am not an expert in this program, there are something that I don't understand and therefore cannot solve the problem.  My conclusions so far are:  1. During zlib compilation, -w flag is passed to windres.exe. From my...
15:11.53*** join/#brlcad YatharthROCK (~YatharthR@
15:16.17Notify03GCI: Yatharth Agarwal: Add missing documentation for any one command (#4) - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
15:16.52Notify03GCI: Yatharth Agarwal: Add missing documentation for any one command (#4) - Claim Requested   I hope you don't mind me taking this task...
15:25.45Notify03GCI: gcking: Create numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for axis.c - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
15:30.18Alexandurhow i am supposed to compile brl-cad with dev-c++ -> 1. Open Cmake and select the compilers from dev c++ or 2. Using dev-c++ somehow?
16:02.37*** join/#brlcad Skriptkid (~Skriptkid@
16:22.30*** part/#brlcad stevenkou (~stevenkou@
16:22.59SkriptkidWhat does an SMP release refer to? A release capable of using threads? Parallel processing?
16:23.31*** join/#brlcad YatharthROCK (~YatharthR@
16:52.57YatharthROCK``Erik, Continuing yesterday's discussion, I thought IRC was based on, or rather used XMPP to transfer messages. If not why? What does it use then? Which came first?
16:53.29YatharthROCKYou know what? Don't bother answering, I'll Google it. I need to get into the habit more.
16:56.33Notify03GCI: Skriptkid: Set up a Buildbot continuous integration compile slave for Mac OS X - Ready for review  The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
17:08.43``ErikSkriptkid: that dev-c++ comment was for alexandur, not the buildbot stuff. SMP release means one built with threading support (basically everything but windows)
17:09.42``ErikYatharthROCK: irc predates jabber by quite a bit, it was the first distributed graph chat protocol, ytalk being machine to machine
17:10.24Skriptkid``Erik: Yeah, I realised that later :) Ok. And is release 54114 giving a "use of undeclared indetifierL xmlonceinit" on Mac?
17:13.35``Erikon what file/dir?
17:13.38*** join/#brlcad YatharthROCK_ (~YatharthR@
17:15.32Skriptkidline 666 and 804
17:15.51Skriptkidpthread_once(&once_control, xmlOnceInit);
17:16.07Skriptkidthis stmnt is generating that error
17:24.19``Erikreads u p
17:24.27``Erikxmltools, even, hm
17:24.46``Erikmy mac build already has xmltools from macports or something :/
17:25.55Skriptkidso I need to install a software called "xmltools"?
17:25.59``Erikas do most other developers, I'd assume. that's an interesting issue
17:26.50SkriptkidSo what can I do now? Any solution?
17:26.57``Erikwell, it sounds like a legit issue that we just all happen to miss... those come in with libxml2
17:27.34``Erikif you have macports, fink, or homebrew, installing libxml2 should bypass that issue, which may be appropriate for your task
17:28.00SkriptkidI have macports
17:28.02Skriptkidthanks :)
17:28.46``Eriknp, thanks for pointing out that issue, I'm tempted to punt and "make starseeker do it", I'm in the middle of lithp code and handling a 5yo
17:29.20Skriptkidhehe :) It's okay :)
17:29.59``Erikif you want to hold off, I'll take a 5 minute stab at fixing it
17:30.25SkriptkidOk. I'll wait. And then svn up?
17:31.01``Erikwell, chillax a few
17:31.47Skriptkidwill do
17:39.37``Erik(trying to figure out how that can be forced to trigger)
17:43.13Skriptkid``Erik: Installation of libxml isn't helping. Still spits the error
17:48.14``Erikhm, looks like it's trying to grab xsltproc to fulfill that
17:48.50``Eriklooks like macports puts that in libxslt?
17:49.14SkriptkidDidnt get you
17:49.37``ErikI thought it was libxml2, it's actually libxslt
17:49.58Skriptkidlet me try that
17:50.22SkriptkidNope. Problem persists
17:51.30Notify03GCI: Harmanpreet Singh: Create numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for axis.c - Task Assigned  This task has been assigned to gcking. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
17:52.03``Eriklame, I'm not seeing how to trigger the xmltools build on my end and lack the time to commit right now :/
17:52.52``ErikI'd think there's an issue in the build logic causing the strict flags to be turned on for that dir, they should be disabled for all src/other dirs... if you can figure that out, that'd be a solution...
17:53.01SkriptkidThere's something interesting happening. When I try to compile from my Terminal, I get this error. But when buildbot is able to compile it fine on my slave
17:53.40SkriptkidAnd the build logics are in?
17:53.53``Erikthe CMakeLists.txt files mostly
17:53.58``ErikI'll try a build with -DBRLCAD_BUNDLED_LIBS=ON
17:54.08``Erikgimme 10 minutes or so
17:54.36``Erikthe terminal might have different path info
17:55.19``Erikor the slave machine has a different configuration
17:55.26Skriptkidadd libxslt to PATH?
17:58.14Skriptkidalas, one more error on the server also. "src/libbu/bitv.c:73:1: error: extension used [-Werror,-Wlanguage-extension-token]
17:58.15Skriptkidinline unsigned int
17:59.08SkriptkidWasn't there a task to verify compilation of brlcad on OSX? Was that successful?
18:08.29caen23Skriptkid: try building a clean checkout of brlcad
18:09.56caen23if that doesn't work, edit src/other/xmltools/libxml/threads.c and search for xmlOnceInit and remove the #ifdef's surrounding it
18:10.12Skriptkidcaen23: You mean download a new workking copy and test on that?
18:11.01SkriptkidWill do that
18:11.04caen23it works for me. if you don't want to download a new copy, do the threads.c fix. let me give you mine. i also have this error when building on mac sometimes
18:12.14SkriptkidI'll edit it
18:12.33caen23replace threads.c with this one and see if the error is fixed
18:17.25Skriptkidcaen23: works now :D Thanks :)
18:17.46caen23you're welcome
18:18.04SkriptkidWould you know anything about the other error I posted above?
18:18.23SkriptkidGot that one the buildbot. But now getting it on my system too
18:19.29caen23last time i compiled, i didn't get it, but let me try
18:20.01SkriptkidGetting it on strict mode
18:20.13Skriptkidbecause it's a warning
18:20.54*** join/#brlcad louipc (~louipc@archlinux/fellow/louipc)
18:21.36caen23hmm… i think you'll have to research this one on your own :D is compiling w/ strict related to your task?
18:23.01SkriptkidMy task is to setup a Mac slave for buildbot(which is complete.) So probably I do need to test with strict on. I've been battling this error for about an hour.
18:23.36SkriptkidAnd I'm guessing it needs editing of Cmakefiles Compiler flags
18:24.07Skriptkidbecause that particular flag is not present in the list of win flags used in struct mode
18:24.14Skriptkid*strict mode
18:25.30SkriptkidBut I'll research it on my own. Need to get going now. 12 AM here. caen23 and ``Erik, thanks for your help today! :D
18:26.38Notify03GCI: Skriptkid: Set up a Buildbot continuous integration compile slave for Mac OS X - Compilation Errors   Have some compilation errors. I'll fix that. Setting up part os done.
18:28.35caen23i don't understand why you need to test with strict on. there are many warnings that have not been introduced by you, so i don't think you need to fix them all right now, but i might be missing something
18:39.09Notify03GCI: Daniel Rossberg: Add missing documentation for any one command (#4) - Task Assigned  This task has been assigned to Yatharth Agarwal. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
18:40.39Notify03GCI: Melange: Create a numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for poly.c - Task Reopened  Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.
18:40.49Notify03GCI: Gmercer015: Create a numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for poly.c - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
18:41.39*** join/#brlcad gmercer015 (
18:47.12Notify03GCI: Daniel Rossberg: Implement a primitive centroid function ... for elliptical hyperboloids (EHY) - Task Closed  Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.
19:25.08Notify03GCI: Daniel Rossberg: Create a numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for poly.c - Task Assigned  This task has been assigned to Gmercer015. You have 48 hours to complete this task, good luck!
19:42.32caen23brlcad: regarding fixing compilation w/ gcc 4.8, i get no errors
19:46.00caen23the other guy compiled with `cmake ../brlcad-svn -DBRLCAD_BUNDLED_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release`, so he didn't specify gcc 4.8. `/usr/bin/gcc` was used and i don't think he replaced the system gcc without breaking anything
19:49.12caen23and i don't think he ran `svn up` before. at 94%, with those flags, my copy builds the docs not builddelta or whatever he's building
19:58.34caen23actually, forget the last part. but otherwise, it still builds fine for me and i can't find any specific errors in his files. and i'm not sure he used gcc 4.8
20:07.40Notify03GCI: javamonn: cmake case cleanup - Ready for review  The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
20:14.52Notify03GCI: Gmercer015: Create a numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test ... for poly.c - Ready for review  The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.
20:31.09brlcadcaen23: hm, the errors in the log he provided did look like valid issues that are relatively new
20:32.02caen23brlcad: i downloaded Final.tgz and there seems to be some valid errors. but at first i used Final2 and i couldn't find much
20:35.49caen23still, the first file for the task uses gcc 4.6 on windows. then there's a Final.tgz which looks fine (i can see an actual error), but no log for cmake. and Final2.tgz, where the system gcc is used and i don't see a specific error with make, only a failure
20:59.53brlcadinteresting (unrelated quote):  "there seems to be some evidence that following variable naming conventions helps experienced programmers understand the code much quicker, while breaking these conventions leads to a severe penalty. On the other hand, inexperienced programmers seem to take about as long regardless of how the variables are named."
21:01.38caen23now i see an error inside libged/copyeval.c, but it doesn't show up when i compile (not even a warning) and the last change made to that file was 8 weeks ago
21:05.53brlcadcaen23: and you're sure you're using 4.8 (in release mode, strict enabled)
21:06.59``Erikbrlcad: there was a paper a few days ago where they were doing eye movement tracking of how an experienced developer reads code vs a new developer, interesting stuff
21:07.18caen23not release and not strict. ok, let me try this way
22:19.57Notify03GCI: Jackie: Find and Fix 10 spelling mistakes in at least 10 different files (#2) - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
22:28.16Notify03GCI: Sean: Find and Fix 10 spelling mistakes in at least 10 different files (#2) - Task Assigned  This task has been assigned to Jackie. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!
22:49.50Notify03GCI: Nikita Abraham: Find and Fix 20 spelling mistakes in at least 5 different files (#2) - Task Claimed  I would like to work on this task.
23:20.23Notify03GCI: BrendenD15: Write a "BRL-CAD Commands Quick Reference" document - Break for the holiday   Sounds good, but I won't be able to work on this again until after Christmas. I'll be busy all day tomorrow, like I was today, cleaning up the house and getting ready for Christmas. I might be a little busy Monday and Tuesday too. ;-)

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