IRC log for #brlcad on 20110528

00:22.53*** join/#brlcad kunigami_ (~kunigami@
00:29.34*** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (
07:46.39CIA-61BRL-CAD: 03Seo1 07 * r2889 10/wiki/Seo_service_-_For_starters: New page: For starters, there are a lot of great '''[ SEO services]''' provided by capable Warriors for hire in the Warriorforum that offer honest services. However, there are ...
11:06.32*** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
11:54.05*** join/#brlcad kunigami_ (~kunigami@
12:02.01*** join/#brlcad dli (
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13:49.20*** join/#brlcad epileg (~epileg@unaffiliated/epileg)
13:58.35*** join/#brlcad KimK (
14:11.07epilegstarseeker: I see that yesterday You updated the STABLE branch with v7.20.0 but there isn't a new source talball file for download
14:12.13epilegcan I upload new deb/rpm packages based on STABLE branch?
14:17.45``Erikprobably, but the official tarball should be up very soon, tuesday at the latest. If you want source builds to match the md5/sha1, might be worth holding off an actual change in the package mgmt upstream. This one might take a little more work, though, we've switched to cmake... it might be a good idea to make a tar from stable and try to update the spec/deb files to accomodate that, then tweak a little once the 'official' source is upload
14:19.15``ErikI suspect 7.20.2 will be fairly soon once we get feedback, this is a .0 release, so we kinda expect some turbulance :) give it a whack and let us know how bad it is ;)
14:25.12epilegI didn't switch to cmake the deb/rpm building process because there are some things that I'm not able to properly work
14:25.56epilegis there a way to specify the "man" dir with cmake?
14:27.13epilegis there a way to enable the pango rendering text with cmake?
14:39.38epilegalso, is there a way to set the "share" folder?
14:47.51starseekerepileg: it's not thoroughly tested, but you can try -DBRLCAD_INSTALL_MAN_DIR=... -DMAN_DIR=...
14:48.27starseekerfor share, it would be -DBRLCAD_INSTALL_DATA_DIR=... -DDDATA_DIR=...
14:48.40starseekeruh... dunno what pango is
14:49.00starseekershould clean up that project specific stuff at some point...
14:49.02epilegpango is a text rendering library
14:49.09starseekerdo we use it?
14:49.44epilegin mged, arch and rtwizard
14:50.16starseekerum.  if it needs to be specifically linked in I probably missed it the first time around
14:50.23epilegif I compile brlcad without pango dev libs in my system, resulting execs do not properly render the text
14:50.42starseekerwe don't seem to directly use it in our code
14:50.51starseekeronly grep matches for pango are in misc and sh dirs
14:51.37starseekerI'm not sure that's us directly then
14:51.54starseekerare you using system Tcl/Tk?
14:52.08epilegI don't know, i just tell You what I get
14:52.36starseekertry ldd - does mged link to libpango?
14:53.10starseekerepileg: I would suggest trying a CMake build and see what happens
14:53.23epilegnot, I build them with "./configure --enable-optimized --enable-almost-everything --with-ogl --disable-debug"
14:53.49starseekerhmm.  Might be some subtlty with how X and Tk are doing text together
14:53.51epilegI already try cmake and I get a non rendering text on them
14:54.01starseekereven with libpango installed?
14:55.06starseekerah, wait - that might be the freetype stuff with Tk - I think I might be assuming freetype for the Tk build on some platforms...
14:55.23starseekerepileg: which version of Debian is this?
14:55.49epilegldd mged
14:57.04starseekerhuh, weird
14:57.21epilegyes even with libpango installed. in the same system, using autotools, text rendering, with cmake, not text rendering
14:57.43starseekerprobably something about the Tk build then
14:58.06starseekeris depressed but not surprised
14:59.19starseekerDebian does some funny stuff
14:59.53starseekerone of the ultimate motivators for me trying Gentoo was Debian acting funny when it came to customization and settings
15:00.11starseekerGod I'd love to ditch tcl/tk
15:00.13epilegwell, I do this in Ubuntu 10.10
15:00.30starseekerk - only way I can test that is if it works in VirtualBox
15:01.25epilegwell, I always compile and create deb/rpm on virtualbox machines
15:01.40epilegwithout problems
15:04.04starseekerepileg: I don't suppose you could try the CMake build with a system Tcl/Tk?
15:05.09epilegI use exactly this:
15:05.35starseekerepileg: OK - what happens with cmake -DBRLCAD-ENABLE_OPTIMIZED_BUILD=ON -DBRLCAD-ENABLE_STRICT=OFF
15:05.49starseekerand a system tcl/tk installed
15:07.13epileggive mi time to test this
15:07.23starseekerno hurry
15:07.42starseekerI'll only be online for a little while - just post the results when you have them
15:07.47starseekerwe read scrollback
15:39.19epilegstarseeker: same result
15:39.49epilegtwo captures of the results
15:45.07starseekerhuh -
15:45.20starseekergpl and needs info to download though...
15:46.27starseekerlooks like different fonts are being used
15:47.58epilegmay be, but both compiled and installed in the same system, just different is autotools and cmake
15:48.48starseekerepileg: yeah, then my first suspicion is how Tk is being built/installed
15:49.00starseekerO.o - "Eclectic was developed by the U.S. Army TACOM"
15:50.09starseekerwell well well
15:55.33epilegI've to go
15:55.44starseekerepileg: later - thanks for trying things out!
15:56.03epilegno problem :-)
15:56.15starseekerO.O - Eclectic can import our .asc files??
16:00.53*** part/#brlcad kunigami_ (~kunigami@
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18:44.43*** part/#brlcad epileg (~epileg@unaffiliated/epileg)
21:53.49*** join/#brlcad merzo (
22:47.35*** join/#brlcad bhinesley (~bhinesley@

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