IRC log for #brlcad on 20110116

00:12.58starseekersomehow the cmake tclscripts stuff didn't get committed
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01:38.25CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42307 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/libtermlib/CMakeLists.txt: Put etc/termcap in the BRL-CAD data dir, not a toplevel etc - remains to be seen if this will work, but if it can work it's the way to go.
01:39.10CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42308 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/vfont/CMakeLists.txt: For completeness, duplicate vfont data in build tree.
01:40.58CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42309 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/tclscripts/ (17 files in 17 dirs): Gah. Committed the libtclcad change, but didn't commit any of the CMakeLists.txt files that might have made it work. Change where things are put in the build tree for tcl scripts.
04:42.29CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42310 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: For now we need Curses in the CMake build, but that needs to be fixed.
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05:29.03CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42311 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/tclscripts/geometree/CMakeLists.txt: Whoops, spelling error.
05:34.19CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42312 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c:
05:34.19CIA-29BRL-CAD: Have tclcadAutoPath look for share/brlcad/ - should have the same impact as
05:34.19CIA-29BRL-CAD: using bu_brlcad_root in the tcl scripts. This has the drawback of only allowing
05:34.19CIA-29BRL-CAD: the build dir executables to run when run from the build toplevel, so perhaps
05:34.19CIA-29BRL-CAD: the share/brlcad path should be augmented by knowledge based on the executable
05:34.19CIA-29BRL-CAD: path and the current working dir...
05:40.23CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r42313 10/jbrlcad/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Runner script now uses maven dependency plugin to construct classpath.
06:02.16CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42314 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: g2asc+asc2g of .g with colortable fails.
07:23.03CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42315 10/brlcad/trunk/
07:23.03CIA-29BRL-CAD: really can't think of a better way to do this. suggestions? still need to
07:23.03CIA-29BRL-CAD: verify, but different versions of Mac OS X use different debug symbols types and
07:23.03CIA-29BRL-CAD: are not in sync with gdb (i.e., -ggdb3 doesn't work across library boundaries on
07:23.03CIA-29BRL-CAD: 10.4). cheat and call the sw_vers command to get the system version, used that
07:23.03CIA-29BRL-CAD: to test for a debug debug flag type.
07:34.04CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42316 10/brlcad/trunk/ (BUGS src/libged/wdb_obj.c):
07:34.04CIA-29BRL-CAD: apply a fix for sf bug 3159020 reported by jra regarding asc2g's failure to
07:34.04CIA-29BRL-CAD: recognize the 'color' command. this was due to libged refactoring where 'db
07:34.04CIA-29BRL-CAD: color' was no longer valid. this fix restores the migrated commands as
07:34.04CIA-29BRL-CAD: subcommands of db, iterating over the list and running the command against the
07:34.05CIA-29BRL-CAD: current wdbp nad stashing the result. should once again be able to successfully
07:34.06CIA-29BRL-CAD: run: g2asc ktank.g new.asc && asc2g new.asc newtank.g
07:48.20CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42317 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
07:48.20CIA-29BRL-CAD: fixed asc2g color command lines. this is a fix for sf bug 3159020 reported by
07:48.20CIA-29BRL-CAD: jra where he showed g2asc + asc2g on ktank resulted in an error message. bug
07:48.20CIA-29BRL-CAD: was due to libged refactoring where 'db color' was no longer valid. the fix
07:48.20CIA-29BRL-CAD: restored several migrated commands as subcommands of db, iterating over the list
07:48.20CIA-29BRL-CAD: and running the command against the current wdbp nad stashing the result.
08:25.48CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42318 10/brlcad/trunk/src/gtools/g_diff.c:
08:25.48CIA-29BRL-CAD: seems over-complicated, simplify. just compare the first to the second, and the
08:25.48CIA-29BRL-CAD: second to the first since all we do is print both if there's a difference. fix
08:25.48CIA-29BRL-CAD: two bugs in the process, one that caught colortable changes with g2asc + asc2g
08:25.48CIA-29BRL-CAD: of ktank when there were none due to resetting the wrong found1 var to zero in
08:25.48CIA-29BRL-CAD: the found2's loop. the second was printing color commands if we're v4.
08:28.31CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42319 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
08:28.32CIA-29BRL-CAD: discovered a bug in g_diff during the testing of jra's g2asc+asc2g ktank bug
08:28.32CIA-29BRL-CAD: report on colortables. it reported differences where there were none due to
08:28.32CIA-29BRL-CAD: resetting the wrong variable. also fixed a bug printing color lines for v4, but
08:28.33CIA-29BRL-CAD: much less noticable.
08:41.16Ralithhacking machine
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15:50.20starseekerbrlcad: Can I suggest one file thing for bu_brlcad_root to try?  If a path is supplied and not found in the current dir, what about looking in bu_argv0_full_path() - bu_getprogname + ../ ?
15:51.12starseeker(i.e. if the invocation binary is /usr/weirdpath/bin/bwish, the last rule would look in /usr/weirdpath/bin/../
15:53.15starseekerthis would result in a build-dir BRL-CAD being runnable from anywhere the binary is invoked (if I'm thinking about this right) and offhand I'm not seeing how it's any more of a security problem than checking in the current dir after everything has failed.
15:53.58starseekerI'm willing to take a stab at implementing it, but wanted to run it by you first
16:17.26brlcadstarseeker: it already does that
16:17.34brlcadthird search
16:26.10starseekerbrlcad: that's only using bu_getprogname()
16:27.56brlcadnot exactly
16:31.03brlcadhm, actually you might have caught something there
16:31.12brlcadgetprogname used to return the full path
16:32.43brlcadso when the whereis search moved to a different function, bu_getprogname() isn't the right call any more
16:32.51brlcadroot is probably no longer became relocatable
16:33.01brlcadneeds some testing
16:34.41starseekerthis works for me:
16:34.43brlcadbecause what you suggest is the third (and most important) search path -- so need to verify what it's actually searching now and what that'll look like with a bu_argv0_full_path() replacement
16:35.59starseekerbu_argv0_full_path will return "." if you invoke in the same dir as the binary, which doesn't help
16:36.27brlcadthat sounds like a bug then, doesn't it?
16:36.35starseekerwas devoutely hoping so :-P
16:37.43starseekerwould be nice if I'm actually beginning to understand this...
16:38.06brlcadlike I said, have to diagnose exactly what it's doing presently before changing it in case the code is being misread
16:38.21brlcadspecifically, what that third test path looks like
16:40.07starseekerwhen I debug, it's always just the name of the program (bwish, mged, etc.)
16:43.42brlcadthat doesn't sound right
16:43.54brlcadwhat does the argv0 variable end up being?
16:44.29CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42320 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c:
16:44.29CIA-29BRL-CAD: Have bu_brlcad_root take advantage of realpath - bu_getprogname returns no path
16:44.29CIA-29BRL-CAD: information now, and so is almost completely useless for this purpose. This
16:44.29CIA-29BRL-CAD: needs more testing and may not be the final 'approved' way to get this working,
16:44.29CIA-29BRL-CAD: so it's only going into CMake branch for now, but it works in every case tried
16:44.30brlcadthe bu_find_path for search 3
16:44.30CIA-29BRL-CAD: so far for both installed and build dir.
16:44.48starseekeruh, hang on - I'll revert back and try it
16:48.40brlcadthe path searching is critical to understand and get right, not just find something that seems to work
16:50.20brlcadsounds like you have a possible fix, just needs to be validated
16:51.10brlcadone problem though, is that you've added a memory leak
16:51.51starseekerargv0 as fed to bu_find_path for case 3 when starting bwish is:
16:51.53starseekerargv0: bwish
16:54.07brlcadokay, I can see that
16:54.22brlcadnever did like that manual trimming off of the binary name
16:56.06brlcaddo you see the memory leak?
16:56.46starseekeris looking
16:57.00starseekerchecking bu_dirname and realpath to see how they work...
16:57.07starseekeror is it more obvious than that?
16:57.25brlcadalso, no need to add another array
16:58.18brlcadahh, you removed argv0
16:58.49brlcadthe localized array fits the context better since it's just for that tests
16:59.12brlcadbu_dirname returns managed memory, so yeah, that's the problem
16:59.50brlcadcan do something similar to what the previous was doing, print into argv0, free the dirname, print into argv0, free the dirname
17:00.44brlcadhave to check whether bu_argv0_full_path() is managed memory or not too
17:03.09starseekerwait, if I don't have the real_path array where did you want to return the realpath results to?
17:03.52brlcad"ahh, you removed argv0"
17:04.11brlcadso you really just renamed the array and moved it to the top of the scope
17:04.40brlcaddon't care what it's named, but probably doesn't make sense at the top scope
17:05.21starseekeroh, got it
17:05.47starseekerthink I stuck it up there 'cause of some C90 complaint about having it lower
17:06.20brlcaddude, you are too funny
17:07.01brlcadyour knowledge is getting broad enough to be dangerous but only 2 inches deep  ;)
17:07.11brlcad"some c90 complaint" heh
17:08.07brlcaddon't fall victim to cargo cult programming:
17:09.20starseekerthe specific error was forbidding mixed declarations and code
17:09.31brlcadwhich means what? :)
17:09.52starseekerI had assumed it didn't like the array being declared in the middle of the function
17:10.07brlcadwell strictly speaking, that is true
17:10.28brlcadwhy didn't it complain about the previous argv0 array then?
17:10.38starseekerit was inside an if statement
17:11.34brlcadwhich is the start of a new scope, so you just need a new scope -- which you should have again if you check your return values
17:11.47brlcador you could have manually added a new scope even
17:15.17starseekerdidn't think it made much of a difference (and I suppose if I'm honest I recall Bob moving a bunch of things to the top to make Windows happy...)
17:15.21brlcadraises another question -- is bu_dirname() or bu_argv0_full_path() capable of returning NULL?
17:15.47starseekerwill look - hang on, trying to rework to avoid the memory leak
17:15.51brlcadthey're moved to top of scopes, not arbitrary
17:16.23brlcaddeclarations after logic code will kick off an error only when compiling in strict c90 mode, which we don't so it'd even work for linux/mac
17:16.51brlcadbut now that warnings are errors, you can't ignore gcc (which was at least reporting the potential issue)
17:17.30brlcadafter curlies, even mid-function, declarations are perfectly fine
17:17.34starseekerI knew it was top of scope, I just didn't attach enough importantce to keeping the declaration close to where it was used
17:18.17starseeker(and again to be honest, declaring a new scope mid-code was not something I would have thought of...)
17:18.21brlcadlocalized data is one of the best changes c++ made
17:18.43brlcadit usually doesn't matter
17:19.44brlcadit's when they're containers for data, particularly buffers of memory, that you run the risk of reuse bugs and memory management problems
17:20.07CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42321 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: Localize the real_path var, free bu_dirname results - still need to see if bu_argv0_full_path needs memory management help.
17:21.43starseekerbu_argv0_full_path will not return null (returns "(unknown)" if the header's got it right)
17:24.47brlcadokay, the header is the contract
17:24.50brlcadso you're good there
17:25.30starseekerI don't believe bu_dirname will return NULL - it's not documented as such, but looking at the code I'm not seeing where it would return NULL
17:25.56starseekerI can check for the NULL case regardless, but perhaps bu_dirname should be guaranteed not to return NULL?
17:26.25brlcadlooks like it can to me
17:26.47brlcadmaybe at least, since it calls getprogname
17:27.14brlcadbut since it does a null check after, should fall back to (unknown) as well
17:27.28brlcadoh, dirname
17:27.43starseekerwhich ones did you ask about?
17:27.48starseekerscrolls up...
17:27.51brlcadthat's fine
17:28.46brlcadI think you're right
17:29.03starseekershould that be documented in the header then?
17:29.42brlcadlooks like the header also fails to mention memory management
17:30.24starseekeris that implied in "returns a pointer to dynamic string"?
17:30.29brlcadespecially since it deviates from dirname(2)'s behavior in that regard
17:30.35brlcadahh, yeah
17:31.09brlcadshould probably be more obvious, heh
17:31.21brlcad"Free your memoriees!!!11!"
17:34.50brlcadbu_basename is wrong!
17:35.19starseekerwhat'd I do?
17:35.20CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42322 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/include/bu.h: Clarify the documentation for bu_dirname, explicitly mention no NULL and responsibility to free memory.
17:35.35brlcadyou didn't do anything
17:35.38brlcadjust saying
17:35.45brlcadbu_basename is wrong :)
17:35.55starseekeroh, I see it
17:36.02starseekerbasename.c ?
17:37.14starseekeruh... will that work on Windows?
17:37.35starseekerexplicitly uses '/'
17:37.43starseekerisn't there a BU_DIR_SEPARATOR or some such?
17:38.38brlcadit should probably check BU_DIR_SEPARATOR, but didn't have windows to test it out on when it was being written
17:38.55starseekerah.  I take it you saw another problem?
17:39.24brlcadbu_brlcad_root looks much better now
17:40.14brlcadyou going to fix bu_brlcad_data next? :)
17:41.07brlcad(just kidding)
17:41.40starseekerwas hoping bu_brlcad_data would follow once root was behaving
17:41.58brlcaddata calls root for that case
17:42.13starseekerI see one problem with bu_basename, I think - a/ won't return a
17:42.54starseekerwill sync trunk then with the libbu cmake changes
17:43.28starseekerarguably, is a/ -> a expected?
17:43.33starseekerI suppose it is
17:44.11brlcadit's a drop-in replacement for basename(3), so it should
17:44.47brlcadI think the intent was even supporting cross-platform and no-NULL returns
17:45.13brlcadI have trouble believing that the code was originally written the way it is now..
17:46.04starseekerheh - well, since it explicitly returns NULL in once case that kinda nullfiies the non-NULL returns
17:46.29brlcadintent, not action :)
17:47.08brlcadbu_basename(NULL) is kind of weird
17:49.19brlcadbut sure enough, seems to have been originally written that way
17:49.50CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42323 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/bu.h src/libbu/brlcad_path.c): Fix the behavior of bu_brlcad_root for run-time path identification - was calling bu_getprogname, which no longer returns path information. Also expand header documentation for bu_dirname.
17:50.19starseekerbrlcad: does that fall into the user visible category?  It's kinda borderline
17:51.53CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42324 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: bu_basename() needs some love
18:00.11CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42325 10/brlcad/trunk/include/bu.h: minor rewording since the type of free matters. plus remove the warning since it conflicts with the need to free the memory.
18:00.26brlcadstarseeker: I don't think so
18:01.12brlcadit fixes a bug, but not likely one that would have been noticed, and more importantly not a bug with the default install into a specified path
18:01.23starseekerthat's what I figured
18:01.48brlcadtechnically borderline, in that sense you're right, but not practically
18:03.11starseekerby the way - there's a lot of logic in tclcadAutoPath specifically looking at either *_LIBRARY variables or hunting for tcl files - is that due to not being able to rely on the package require mechanism or are there users who actually override that stuff?
18:04.34brlcadand 3) different versions of *tcl behaving differently with how well they use auto_path, tcl var, or env(var)
18:04.57brlcadthe snippet I just added a few days ago for archer is a prime example
18:05.21brlcadtcl is ignoring auto_path AND tcl_library during "interp create"
18:05.27brlcadbut would respect TCL_LIBRARY
18:06.17brlcada bug only because it goes through really low-level init routines in tcl that bypass the usual stuff
18:06.45starseekerah - so if we did our stuff in a .tcl file that was loaded normally, we wouldn't see those issues?
18:07.09brlcadactually, for that particular case, I'm not so sure
18:07.41brlcadarcher uses sub-interpreters for some command processing, which gets tricky
18:08.27brlcadif it was system tcl, sure -- because the default low-level searching is basically looking where it was supposed to be installed
18:09.21brlcadsimilar to our bu_brlcad_* routines actually -- just it was failing to perform a few searches that their docs say it should be performing
18:09.37brlcadgood stuff:
18:09.58starseekerhah, sweet
18:11.21starseekercan we at least either ditch the tclcad_tcl_library function or rework it somehow?
18:12.06starseekerit looks like with that bu_brlcad_root fix I might be able to just use the existing logic from trunk, except for that function
18:14.13brlcadcan give it a try
18:14.20starseekerponders... hmm, I wonder if we really need those internal C calls...
18:14.38starseekerto the Tcl docs
18:16.28brlcadif mged runs and starts cleanly from a variety of installs, we're probably good -- the only thing I'd worry about is relying on 8.6 behavior for something that might not work in 8.5
18:16.37brlcadright now 8.5 is our minimum req
18:16.56brlcadupgrading that to 8.6 might take us out of some package management systems
18:18.37starseekeruh... does tclcad_tcl_library help us avoid requiring 8.6?
18:19.09starseekerhas never actually had a successful BRL-CAD run with tcl/tk 8.6, actually
18:19.19starseekers/never actually/never
18:23.01starseekerhmm, actually I may stand corrected - it's using Tcl internals, but the real trouble might have been the itcl/itk headers
18:23.15starseekerdoes some experiments in trunk
18:25.13starseekerriping out supports to see how the bridge crashes down...
19:29.52starseekeryeah, still valid concern on the use of internal functions but the build-haulting issues were due to itcl/itk header inclusion
19:31.27CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42326 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c: Tweak includes for tclcadAutoPath.c - I think this may be a version both the CMake build and autotools build can live with, but needs more testing.
19:33.10CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42327 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c: Sync tclcadAutoPath.c with trunk's version - trying to get a version both can live with/use.
20:49.34CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42328 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (17 files in 12 dirs): Update cmake branch to trunk r42327
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20:56.32CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42329 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/libtermlib/CMakeLists.txt: Put the termcap stuff where it belongs.
21:11.00CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42330 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (930 files in 930 dirs):
21:11.00CIA-29BRL-CAD: Sure as heck don't want to merge THIS change into trunk, but in principle the
21:11.00CIA-29BRL-CAD: CMake branch should be leaving a pristine tree behind it. Set all svn ignore
21:11.00CIA-29BRL-CAD: properties to empty - if I got this right we should see ANY files that appear in
21:11.00CIA-29BRL-CAD: the source branch after a build.
21:14.24CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42331 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: special thanks to jordi sayol for making 32-bit and 64-bit .deb files for release 7.18.0
21:18.36CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42332 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/enigma/ ( crypt.c enigma.c):
21:18.36CIA-29BRL-CAD: The enigma stuff from CMake should be harmless - trunk doesn't build enigma on
21:18.36CIA-29BRL-CAD: Windows, and it would need the stuff if it did - even though this isn't working,
21:18.36CIA-29BRL-CAD: it's at least a start. Sync it to bring the two branches closer.
21:20.22brlcado.O ... brlcad_config.h ?
21:20.43brlcadshouldn't ever be including that file directly
21:20.51brlcaddistcheck should have caught that
21:22.40starseekerah, my bad
21:24.10CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42333 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c: Whoops - don't include brlcad_config.h directly.
21:34.21CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42334 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (5 files in 4 dirs): Sync cmake to trunk r42333.
21:36.05CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42335 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/AUTHORS: Hmm, AUTHORS wasn't fully synced. fix
21:48.17CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42336 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/tclscripts/ (23 files in 12 dirs): Add canned pkgIndex.tcl files and tclIndex files from trunk - won't need them for CMake (if the generation routines work correctly) but trunk needs 'em.
21:51.28CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42337 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/util/pixrect.c: pixrect.c change slipped through.
21:52.15CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42338 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/libz/ (12 files): No significant differences here, but sync to avoid cluttering diffs.
21:59.20CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42339 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/libz/contrib/minizip/Makefile: Add file present in trunk
22:02.36CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42340 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/libz/contrib/iostream2/zstream.h: another minor sync from libz
22:18.41CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42341 10/brlcad/trunk/ (7 files in 7 dirs): Put iwidgets in the incrTcl subdirectory, since they're associated with that proejct.
22:21.17CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42342 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/incrTcl/ Whoops, use the variable.
22:24.00CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42343 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/ ( incrTcl/ Move itcl into the incrTcl subdir as well.
22:25.09CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42344 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/incrTcl/ change ITCLDIR to actually be the itcl dir.
22:31.34CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42345 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (6 files in 6 dirs): Grab some of the changes from trunk - incrTcl is hopelessly messed up between cmake and trunk, so will probably have to script out CMake's and put trunk's in place.
22:34.42CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42346 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/incrTcl/iwidgets/.cvsignore: stray .cvsigonre file
22:40.29RalithIs there some way to get a sketch corresponding to the intersection between a plane and a region?
22:43.36brlcadRalith: depends what kind of sketch
22:43.48starseekerum... intersect a thin arb8 with the region and use rtedge?
22:43.49brlcadyou can get a cross-section hidden-line rendering very easily
22:44.31brlcadstarseeker: curious move with iwidgets...
22:44.45starseekerit's associated with the incrtcl project on sourceforge
22:44.47brlcadthey're certainly related, but iwidgets isn't part of incrTcl
22:45.05Ralithbrlcad: I mean as in a sketch primitive
22:45.26brlcadRalith: then no, not outside of manual methods
22:45.42brlcadseparate module
22:46.01brlcadwould be like putting rt^3 underneath a brlcad checkout
22:46.10brlcadthey're related, but not in that way
22:46.31brlcadno biggie either way, just odd
22:46.48brlcadsrc/other/incrTcl is no longer the incrTcl source tarball
22:47.05starseekerour trunk incrTcl hasn't been for a long time, as understand it
22:47.11starseeker``Erik made a lot of changes
22:47.30brlcadquantify "a lot"
22:47.54starseekerI'd have to do diffs - was based on conversation with him at work about it
22:47.55brlcadwe have a, and maybe a dozen lines
22:48.04starseekerhe said he pulled stuff out of cvs
22:48.09starseekernot just the tarballs
22:48.36starseekerCMake branch does use the vanilla source - that's what prompted the itk_defines.tcl file for archer
22:48.38brlcadthat's not a lot of mods then
22:49.03brlcadsource tarball == source checkout in this particular instance, doesn't matter that the .tar.gz is out of date
22:49.11brlcadtheir code vs our code
22:49.52brlcador if it suits the conversation better, "our trunk incrTcl is no longer an incrTcl source checkout (+ our"
22:50.56brlcadlike I said, minor point, I don't care strongly on it
22:50.57starseekerso do I have your OK to make incrTcl a vanilla cvs checkout/tarball +  That's what I'd prefer to do, and then work around issues using itk_defines.tcl and the like
22:51.34brlcadthat's close to what it is now
22:51.56brlcadif it's not, sure
22:52.07starseekerI'll revert back to the original structure then
22:53.54brlcadlooking through the logs, the only recent mod I see other than our, was to make it work with tcl/tk 8.4 out of the box, 8.4 compat headers
22:54.22brlcadrequirement is since upped to 8.5, so no longer relevant
22:55.41brlcaderik's upgrade to cvs was in 2007
22:56.53starseekergiven a choice between tarballs and cvs, do you have a preference?
22:57.23brlcadunless they updated the tarball recently
22:57.58starseekernot really - 2009 for itcl
22:58.16brlcadso it's at least a tarball 2 years newer, but still 2 years behind
22:58.39brlcadnot beenmany commits since then
22:58.54starseekernope - what new work has been going on I think is in the 4.0 branch
22:58.54brlcadbut does have an updated TEA
22:59.11brlcad5 commits
22:59.35brlcadcould ask them which they recomment
22:59.37brlcadcould ask them which they recommend
22:59.47brlcadbut I suspect 4.0 is going to req. 8.6
23:00.02starseekeruses the new tclOO setup, iirc
23:01.45brlcadif it gave us some benefit, I'd say go for it .. but i'm not sure there is any yet
23:01.59brlcadby the time they're done, it might just get absorbed
23:02.35starseekerwhich, 4.0?
23:02.43brlcadhmmm... this one might need to be kept or pushed upstream:  svn log -r27960:27959 src/other/incrTcl
23:03.44starseekeryeah, I don't think we're ready for 8.6 yet
23:04.09starseekerwould vastly prefer to not be using the C itcl/itk api for the next run at 8.6
23:05.12brlcadwow .. I apparently made that change, but totall don't remember it
23:05.51brlcadthe crash I vaguely recall, and it was hard -- so should be easy to see if the patch is still needed
23:06.52starseekerhas half a notion to ditch the mess for tkpng in LoadArcherLibs.tcl and require that package require tkpng Just Work... ick
23:07.25brlcadthat's how it should be
23:07.34brlcadthe loading of the .so directly was just a halfassing
23:09.46starseekerbrlcad: do you recall if we tried to push the itcl patch upstream at the time?
23:21.27CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42347 10/brlcad/trunk/ (687 files in 19 dirs): Put iwidgets back - might as well match the incrTcl cvs project hierarchy.
23:33.06starseekermutter - looks like we still need that patch
23:33.54starseekerbrlcad: it wasn't something about the way we were doing itcl/itk logic that could be changed?
23:34.26starseekermust admit it doesn't look like it based on C patches
23:36.41CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42348 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/LoadArcherLibs.tcl: Use package require tkpng. If it's not working, let's figure out why.
23:38.42CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42349 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (6 files in 6 dirs): Put itcl/itk logic back, pull in trunk's LoadArcherLibs.tcl.
23:40.49starseekerOdd... I'm using system tcl/tk and itcl/itk here, and Archer is coming up and will bring up the preferences dialog... I think we took out the comb editor in its old form, so probably can't test that...
23:42.06starseekerah, mged
23:47.54starseekerwith system itcl/itk and tcl/tk on gentoo combination editor comes up, but of course they may be patched
23:49.08starseekerhuh, weird
23:55.01starseekerdon't see a patch specific to that issue... may be missing it
23:55.14starseekergoes on dinner run

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