IRC log for #brlcad on 20090316

01:01.10yukonbobbrlcad: re: gsoc -- we need to have a front-and-center permalink to the GSOC wiki on the main website...
01:01.39yukonbobre: mentoring -- I'd consider helping however I can...
01:09.55*** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
01:22.25brlcadyukonbob: was planning on adding a news item if we get accepted, but yeah, it would be nice to have a better more visible link
01:29.06yukonbobbrlcad: I'm -=happy=- to help however I can, if you (or anybody else) thinks I can assist.
01:31.37yukonbobmy sched is pretty booked, but, as I said, if I can help, let me know how.
01:31.51yukonbob(re: booked -- full time work :P )
01:36.24yukonbobstarseeker: fwiw, I don't think the wheel should have the 'schematics' in the background 'bleed-through' it; ie: turn the transparency in the wheel assembly off. (on my $0.02).
01:36.28yukonbob*only my
01:41.55starseekerbrlcad:  sure, one sec
01:42.35starseekeryukonbob:  there are a few ways to do it - I was going for the "fade" from design to reality
01:42.52yukonbobstarseeker: hi :)
01:42.56starseekerhowdy :-)
01:43.13yukonbobI see the fade from wireframe -> "reality", and I like it.
01:43.32starseekerlet me get the core images up for brlcad quick
01:43.33yukonbobwhat I'm talking about is the subtle "schematics" in the background showing through the "real" rim
01:43.51starseekeryou mean the moko schematics?
01:44.05yukonbobI guess so :)
01:44.16brlcadyukonbob: I'm sure you can assist (e.g., could be a backup mentor again, could work on that visible link)
01:44.30brlcadcould also work on the ideas page
01:44.40yukonbobhey brlcad :
01:44.50brlcadthat needs to be separated into two categories -- high priority and secondary (or something similar)
01:44.54brlcadhi :)
01:45.33brlcadalso could use some more items, few refactoring code cleanup tasks would be good
01:46.01yukonbobwould toss "convert bwish to a "standard wish/tlcsh loadable module"
01:46.04yukonbobinto that list.
01:46.36brlcadsure, go for it
01:49.17starseekerbrlcad:  here you go:
01:50.13starseekerlet me know if you want the non-transparent version of the tire
02:03.57yukonbobwill add to bwish to wiki list tonight, and look at organizing whole list...; am now in transit.
02:08.15brlcadstarseeker: could use a bigger tire
02:08.27brlcadyukonbob: cool, thx
02:09.08brlcadwe have to have the list finalized by noon (EDT)
02:09.23brlcadthat's when they'll review our app
02:12.18dreevesbrlcad looking at extrude.c in librt in the rt_extrude_shot function it doesn't appear to ever free the memory for the normals that are allocated in the FindRoots function...
02:17.14brlcaddreeves: not surprising, that's a bit of code that is rarely ever used
02:17.28brlcadit shouldn't be allocating memory at all
02:17.44brlcadcalling a malloc in the middle of a ray shot is very bad
02:17.46dreevesYeah that is what I was looking into just to get my feet wet
02:17.59brlcadthere's a todo entry to make it work without alloc
02:18.05dreevesI saw that on your list of things todo
02:18.10brlcadah, cool
02:19.52brlcadif anything, it could batch them or preallocate during prep, but it really would be best to avoid allocation altogether to compute the roots
02:20.32brlcadand even better still to get an arbitrary degree curve polynomial root solver into libbn
02:20.54brlcadthere is a polynomial solver in libbn, but is compile-time wired to a given max degree
02:22.00dreevesI was thinking in the prep function
02:22.44dreevesI'm thinking about it but seems like an arbitrary degree curve is what is standing in the way of getting rid of the alloc's
02:24.16dreevesobviously but I'm sure we once we know the degree of the curve we can pre allocate the memory but the problem is management of that memory that is what I'm working on right now
02:24.52dreevesI will go check out libbn
02:28.56brlcadstarseeker: never mind, took care of it
02:29.30brlcaddreeves: yeah
02:32.42brlcadalso, the solver in libbn probably isn't the right type or have the right stability conditions -- would take a bit of testing to verify its use
02:38.10dreevesYeah I assume you are talking about the root solvers in poly.c so yeah those seem to be specialized cases of root finders not somuch I can adjust the max degree then recompile...I was going to experiment with the test case of the sketch to just call to that root finder vs the one findroots just to see the impact on performance but that's ok I think I can work with the find roots
02:38.27starseekerbrlcad:  just resize, or re-render?
02:38.42brlcadstarseeker: never mind :)
02:38.59brlcadcan you repost your last version?
02:44.29starseekerof the poster? uh, one sec...
02:46.49starseekerthat one?
02:48.44brlcadyep, thanks
02:57.28*** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
03:34.55brlcadhow about this?
03:47.06*** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=madant@
03:56.04louipclooks rustic
04:11.54starseekerbrlcad:  font's a bit hard to read, but looks good
04:13.25brlcadstarseeker: which one?
04:14.03starseekerthe "Interested in 3D CAD Software?" one
04:15.01starseekerbut obviously my design chops are minimal - I would have cheerfully used the previous fonts ;-)
04:16.06starseekerI don't know how workable it is, but would it be possible to have an orange "fill color" in the link, to match the logo next to it?
04:18.20brlcadnah, that's good feedback
04:18.33brlcadhad the same inclination, but always good to hear it from others to confirm
04:18.50brlcadthat's the point of getting a critique :)
04:19.31starseekercritiquing artwork probably comes under the "net negative producer" you studied in that management class, as a rule ;-)
04:20.04starseeker's thought was that an "engineering" app should strive for a crisp, clean look...
04:20.23starseekerunfortuantely that's waaaay to easy to make into "default and boring"
04:28.28brlcadtrue, would normally go for that, but then the logo becomes even more distracting
04:28.56brlcadeasier to follow that style than fight it given it's so distinct
04:31.50*** join/#brlcad ashishrai (i=d2d43dfb@gateway/web/ajax/
04:40.40starseekerfight the good fight! ;-)
05:01.12starseekeryeah, that works better :-)
05:02.27starseekerWhat do you think about the Google Summer of Code 2009... paragraph?  does it need a non-white fill?  I'm not sure, just asking
05:23.49starseekeryeah, I like that
05:23.54starseekerthat one gets my vote :-)
05:25.12starseekerbrlcad:  should the color bar fade ins be parallel to the tire fade in, or should the light sides be on the right?
05:25.38starseekeris wondering if the left side looks "washed out" if all the fading is on that side
05:25.56starseekerwould mean the logo would be on the left though...
05:26.09brlcadit washes out if there's too much transparency
05:26.23brlcadand it's unbalanced if it's just solid
05:30.34dreevesI got rid of the memory allocation from the root find but it only increased the speed by 30% is that what you would expect? or more increase?
05:30.56starseekeryeah, I think you've got it brlcad
05:31.01starseekernice job
05:37.36brlcaddreeves: I would expect a fair bit more, but depends on how many bezier's are in the sketch
05:37.56dreevesjust 1
05:38.12dreevesIt's the sketch you attached to the tracker
05:41.00yukonbobre: solid block in gsoc poster vs. fading block (and text fill-colour): too bad it's unbalanced... that block  ("balance of poster" vs. text readability) is at odds with itself...
05:41.14dreevesI just focused on the root finder because I clocked it and it was taking about 93% of the overall time to raytrace
05:41.58yukonbobbrlcad: do you have an example of the solid block, for comparison's sake?
05:42.39yukonbobif they're both (top and bottom) solid, does the poster look "out of balance"?
05:44.13brlcaddreeves: 93% sounds about right .. that's why I'd expect more than 30% if it drops to near zero
05:47.04dreevesok drilled down into some of the funcs called from findRoots and noticed they are allocing mem to
05:47.10dreeveswill work on those
05:53.31brlcadmallocs show up as a real hot spot on the profiler if they occur during any *_shot() evaluation (even once per ray)
06:13.52yukonbobbrlcad: that looks better, imo. Here's what else I'd consider: Make the wheel assembly -not- transparent in any way; no 'bleeding' of the schematic through the wheel; the wheel simply fades across itself from wireframe to raytraced. The mask for the wheel is 100% (ie: solid) for everything that describes the wheel, but nothing that's blank. The bottom layer is the OpenMoko schematic, the middle layer are the bars&text (solid, or at least
06:15.23yukonbobThe net effect would be the wheel covers everything, the bars are more solid (making the text more readable), and the openmoko gfx is showing in all other areas.
06:15.53yukonbobthe mask for the wheel could be the image of the wheel itself, with some hand edits around the wireframe section on the left.
06:17.02yukonbobThe mask would be a completely solid blob... (ie: the holes in the rim would show white, not openmoko gfx).
06:19.19yukonbobin fact... I think I'd adjust the mask for the wireframe to move the visibility left -- it looks like some of the wireframe hits the text in the top bar
06:20.49yukonbobwould install GIMP if he wasn't in middle of re-building world
06:20.59yukonbobwhat's the due-date for this poster?
06:23.13*** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
06:24.55brlcadit's not worth spending a whole lot more time on, frankly
06:25.07brlcadbut technically, it's not "due" .. just good marketing
06:25.13brlcadafter acceptance
06:28.06yukonbobis GIMP project?
06:28.51yukonbob<-- not a photoshop person
06:39.11brlcadsome of those ideas
06:40.43brlcadnot quite as big a fan of the solid bars, though, fairly plain
06:41.20brlcadprobably would work with a really light gradient, but I think it's at a good enough point for this year
06:41.40brlcadneed to focus on the ideas list
06:46.44yukonbobI think you're right re: solid bars --- I like gradient in bottom bar of poster4, though...
06:47.03yukonbobkeeps text more readable than other gradients.
06:52.21brlcadv4 it is
06:59.20*** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
07:25.10CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34041 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/lib/ (MGEDpage.itk PictureTypeBase.itcl):
07:25.10CIA-40BRL-CAD: implement support to actually utilize the perspective mode setting (apparently
07:25.10CIA-40BRL-CAD: it was never wired up). this makes it work though there is still some quirk
07:25.10CIA-40BRL-CAD: where you sometimes need to display one of the other render 'steps' so that it
07:25.10CIA-40BRL-CAD: finds the setting.
07:27.29CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34042 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
07:27.29CIA-40BRL-CAD: implement support to actually utilize the perspective mode setting (apparently
07:27.29CIA-40BRL-CAD: it was never wired up). this makes it work though there still flimsy (need the
07:27.29CIA-40BRL-CAD: main view). this was noticed and requested by a few folks on and off the cad
07:27.29CIA-40BRL-CAD: team (gillich and various analysts iirc).
07:30.45CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1252 10/wiki/GSOC: Redirecting to [[Google Summer of Code]]
07:31.00CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1253 10/wiki/Gsoc: Redirecting to [[Google Summer of Code]]
07:31.27*** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=madant@
07:37.49CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Brlcad gsoc2009 flyer.png]]": BRL-CAD GSoC 2009 Flyer
07:40.32CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1255 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2008: add the 2008 flyer to give it some identity
07:40.58*** join/#brlcad Kamran (
07:41.06Kamranhi all
07:42.01CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1256 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2009: add the 2009 flyer
07:42.10CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1257 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: update to the 2009 flyer
07:44.37CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1258 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Flyers: start a gallery
07:46.41CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1259 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: link to the flyers page
07:46.50brlcadhowdy Kamran
07:50.56Kamrani want to work on Web-based solid geometry model repository
07:53.20CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1260 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: organize into high-priority and other
07:53.21brlcadwhat can you tell me about that task?
07:53.39brlcad(that are you ideas for it, I know what's on the ideas page)
07:56.18Kamranwe can save the geomatries in xml formats
07:56.38Kamranand then publish that xml in repository for sharing
07:59.30CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1261 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: link to the design movie for the gui task
08:00.50brlcadKamran: hm, the problem there would be that we have a format already -- introducing xml on the backend would provide very little gain and be rather cumbersome to accomplish efficiently
08:01.31brlcadthis can't be just some generic model repository, it needs to relate to our tools and formats for engineering and solid modeling purposes
08:02.27brlcade.g. if xml was going to be on the backend, i'd think STEP-XML would make a better choice than anything we'd come up with in a summer for compatibility, but that is a beast in itself (and you could probably spend all summer writing a converter)
08:03.43Kamranso how a student can achieve it using Drupal or Mediawiki?
08:04.16Kamrani think if converter is implmented that would be, it will be achieved?
08:06.03CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1262 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Web-based solid geometry model repository */ add some notes as this tends to be a hot topic
08:06.19brlcadKamran: no te entiendo
08:07.08brlcaddrupal/mediawiki just provide a plugin framework from which to work in, with the point being that it's not a fully custom system that someone has to wade through later
08:07.50brlcadthere are other options like a rails project, possibly ajax, or some other framework .. just not completely/mostly home-grown
08:08.53brlcadas for the converter, my point was that we have a compact and efficient .g file format as well as a couple dozen importers and exporters -- ideally, models could be automatically stored and converted between the various supported formats
08:10.07Kamranif i have to work on this web-based repository, i have to patach the repository or not?
08:12.41brlcadpatch the repository?
08:12.43CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1263 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Additional Projects */ all is not lost.
08:13.02brlcadyou're making a repository .. it's a matter of what goes into the repository and how you store things
08:13.13*** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
08:18.45CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1264 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: add difficulties
08:19.59brlcadKamran: brl-cad is a collection of more than 400 tools, to suggest a model repository, your proposal should reference which tools you will be using and how -- I'd suggest checking out the source code and reading HACKING and src/README for starters (there's a section on the various dirs)
08:34.09CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1265 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: add a bug-fix task and annotate the 2008 projects
08:48.52CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1266 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: merge mged and archer
08:54.33CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1267 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* CSG evaluation of Boundary Representations */ boole and esolid
08:58.30CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1268 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Geometry database (i.e. ".g" file format) enhancements */
08:59.37CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1269 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: swap
09:09.11CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1270 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: implict to explicit brep support
09:21.42CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1271 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: fixed precision project
10:03.42*** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
10:26.37madant_brlcad: nice fonts ;)
10:28.22madant_starseeker: :) I like the poster
10:54.41CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Homovulgaris 07 * r1272 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Constraints and Parametrics */ Short Introduction added
11:22.21*** join/#brlcad Kamran (
11:39.42*** join/#brlcad archivist (
12:49.51*** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
13:02.46starseekermadant_:  thanks :-)
13:03.03starseekerbrlcad pulled it together
13:03.19starseekerjust took some screenshots and blended 'em
13:16.49*** join/#brlcad ashishrai (i=d2d43dfb@gateway/web/ajax/
13:42.22*** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
14:39.18CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1273 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: AquaTk MGED
14:41.00CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1274 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Additional Projects */
14:49.31CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1275 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: add initial mentor list
14:50.01CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1276 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Mentors */
14:52.45CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1277 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* High Priority Projects */
14:54.47CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1278 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: move mentors to the end
14:55.57CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1279 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: don't link to contact page, requires login
14:57.54CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1280 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2009: /* Getting started */ don't be redundant
14:59.23CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1281 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2009: /* Getting started */
15:00.49CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1282 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2009: /* Getting started */ reword
15:03.42CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1283 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: /* Previous years BRL-CAD has participated */
15:09.16CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r1284 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: link both posters
15:56.38*** join/#brlcad dreeves2 (
16:02.03*** join/#brlcad cad33 (
16:16.26starseekerbrlcad:  any idea when they'll announce the projects chosen?
16:17.47d-lo18th I thought....
16:20.14ashishraihey !! where are the project ideas for BRL-CAD - can u please give the specific link :)
16:20.21ashishraifor GSoC
16:21.36ashishraistarseeker: thanks :)
16:21.39starseekerremember though, selected orgs aren't known yet
16:22.07ashishraibrlcad will be :)
16:22.21brlcadashishrai: it's not guaranteed
16:22.41brlcadprobably 80/20 chances
16:23.02ashishraii just hope so
17:01.02*** join/#brlcad samrose (
17:01.13*** join/#brlcad madant_ (n=madant@
17:07.11tedcxHow do we get rid of jaggies in the renderings?
17:07.44starseekeruh... higher resolution render?
17:07.57starseekerdepends on whether it's a geometry issue
17:09.46brlcadtedcx: you can either turn on jittering (e.g. -j8) or increase your render size and scale down (recommended) or both (for best quality)
17:13.12tedcxis jittering "dithering"?
17:15.55brlcadnormally when you render an image, rays are fired in the exact center of a given pixel
17:16.10brlcadjittering has it fire randomly within the pixel to avoid aliasing artifacts
17:17.49brlcad-j8 means fire 8 random rays and it then picks the most consistent result (doesn't average/smooth the values still for various reasons)
17:18.26brlcadthinks there needs to be a jitter-style option that does averaging
17:21.08CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34043 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: implement a jitter-style averaging option for rt
17:25.48tedcxand are the "framebuffers" just that or does the "ogl" really write ogl to whatever graphics card you happen to have?
17:31.57starseekerglares as rt enters some kind of colorview loop
17:37.06brlcadtedcx: the framebuffer type is a framebuffer communications layer detail, just what protocol it talks to the framebuffer with
17:37.27brlcadall the framebuffers are raster contexts, the display managers are 3D contexts
17:38.22brlcadso the ogl framebuffer does end up making OpenGL calls to on an OpenGL context, but that doesn't mean it's 3D data that you can spin around (because it's a framebuffer, i.e., a raster image display)
17:44.49brlcadnice quote.. "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it."
17:44.53brlcadfrom Kernigan
17:45.10brlcador this one, Einstein: "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
17:47.13brlcadhah, fantastic...  "The end is the same for everybody. We're all worm food."
17:48.04archivistwas Kernigan responsible for the index entry for recursion in the C book
17:48.47archivistwhich of course points to the index page
17:48.47``Erikrecursion: see recursion. ?
17:49.35archivistindex at back og the second edition
17:49.52brlcadthis must be cool quote day
17:49.55brlcad"If you need to cut, there's no tool as good as a sharp knife. If you need to turn a screw, a sharp knife probably isn't the right tool. If you have a guy who's a sharp knife, and you're using him to turn screws, maybe the problem isn't him. Maybe the problem is you."
17:50.39``Erikcool, where's that from?
17:51.25louipcthat is a good one
17:51.31brlcadrandom /. user quote
18:03.01starseekerhmm -  "imperfection is the greatness of man"
18:03.20starseekernot sure if it makes sense, but it sounds deep
18:13.52*** join/#brlcad madant (n=madant@
18:30.35bjorkintoshayn rand will strongly disagree.
18:32.40CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r34044 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gqa.c: Added code to free rtip.
18:51.49*** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
20:05.57*** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
21:22.38starseekeris mildly bemused by the slashdot discussion of quirky programmers
21:29.32*** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
21:41.21CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r34045 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/README: Add a few notes on the current state of the STEP libraries. Since things are now passing distcheck, pass the baton over to the 'make functionality fixes and develop new functionality' folk.
21:48.24*** join/#brlcad cad63 (
22:58.40bjorkintoshthere's another type besides the quirky?
23:14.11CIA-40BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r34046 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bob fixed a tiny memory leak in gqa making it free the rtip
23:33.18brlcadstarseeker: you did more than just take screenshots and blend them -- set up the whole framework for the design
23:34.10brlcadi just did the typesetting

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