IRC log for #brlcad on 20090205

00:14.51*** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
03:38.39*** join/#brlcad schwinn434 (n=schwinn4@
04:32.14brlcadsighs in relief as he settles down into his chair
04:35.13yukonbobhello cadheads
06:58.02brlcadwaves and wanders
07:00.15*** join/#brlcad Dr_Phreakenstein (n=phreak@
07:18.17*** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (n=ralith@
07:49.34brlcadhowdy Dr_Phreakenstein
08:18.27*** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
09:06.30Dr_Phreakensteinhello brlcad!
10:04.34*** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:47.52*** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
11:47.52*** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
12:02.54d-loBitter cold and snowy morning to all!
12:03.22archiviststop whining about the snow :)
12:03.59d-loDon't mind the snow, its the nasty 30 mph wind that I don't like :)
12:04.04alex_joninice warm and sunny here
12:04.28d-loReally tested the CCA on the Jeep's Battery this morning, lol.
12:04.41d-loalex_joni: Email me some 'warm and sunny' please!
12:04.50archivistpress is over dramatising the snow here in the UK
12:05.50d-loarchivist: I take it that you too deal with, "ZOMG, 5cm of show... ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!" ?
12:06.21archivisthehe yea
12:07.02d-loLast week, we got a 'dusting'... seriously < 1mm snow... and they shutdown all public and private schools for 2 hours....
12:07.06archivistIve offered to go fetch a customer who was going to come today
12:07.25d-lonow *THATS* customer service.
12:07.44Dr_Phreakensteinbusiness must be bad to need customers *that* much
12:07.46archivisthe was the president of a car club, he is a wimp
12:08.06Dr_Phreakensteinnow if he was pres of 4wd club..
12:08.11d-lofancy shmancy cars?
12:08.14Dr_Phreakensteinno problem for him
12:08.23d-loDr_Phreakenstein: Exactly what I was thinking.
12:08.28archivisthehe tha would be funny, he does own a Freelander
12:09.28d-lowell, to be fair, most (if not all) mainstream SUV's aren't designed to handle any offroading any more :/
12:09.42d-loLandrover probably has a better rep than most, but still.
12:11.01archivisttakes some snow to stop a Series 3 Landrover I had some fun years ago
12:11.42Dr_Phreakenstein(Dr_Phreakenstein cannot remember seeing a dirty SUV recently)
12:11.55archivistbent a wing going flat out into a snow drift, we pulled it straight and carried on
12:12.43Dr_PhreakensteinI remember passing people in the snow, while driving my valiant with bald tires, dead suspension
12:12.59Dr_Phreakensteinactual 4wd and awd suvs
12:13.04d-lofor instance, I come from a 'Jeep' family.  My most recent Jeep is a '08 Patriot... a bit more 'smooth ride' than 'rough and tough', but still a good car.... I took it on the small dirt/snow hills in my housing development last week and had nearlyt all my neighbors staring in awe.  My thought is, "Its a Jeep silly, what did you expect me to do with it?"
12:13.19Dr_Phreakensteinno kidding
12:13.20*** join/#brlcad csanyipal (
12:13.30archivistyup go out and enjoy
12:13.56Dr_Phreakensteinalthough, my caravan has also proven off-road worthy
12:14.14d-loOn a different note, when ever I see a full size truck or nice SUV 'pimped out' with windows, rims and a stereo.... I get very angry.
12:14.30Dr_Phreakensteinjust gotta watch out for that pesky ABS controller
12:14.33d-loHowdy csanyipal
12:14.41Dr_Phreakensteinyou cannot put chains on those
12:14.48d-loCaravan... as in Dodge Caravan?
12:15.02d-loWhat year?  I love those vans :)
12:15.14Dr_Phreakenstein36.3 flex
12:15.30d-loNice.  We have an '03 and I love how easy the maintenance is on the 3.3 :)
12:15.41Dr_Phreakensteinthey are the best
12:15.56Dr_Phreakensteini will always buy them, too easy to fix
12:16.13Dr_Phreakensteinas long as you do not have to access rear cyl bank, as for plugs
12:16.39Dr_Phreakensteini put some 100k mile bosch plugs on there, so no problem for a while
12:17.16d-loheh, well, I draw the line maintenance like that.  Too time intensive for me.  Easier to drop it off and wait a day while someone else deals with that.
12:17.36Dr_Phreakensteininstalled class III hitch, HD shocks, prodigy electronic brake controller
12:17.49d-loAlternator, belts, plugs, breaks.. (basically the easy stuff) is what I tend to do myself.
12:17.53d-loWhat do you pull with it?
12:18.04Dr_Phreakensteinswitch to valvoline P/N vv935 oil
12:18.23Dr_Phreakensteingoing to WA to get some stuff from Grizzly
12:18.39d-loGrizzly = ?
12:18.40Dr_PhreakensteinMilling machine and sheet metal shear
12:18.55d-loah, Heavy Metal :)
12:19.44archivistexpects EMC2 on it in a while
12:20.04d-loBuy or lease?
12:20.30d-lonice, whats the Price Tag on a bachine like that?
12:20.35Dr_Phreakensteinarchivist :)
12:20.47Dr_Phreakensteinshear, 1200
12:21.07Dr_Phreakensteinmill 2000
12:21.09d-lonice 1/2 ton.  No problem! lol
12:21.32d-loUse for Business or hobby?
12:21.37Dr_Phreakensteinalso some small misc stuff, arbor press, tooling, etc
12:21.44Dr_Phreakenstein110 systems, llc
12:22.13d-loas in 110V electricity?
12:22.25Dr_Phreakensteinactually, my cousing has designed a cnc controller and software, so i will be suing that
12:22.39Dr_Phreakensteinactually, name was picked from when we did email
12:22.43Dr_Phreakensteinport 110
12:22.51d-lonice :)
12:22.58Dr_Phreakensteinalso 110 punchdown, as in low-volt wiring
12:23.10d-lo'cause I was going to point out that the Mill Grill is 220V  ;)
12:23.38Dr_Phreakensteinyes, but that is in lieu of 440 3 ph
12:24.06Dr_Phreakensteinthe power company will accept 3 easy payments of $5000 to hook it up
12:24.17Dr_Phreakenstein220 is easier to find
12:24.29Dr_Phreakensteinas in make my wife wait to use the dryer
12:24.54d-lois not a big fan of 440/450/480V.... took 500Vdc though the heart when I was in the Navy.... I still get a bit shy when doing ANY electrical work, lol.
12:25.07Dr_Phreakensteinfair enough
12:25.09d-lo3 easy payments eh?  LOL.
12:25.37Dr_Phreakensteinoh, and that only brings power to the bottom of the pole
12:25.53d-loStart asking around to see if anyone carries a 220V '6-strip' and see what kind of looks you get :)
12:25.53Dr_Phreakensteini still have to dig trench, do panel, meter, etc in premise
12:26.07d-losave cost... don't install a meter :)
12:26.18Dr_Phreakensteini like your style
12:26.39Dr_Phreakensteinjust get some mueller alligator clips on the pole
12:27.07Dr_Phreakenstein(remember to use fiberglass ladder for that job)
12:27.40d-loWell, I *WAS* going to suggest building a ghetto Current Transformer by looping some insulated cable around the power lines :)  You can claim that they weren't using the Magnetic field anyways and that you are 'recycling' of sorts :)
12:28.02Dr_Phreakensteini have heard of this
12:28.38Dr_Phreakensteinalso, it would give me a more reasonable voltage, albeit a little light on the current
12:29.11d-loI have done it with 110V in the house... but it was more of a "Hrm, can I build a Current Sensor with a wire and a Voltmeter"
12:29.36Dr_Phreakensteinthe method that i like is to get in as the prototype machine shop in a startup company... free rent and electricity
12:29.47Dr_Phreakensteini know 2 shops that do that
12:30.15d-loExcellent angle.... never thought about that.
12:30.22d-loNothing beats free.
12:30.53Dr_Phreakensteinfound APC UPSs at the local metal scrapper...
12:31.02Dr_Phreakenstein$12.50 apiece
12:31.03d-loSo, what kind of products/services does your company provide?
12:31.06Dr_Phreakenstein1500 VA
12:31.09d-lo..still functional?
12:31.15Dr_Phreakensteinwhat do you need?
12:31.22Dr_PhreakensteinI have a forklift for sale
12:31.25d-lojust curious.
12:31.42Dr_Phreakensteingot it at HP machine shop auction
12:31.43d-lolol, now the wife would really hate me if I brought home a forklift. lol
12:31.59Dr_Phreakensteinwhy do you think I am selling mine
12:32.04d-loShe grimaces everytime I tell her I am swinging by Home Depot....
12:32.28Dr_Phreakensteinwe have an industrial wholesaler here...
12:32.49d-loI could probably justify it by saying a forklist will facilitate moving the furnature around easier.... (and make it MUCH more fun)
12:33.29Dr_PhreakensteinI did not know it would take so long, but my wife and kids waited an hour while I bought nuts and bolts one day... in bulk it took them 35 minutes to ring me up
12:33.42Dr_Phreakensteinshe may go for a pallet jack
12:33.50d-lobah, I am saving for a Deck... can't swing a forklift right now :(
12:34.09Dr_Phreakensteinthen, when that proves insufficient, you can justify the upgrade
12:34.23d-loPersonally, I always thought one of those selfpropelled cherry pickers would be a blast.
12:34.24Dr_Phreakensteinoh, but i can sell it so cheap!
12:34.33Dr_Phreakensteinthey are
12:34.41Dr_Phreakensteincareful not to tip
12:34.50d-loshipping would be a bitch though :)  You're West Coast USA?
12:34.58Dr_Phreakensteinoregon, yes
12:35.19Dr_Phreakensteinit is on my dad's truck right now, I could swing by your location
12:35.21d-lowonders if there is a Guiness Record for driving cross-country in a forklift....
12:35.46Dr_Phreakensteinum, with it's electric battery, not sure about that one
12:36.12d-loSolar panels and craftsman gennies baby... yeah!
12:36.20Dr_Phreakensteinhey, but you could make a wicked UPS with a 24 v, 1120 AH battery
12:37.03Dr_Phreakensteinthat sounds efficient as can be
12:37.34d-loUPS's are only good to hold the line voltage and current whilst the 'ballsy Diesel' back up gennie fires up on UV start :)
12:38.02d-loI *almost* have my wife sold on a multi-fuel back up gennie for the house.
12:38.03Dr_Phreakensteinyes, but this could hold line voltage for your neighborhood
12:38.29d-loI figure, 1 or 2 more sustaned power outtages will sway her.
12:38.44Dr_Phreakensteintell her you will bury it underground to make it quieter
12:38.52Dr_Phreakensteinthat can be arranged...
12:39.15d-loOh, we are in a new development, so the retarded 'low wage' workers knock out power quite regularly.
12:39.29d-loI laugh heartly every time it happens.
12:40.27d-loits kind of funny to look outside and see a 15 ton CAT front loader backed over a transformer enclosure with 4 workers standing 50 ft away, just staring.
12:41.26d-loOnce i was assured that no one got hurt, I just laughed and laughed.
12:41.49Dr_Phreakensteinwonders if that is as funny as seeing D-10 cat on it's side next to a HETT, and an 88m doing pushups in the ditch
12:42.58Dr_Phreakensteini sure laughed (once I was out of earshot of her leadership, yes, her)
12:43.14d-lonow thats funny.
12:43.52Dr_Phreakensteini even returned to take a picture, but i could not get there until after PT, and it was up by then
12:44.06d-loI work with a guy who was ex-Army, I forget his MOS, but his primary role was HETT and HEMMIT(spelling?) mechanic.... oh man, the stories he has...
12:44.16Dr_Phreakenstein2 88 wreckers will lift anything in a hurry
12:44.30Dr_Phreakensteini bet
12:44.36d-lorighto, thanks.
12:44.46Dr_Phreakensteindrove one once
12:45.03d-loI got used to 10 years of Navy acronyms and then switched up and joined the Army as a civ.... whole new world lol.
12:45.34d-lodrove?  I was impressed enough with riding in one.
12:45.56Dr_PhreakensteinI was new to army, and they needed people to drive vehicles onto a train car. so they gave me a license for everything in the motorpool, minus forklift
12:46.17Dr_Phreakensteinironically, a forklift was all that i had ever been trained on...
12:46.40Dr_Phreakensteinso, there was this sea of armored vehicles...
12:47.06Dr_PhreakensteinI soon tired of APCs and HMMWVs, so i tried other stuff
12:47.15d-lomy current favorite military vehicle:  
12:47.48Dr_PhreakensteinBradley... 88, HEMMT, LMTV, LMTV with tractor-trailer, and some other stuff
12:48.25Dr_Phreakensteinthose are nice to ride in, even nicer to drive
12:48.36Dr_PhreakensteinI am a big International fan
12:48.58d-loOf all the Army vehicles, the IMG MAXXPRO is the only one I have a lot of experience with... and me likes :)  If I could get one for home, I would.
12:49.08Dr_Phreakensteinactually, my Yale forklift is sitting on a 1970 International Loadstar 1800
12:49.24d-lo"Oh, so you want to tailgate me? Let me just perform a brake check."
12:49.35Dr_Phreakensteinthe good ole 113 is kinda fun, if you have one in good shape
12:49.56d-lobah, I need to work now :/
12:50.01Dr_Phreakensteinyeah, maxpro stops alright
12:50.09Dr_Phreakensteinone more thing
12:50.42Dr_Phreakensteinlook into installing sach's "nivomat" suspension in your van
12:51.08Dr_Phreakensteinyou can get it online for about 250 per shock (rear only)
12:51.38Dr_Phreakensteinwish i new about it before getting those monroe shocks i got... not bad, but self-levelling is the best
12:51.50d-lonivomat eh?
12:51.52Dr_Phreakensteinavailable with factory tow package, too
12:51.56d-loI'll look it up.
12:52.11*** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
12:52.26Dr_Phreakensteinsend me and i will send you p/n and links
12:53.03Dr_Phreakensteini gotta sleep.
12:53.44Dr_Phreakensteingotta wake up in 2 hrs for class, then install wiring for trailer and get up at 4 tomorrow for 6 hr drive to bellingham WA
12:54.41d-lok, you sleep.  I'll ask the wife about the forklift :)
13:23.41*** join/#brlcad samrose (
13:49.20*** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
15:27.33*** join/#brlcad Jose` (i=43cd67c9@gateway/web/ajax/
15:28.00Jose`AND PRESENTS!
15:28.05Jose`AND CANDIES!
15:29.51*** mode/#brlcad [+b *!*@gateway/web] by brlcad
15:29.54*** mode/#brlcad [+b *!*@gateway/web*] by brlcad
15:30.07*** mode/#brlcad [-b *!*@gateway/web] by brlcad
15:36.33``Erikshould get himself one of these
15:36.43d-loIf it was the wrong channel, why hasn't he left yet?
15:37.19d-lo``Erik: Wont that *ensure* your ability to get to work on snow days?
15:37.49``Erikand any damn other place I wanted to go
15:38.09``Erik"what? curb? I didn't feel a curb, occifer"
15:39.07d-loI wonder what people would be thinking when they are coming out of Best Buy and see that buggy parked on top of their car.... with you walking away from it while enabling the car alarm... Chirp Chirp!
15:39.32``Erikheh, that'd be awesome getting one of those up on 4 cars, one wheel on each roof
15:39.37``Erikespecially if they were all suv's :D
15:40.05*** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
15:40.36*** join/#brlcad njan (i=james@freenode/staff/njan)
15:41.48brlcadhowdy njan
15:43.43*** mode/#brlcad [-b *!*@gateway/web*] by brlcad
15:50.24*** join/#brlcad Gary (i=gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
15:53.05brlcadappreciated but you guys are late ;)
15:53.56Garyya, sorry
16:02.08*** join/#brlcad samrose (
16:23.15*** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
16:32.17*** part/#brlcad Gary (i=gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
16:47.04CIA-32BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33672 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/
16:47.06CIA-32BRL-CAD: Add in remainder of view manipulation commands on the Quick Reference Card, put
16:47.08CIA-32BRL-CAD: cleanup rm command at end for temp files, clear results files when running
16:47.10CIA-32BRL-CAD: again. The overlay command segfaults when the attempt is made to run it from
16:47.12CIA-32BRL-CAD: the script (works interactively) so commented out for now.
17:08.39*** join/#brlcad BigATo1 (
17:47.21CIA-32BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r33673 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ ( pcMathGrammar.h pcMathLF.h): Adding Lazy Function header file for the Math VM
17:57.53``Eriko'sake wa sugoii ii desu.
18:06.26*** join/#brlcad samrose (
18:26.11*** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
18:44.12CIA-32BRL-CAD: 03homovulgaris * r33674 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpc/ (pcMathGrammar.h pcMathLF.h): Definition of lazy functions and beginning to elaborate ExpressionGrammar
18:53.34CIA-32BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33675 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/ Add remainder of displaying geometry commands from Quick Reference Card (with the exception of the geometry browser, which will require some thought).
18:55.26starseekerif nothing else, this sucker is great practice with vim
19:06.22*** part/#brlcad njan (i=james@freenode/staff/njan)
19:21.09CIA-32BRL-CAD: 03Dloman 07 * r1207 10/wiki/NewSessionREQOK: /* Byte Format */
19:31.58CIA-32BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r33676 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/setup.c:
19:32.00CIA-32BRL-CAD: For now, the arb and bev commands are being called via cmd_ged_plain_wrapper.
19:32.02CIA-32BRL-CAD: cmd_ged_edit_wrapper was being used previously and was trying to draw the newly
19:32.04CIA-32BRL-CAD: created object, assuming that it was the last parameter. Will have to come up
19:32.06CIA-32BRL-CAD: with something else later (i.e. no time at the moment).
19:38.50CIA-32BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r33677 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/ Add tests for kill commands on Quick Reference Card
19:42.46d-loheh, looks like that media wiki CIA addon works :)
20:20.31CIA-32BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33678 10/rt^3/trunk/src/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Continuing work for gsph0. gsph0 now communicating with gsph0_test during Hostname exchange and new session request.
20:23.38CIA-32BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33679 10/rt^3/trunk/src/tests/java/ (8 files): Continuing work for gsph0_Test. gsph0_Test now communicating with gsph0 during Hostname exchange and new session request.
20:24.58CIA-32BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r33680 10/rt^3/trunk/src/iBME/testing.g: Simple example .g for file transfer testing.
20:26.52``Erikbrlcad, *ping*
20:33.01CIA-32BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r33681 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/librender/cut.c: darwin doesn't seem to like pointers to stack addresses in library functions being dereferenced, so malloc() (and free) the cutter geometry (fixes bus fault).
20:55.12*** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
22:14.57*** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
22:26.40brlcad``Erik: points to stack data should be just fine on darwin -- perhaps stack corruption
22:48.21*** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
23:18.33``Erikhrm, it's two function calls that don't do jack iwth the stack, when I put it through the debugger, it looks like a reasonable address (and consistant)
23:18.59``Erikand it's a bus fault, not a seg fault, which is odd in itself
23:19.33brlcadi still don't buy it
23:19.46``Erik*shrug* that change made the problem go away, mebbe I'll explore it a bit later
23:19.54brlcadthose are simple floats in an array on the stack
23:20.23``Erikyeah, with a few levels of indirection in the mix... it sees into the first pointer ok, btu the second is inaccessable
23:20.32starseekerbrlcad: should I incorporate the existing mged regression testing into what I'm doing or do you want to keep it as its own routine?
23:20.39brlcadthere should be no problem passing around pointers to that -- maybe somewhere it gets cast to the wrong pointer type, like a bad double/triple pointer cast
23:20.43``ErikI d'no, if I decide to think about it, mebbe I'll revert it and step through it
23:20.55brlcadthat'd be something that might turn out fine on some environments
23:21.07brlcaddepending on the alignment
23:21.17``Erikgiven that it uses the same type everywhere along the path, and it's nicely aligned, I 'dno about that
23:21.36brlcadstarseeker: what are you doing?
23:21.38``Erikunless there're some funky compile option differences between the various libs
23:22.13``Erikif I think about it between now and tomorrow, I'll try stepping it to see what's up *shrug*
23:22.28brlcadlooked like it was during prep, so not a big issue
23:22.35starseekerbrlcad:  The mged/libged regression testing - should I just suck the stuff you did to test mged command functionality into one big mged test, or did you want to retain your routine as a separate entity?
23:22.37brlcadbut just don't think it's a darwin thing
23:22.49``Erikthat's the only place it exhibited itself
23:23.03brlcadstarseeker: AH, the "other" existing mged regression testing
23:23.31brlcadnah, leave it alone unless you have a compelling reason to join them
23:23.54starseekerwas just wanting to steal the name ;-)
23:23.56brlcadthe tests don't need to be elegant, they're overhead code -- the less maintenance the better
23:24.34brlcadwhatever suits your fancy then :)
23:24.59starseekeris thinking this will be ready to hook in in a few days...
23:25.13starseekerassuming my vim editing speed increases somewhat
23:26.00brlcadI'd be inclined to make all those sections you have into individual files, source them in and run a function or exec them directly
23:26.35brlcadjust think how fast you'd be by now if you had a powerful scriptable environment at your fingertips with the same investment of effort ;)
23:27.16brlcadare the tests looking grim or green?
23:27.37starseekernot too bad so far - I haven't actually run a 7.12.6 benchmark in a bit
23:27.43starseekerme relinks and re-runs...
23:28.07brlcadgave bob time to tweak, releasing either tomorrow or saturday
23:28.31brlcadgoing to press really hard to keep to a release by the 7th
23:28.32starseekerhe's squashed a few bugs already - the make spewing errors was a biggie
23:36.51starseekerauugh, why do I get a bus error now
23:42.28yukonbobbrlcad: plate full of bugs?
23:44.52brlcadyukonbob: yeah, there are too many tickets, none getting closed out
23:50.19*** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=omg@unaffiliated/elite01)
23:56.32starseekerhmm, well autoview, saveview, loadview, ps, and plot are now suddenly causing bus errors

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