IRC log for #brlcad on 20070913

00:02.42*** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (n=Matt@
04:00.09*** join/#brlcad brlcad (
04:00.40*** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
04:58.32*** join/#brlcad JJZ (n=kvirc@
05:51.54*** join/#brlcad cad08 (
13:24.18*** join/#brlcad elite01 (
13:48.53CIA-4BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
13:48.53CIA-4BRL-CAD: automake has a braindead auto-inclusion of ChangeLog files that is causing make
13:48.53CIA-4BRL-CAD: distcheck to fail when trying to include the debian 'changelog' file. avoid the
13:48.53CIA-4BRL-CAD: whole issue and make the file more generalized (auto-sets the version and time
13:48.53CIA-4BRL-CAD: now) by turning it into an autoconf template instead.
14:17.15``ErikI tried that and it puked on 'make deb'
15:03.36*** join/#brlcad elite01 (
15:29.30*** join/#brlcad elite01_ (
15:31.27*** join/#brlcad Elperion (
15:35.40CIA-4BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: o davisson
16:09.22*** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (i=bi4fuxzn@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
16:41.23CIA-4BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/sh/ need devscripts, not debmake
17:06.20*** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (i=mmv7eo1c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:06.42MinuteElectronbrlcad: I am having trouble connecting to your server.
17:07.44MinuteElectronUnable to connect via SSH or HTTP. Also all my processes appear to have been killed since I am not on IRC although I was when went to bed last night.
17:13.18``Erik<-- just logged in with no issue
17:14.25``Erikand you logged out at 9:41 server time
17:14.32``Eriker, wait,s orry
17:18.03MinuteElectronThat is about 22:56 my time.
17:18.26MinuteElectronOdd, that is about when I did leave. But I remember typing '/sleep' not '/quit'.
17:19.17MinuteElectronAnd now I can't connect at all which is really queer.
17:21.44MinuteElectronHow queer.
19:13.09*** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (i=x74m9lp5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
19:16.18MinuteElectronbrlcad: Any ideas on my problem?
19:18.23MinuteElectronSame error as last time I believe, connection timed out.
19:29.15MinuteElectronOk, so I connected to it using a friends server.
19:29.21MinuteElectronApparently my screen session is Dead.
19:29.33brlcadyes, screens are gone
19:29.35MinuteElectronAlthough I don't know what that means it probably means it is unrecoverable.
19:29.46MinuteElectronbrlcad: What happend?
19:29.52brlcadthe machine had scheduled maintenance last night, was rebooted to install some new hardware
19:30.04MinuteElectronDid it get 500 days uptime.
19:30.10MinuteElectronI saw 499 at last check.
19:31.07MinuteElectronbrlcad: How does screen even know that a session existed if the machine was rebooted?
19:31.10``Erikand DOH, reboot without knowing it, I lost game time :(
19:31.15brlcadMinuteElectron: uptime was lost :( *sniff*
19:31.27brlcadi think it got past 500, but don't know how far
19:31.36brlcadhave to check some logs
19:31.50``Eriknot using uptimed?
19:32.08*** join/#brlcad MinuteEl1ctron (
19:42.21brlcadi think you installed uptimed
19:43.17``Erikuprecords says...
19:47.35``Erikheh, the installed version does funny things with that kernel O.o try 'uprecords -b' (boot ordered instead of uptime ordered)
19:57.42``Erikhummmm, had to do some hackery to get ucbcc working :/ (was puking on its own headers with the -Xc flag)
20:03.24``Erikand more than just the tree walk in clone, hum
20:13.12*** join/#brlcad JJZ (n=kvirc@
20:35.00minute``Erik: What is up with the boot record in the future?
20:36.26``Erikexactly! :D
20:38.13``Erik(kernel boot time vs program insantiation, I would guess... and it's favoring kernel?)
20:39.28MinuteElectron0     5   499 days, 10:08:25 | FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE    Mon May  1 12:54:52 2006
20:39.29MinuteElectron->   6     0 days, 17:27:30 | FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE    Wed Sep 12 23:06:42 2007
20:39.39MinuteElectronHow weird.
20:40.57MinuteElectronAlso note the difference between 17:24:30 and 17:26:34 is greater than the difference between 23:07:10 and 23:06:42.
21:10.02louipcmuhaha I have more uptime now
21:12.03louipchey brlcad did you say something about moving the project from CVS before?
21:13.19brlcadwe're moving to svn before the end of the year
21:13.26louipcah ok
21:13.30brlcadprobably in oct/nov
21:14.05louipcI've been using git recently. It's pretty sweet
21:15.32MaloeranJust wondering, have there been any updates on Archer? Mark would like me to work on it at some point in the future, but it was quite broken on Linux last I tried
21:18.26MaloeranHow's life lately, louipc? I sure went through a couple big changes here
21:18.49louipcMaloeran: doesn't look like archer's been updated I haven't updated for a long time
21:19.27louipcnot bad I'm coding some web interface stuff to host build files for my distro
21:19.46louipchow about you? what kind of changes?
21:20.23MaloeranErik, they would like me to integrate RF into Archer to replace librt, but amusingly, I can't even run the current software
21:20.42MaloeranWell louipc... For example, my future wife ( celebration on October 13th ) and my mother will be meeting in 26 hours
21:20.44``Erikerm, does archer even fire rays? heh, I thought it was more about libwdb :)
21:21.00louipcwow congrats
21:21.12MaloeranIt does raytracing rendering, but they may want to use RF for interactive visualization and editing too
21:22.11MaloeranAnd from Siggraph, Disney Studios is apparently interested in some sort of parternship to integrate the software into some fancy photorealistic rendering
21:24.27louipcoh is that with the real-time stuff you were doing?
21:24.51MaloeranYes, I guess it could cut their rendering time quite a bit
21:25.20``Erikcut rendering time or cut compute farm size..
21:25.41``Erikpower bill for those things must suck, dumping power to heat the room, and more power to cool it... :D
21:26.03MaloeranIt would be nice for artists to obtain quicker results, rather than wait constantly for the frames to pop up
21:26.27``Erikthat's what low quality frames are for :D
21:27.26MaloeranEh, still unhappy with your job over there?
21:27.41``Erikwith a certain element or two, yes
21:29.02MaloeranSurvice may not like me too much lately... I gravely suffer from the symptoms of a phenethylamine neurotransmitter imbalance, such as insomnia, lack of concentration, loss of emotional control
21:29.22``Eriktime to back off the crack, dude
21:30.27MaloeranTsk. A surge in phenethylamine is a symptom of falling in love, your biochemistry is rusty :)
21:31.42``Erik<-- doesn't do biochemistry
21:32.29MaloeranI read abundantely on the topic, trying desperately to understand the situation and cure the condition so I could focus on work. It wasn't of much help
21:33.18``Erikbeer. *grunt*.
21:33.39louipcor whiskey
21:33.51``Erikwhoa, hey now, learn to walk before ya run! :D
21:34.01``Erikmmmm whiskey....
21:34.15``Erikthey were out of the kind I like last time I went to the package store, I'm still kinda sad about that...
21:34.33``Eriktequila shots?
21:34.43MaloeranI'm frightened how easily she can compromise my principles
21:34.44louipcyou know why canadian money is coloured? So you can tell a 5 from a 20 when you're shitfaced at the bar
21:35.08MaloeranErik, some cocktail and fancy wine
21:35.50MaloeranI sure had a lot of trouble solving the Rubik's cube she gave me as wedding gift afterwards
21:35.58``ErikI thought it was because most of it comes from 'monopoly' boxes
21:36.05``Erik"fancy wine"?
21:36.16``Erik"some cocktail"?
21:36.32MaloeranI know absolutely nothing of these things :)
21:36.40louipcdom perignon and some port
21:36.47``Erikirish carbomb and thunderbird? O.o
21:37.19MaloeranSome wine at 180$ the bottle in any case, it was supposedly great according to the people present. I found the taste way too... aggressive
21:37.28``Erikbut 180... canadian...
21:37.30louipcoh damn
21:37.35``Erikso that's, like
21:37.39``Erika buck fifty? thunderbird...
21:37.41MaloeranThat's like 175USD these days, Erik :)
21:37.43louipc179 american
21:37.46``ErikI know :(
21:37.53``Erik*sigh* stupid fucking fucktard republicans
21:38.47MaloeranAnd it took me a good 4.5 hours to figure out the thing!
21:38.58``Eriktakes me like 3 minutes with any start position
21:39.05``Erikjust give me a flathead screwdriver and watch me go, yo
21:39.11louipctakes me... I don't even know how long
21:39.15MaloeranI had never studied the toy before, I'm sure I could do better next time
21:39.21louipc``Erik: ah good one
21:42.05louipclike that?
21:42.13``Erikheh, yes.. 2*n=2+n. Proof: n=2, 2*2 = 2+2, true. That's done, proven even!
21:42.24``Erikgo play some sudoku, boy :D
21:42.40MaloeranSodoku is dreadfully boring :)
21:43.03``Erikplay aussie rules sudoku
21:43.05``Erikfull contact
21:47.11MaloeranI have no idea what Sudoku full contact is, but I laughed too :)
21:48.54dtidrow_workheh - I was thinking about footy when I saw that  :-)
21:49.32dtidrow_work(footy = aussie rules football)
21:50.40MaloeranPeople have already written 4d and even 5d Rubik's cubes
21:50.51MaloeranThe 5 dimensions one frightens me
21:51.07dtidrow_workhard enough to think about a 4D cube...
21:51.58louipcyeah how the heck does that work?
21:52.32dtidrow_workno cule
21:53.08dtidrow_workmy brain hurts any time I think of something higher than 3D
21:53.32MaloeranIn 4 dimensions, you would have 8 3d volumes, of which you must align the 54 cells
21:53.58MaloeranI can think of simple stuff in 4d, but a Rubik's cube is pushing a bit too far
21:56.30louipc3d 'shadows' of 4d things are insane even
21:56.54dtidrow_workthat I can kinda grok
22:31.39*** join/#brlcad yukonbob (n=yukonbob@
22:33.13yukonbobhey cadders
22:33.36yukonbob~lart potato
22:33.36ibotwhips out a hot clue gun and makes sure that potato is stuck to the floor

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