IRC log for #brlcad on 20070724

00:18.49*** join/#brlcad louipc (
00:26.54*** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:07.17*** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:14.42*** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:18.06*** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:28.36IriX64   <--- some more fun with WiniX(tm)
02:32.18louipcwhat's that Borland C?
02:37.45IriX64yea turboc :)
02:38.12IriX64turboc for dos
02:54.14*** join/#brlcad louipc (
03:17.26IriX64identity crisis louipc
05:17.48*** join/#brlcad thing0 (
06:50.57*** part/#brlcad thing0 (
07:12.17*** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
07:18.45*** join/#brlcad thing0 (
08:19.16*** join/#brlcad elite01 (
08:45.14*** join/#brlcad Elperion (
09:06.53*** join/#brlcad thing0 (
12:08.56*** join/#brlcad bjorkBSD (
13:56.30*** join/#brlcad poolio (
14:06.33*** join/#brlcad thing0 (
14:59.19pooliobrlcad: I think the problem has to be in my fitness function, it looks like it's marking the same objects as having the same fitness when they shouldn't
15:03.58pooliobrlcad: hmm, the fitness might actually be right, is there a way to set the bounding box for "rt" ?
15:05.43pooliohmm, that was it. fitness was right, visualizations are wrong
16:05.43*** join/#brlcad thing0 (
16:41.10*** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
17:11.25pooliobrlcad: is there a way to just kind of take a snapshot of the wireframes? and from a certain view? waiting for raytracing is taking a while and I don't need the pretty rt'd models
17:39.56poolioargh. I'm pretty stuck, now it's not even convering at all...
18:02.35*** join/#brlcad CIA-29 (n=CIA@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:16.15*** join/#brlcad CIA-29 (n=CIA@
18:26.21yukonbobpoolio: in mged: "ps"
18:27.37yukonbob(generates a postscript file)
18:29.31*** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:29.59pooliowhere's it saved?
18:30.10pooliooh dur
18:31.07poolioI just get a blakn window?
18:32.16yukonbob?do you have your model loaded -- when I have an object displayed, and "ps", I get a postscript file I view w/ gv (ghostview)
18:33.25pooliohmm, lemme try gv
18:33.48poolioah hmm
18:33.52poolioguess it was evince
18:34.46yukonbobpoolio: so is that giving you what you were looking for?
18:35.04IriX64 <--- did an update yesterday, this started happening (non-coerced build)
18:35.20poolioyukonbob: and is there a way to automate this outsie of brl-cad? Do something like this: but do it with postrscript?
18:35.30poolioyukonbob: well, it is giving me what I'm looking for I just don't think it has the options I need
18:35.56yukonbobpoolio: ~poolio/mon_3spheres_good.jpg was not found on this server.
18:36.17poolioerr crap
18:36.23pooliosale DNS records still?
18:36.27pooliois up?
18:36.49yukonboblooks like it...
18:37.58IriX64why does it collapse to two bars along the left side poolio
18:38.14poolioclick it and make it bigger
18:38.21poolioit's just an image
18:38.30IriX64||  <--- like that its fine while loading but completes to that
18:39.02poolio...It's because your browser scales it down to fit in the window. if you use firefox click on it and it should restore to it's normal size
18:39.24poolioif you use IE hover over it and there's a button in the lower right that looks like a sunset image tha tyou can click to make it bigger, I think...been a while
18:39.55IriX64that works thanks
18:40.32IriX64conways game of life man ;)
18:40.33yukonbobpoolio: well, you could script the running of the relevant commands then collect the output, convert to eps, and load into nice pdf, for example...
18:41.05poolioI'm just thinking I might have to do that if I can't specify the bounding box for 'rt'
18:41.20poolioyukonbob: so there's a way to montage post script files?
18:41.47poolioalthough the ps file would be a lot smaller
18:42.14yukonbobpoolio: personally, I'd be including them into a docbook or LaTeX document and formatting them in there... ie: scaling and installing in tables, for example.
18:42.32poolioyeah I know nothing about any of that :\
18:42.57yukonbobmight be able to use imagemagick/graphicsmagick to montage ps as well... haven
18:43.04yukonbob*haven't tried.
18:43.26poolioyeah I'm using imagemagick currently
18:43.49poolioyukonbob: I guess I might as well try it :)
18:44.24*** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
18:45.25yukonbobpoolio: I just did, and it seems to work nicely....
18:45.41pooliooh sweet, I'll try that out, just need to figure out how to call ps externally
18:50.29yukonbobpoolio: mged -f mydb.g 'e mymodel; ae 20 20 10; ps'
18:51.00pooliowouldn't that be slower than using a backend though?
19:04.01*** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
19:04.01*** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || for ken:
19:04.38*** join/#brlcad poolio (
19:07.44poolioyukonbob: I think PS is just as slow as raytracing the objects...
19:08.01poolioslower actually
19:08.40*** join/#brlcad Elperion (
19:09.55yukonbobpoolio: what's the process you use to generate the iterations of sphere?
19:12.07pooliogenetic algorithms?
19:12.25poolioI don't want the entire PS view, I just need the wireframe
19:15.00poolioyukonbob: alright, I think I'll stick to my current methods, thanks though
19:42.53CIA-29BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (beset.c fitness.c beset.h fitness.h): minor tweaks. still struggling on two spheres. i have my doubts as to whether the whole project will work...
19:52.54*** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
20:15.49IriX64did a cvs update librt seems all right now at least here
21:47.43*** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
21:48.20IriX64crazy man, my system is doing three compiles all at once, hilarious :)
21:49.13IriX64gcc you're a thing of beauty :)
21:49.47*** join/#brlcad cad50 (
21:49.55IriX64hi cad50
21:54.05IriX64missed :)
21:57.08*** join/#brlcad bch (
22:08.00dtidrowwell, time to head home - later all...
22:08.24brlcadgo ahead and break the pattern :P
22:08.50IriX64thats a sequencial array of points made is it not?
22:23.49yukonbob?did you see poolio's question re: faster way to "render" his model views
23:27.55*** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
23:56.22*** join/#brlcad cad88 (

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