irclog2html for #brlcad on 20070218

00:38.41*** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
00:39.04IriX64that datarootdir thing this fixed it for me.
00:52.58brlcadthere's already a fix in for that that doesn't outright override the datadir
00:53.22IriX64hah new way to distribute binaries, compile with --prefix=/usr/local/whatever, make install and tar up /usr/local/whatever and tell em to unpack accordingly :)
00:53.34IriX64where can i get this fix?
00:55.39IriX64at the moment tho, my forge is melting bits :)
01:00.01IriX64mine won't hurt anything tho will it?
01:00.59IriX64not that ill distribute it or anything but i fear shooting myself in the foot here.
01:02.24IriX64i figure as long as im on *this setup it should work forever :)
05:10.54*** join/#brlcad digitalfredy_ (n=digitalf@
07:20.45CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
07:20.45CIA-5BRL-CAD: collapse the version checks into one routine. improve the version checks so
07:20.45CIA-5BRL-CAD: that they work more reliably for various version string formats. this
07:20.45CIA-5BRL-CAD: refactoring should fix a bug in the script where automake 1.10 was being
07:20.45CIA-5BRL-CAD: incorrectly processed as 1.1.0 among other benefits and code simplification.
07:27.56CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ simplify some more, make sed a requirement and abort if it seems to be unavailable
09:12.02*** part/#brlcad digitalfredy_ (n=digitalf@
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19:04.11CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/sysv.h: add an initial interface file for libsysv. this compatibility interface shouldn't really be included throughout the package, but may ultimatley get added to common.h as part of configuration compatibility.
19:04.44CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ add the new sysv.h header to the noinst header list.
19:06.02CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/ (bsdselect.c strdup.c): deknrify the function
19:06.34CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/strsep.c: ws
19:12.18CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/ (bsdselect.c strchr.c strdup.c strtok.c): ws
19:13.34CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/basename.c: initial addition of basename() so we don't need to test for its availability
19:14.01CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/ add the new basename.c file, extracted from openbsd (bsd licensed)
19:14.21CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/sysv.h: add basename()
19:57.30*** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:58.28IriX64cygwin+brlcad=windows cad system :)
20:04.11IriX64tried to fix myself, mucked it up completly, started reporting version 0.0 of the tools.
20:04.43IriX64thank God for backups. :)
20:04.45louipcyeah I just noticed that it detected automake incorectly
20:05.02louipcit thinks v 1.10 is 1.1.0
20:05.21IriX64good job.
20:06.25brlcadwould one of you test and make sure it works:*checkout*/brlcad/brlcad/
20:07.56MaloeranGrr.  "cvs [commit aborted]: there is no version here; do `cvs checkout' first"
20:08.08MaloeranAnd a  cvs checkout  of course doesn't solve anything
20:08.17louipcbrlcad: looks good so far
20:08.45CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: progname is often not the same as argv[0], so modify bu_getprogname() accordingly and expose the bu_argv0() function to distinguish between the two.
20:09.19MaloeranDo you have 30 seconds to help with that cvs message, brlcad?
20:09.31MaloeranI sure often get obscure cvs errors when I move files around between desktop and latop
20:10.46brlcadthey both the same OS and version of CVS?
20:11.02MaloeranSame OS, 32 and 64 bits though, perhaps not quite the same version of CVS
20:11.23brlcadsounds like you're commiting from a dir outside the cvs tree
20:11.38brlcadyou only do a checkout once
20:11.47MaloeranI'm right in ~/rayforce
20:11.57brlcadand there's a ~/rayforce/CVS dir?
20:12.21brlcadcat ~/rayforce/CVS/Root
20:12.34MaloeranLooks fine
20:12.55brlcadcan you pm it to me
20:13.02brlcadas well as CVS/Repository
20:13.41MaloeranI think it's throwing the error because of the other/ directory actually, there's no ./CVS there
20:14.08brlcadcould be
20:14.32brlcadall of the D entries in ~/rayforce/CVS/Entries will get traversed
20:14.56brlcadyou can avoid the problem by commiting files individually of course, or fix your Entries file
20:15.08Maloeran./other is listed
20:15.18brlcadthen that's why
20:15.35brlcadyou probably copied the file over from some other place that didn't have a CVS into a current checkout
20:16.00MaloeranRight, I think I'll manage to fix it from there. Thanks
20:16.05brlcads/probably/almost guaranteed
20:16.29brlcadyou should be able to mv other and cvs update -dP
20:16.39MaloeranThere we go, it works. Thanks
20:17.04brlcadyou should update -dP just to make sure you didn't hide the problem for down the road ;)
20:17.17``Erik<-- points out that it's WAY easier to leave a checkout in place, have seperate checkouts on the lappie and workstation, and when you want to move between the two, make sure you're all committed up and just update on the other...
20:17.53brlcadfrequent commits and all that jazz
20:18.32``Erikto usurp the meme, commit early, commit often
20:21.10``Erikthe Entries file will hold what your side thinks is in the repo... you can always co to a new place to verify it
20:23.45CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: basename() is guaranteed by libsysv now, so no need to check for HAVE_BASENAME
20:24.35CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/nirt/str_manip.c: remove the unnecessary definition of basename() .. libsysv provides a better version if it truely is not provided by the system.
20:27.24CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/enigma/.cvsignore: ignore more ac_config_subdir/configure crap dumped in here
20:28.55CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/.cvsignore: ignore newly added brep_cube if it exists
20:29.16IriX64ok, I'm beat how do i get that
20:29.58CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/ sort lines, vars first
20:30.02brlcadIriX64: er, with any browser?
20:30.16IriX64can't open page.
20:30.25brlcadthen you probably copied the url wrong
20:30.34IriX64cut and paste brlcad.
20:30.45IriX64will try again.
20:30.48brlcadthen you probably cut and paste wrong :)
20:31.13brlcadelse, just type it in:*checkout*/brlcad/brlcad/
20:31.39brlcadit might even just download immediately
20:32.44IriX64not letting me in and its exactly what you just typed.
20:33.38brlcadIriX64: that looks right
20:33.39IriX64im using ie.
20:33.58``Erik<-- can't try ie, is totally windows free here at home
20:34.16IriX64heh a dream come true eh?
20:34.38IriX64maybe i should install firefox.
20:34.48brlcadIriX64: then go to -> click on Code -> click on Browse CVS -> click on brlcad -> scroll down to and click on the name -> click on "download"
20:35.18brlcadi suspect it's just downloading it already to your desktop or something
20:36.53brlcadyep, I just tried it in IE
20:37.10brlcadit shows a "cannot display this page" and downloads the file
20:37.44brlcadwhich for me also includes a dialog prompt of where to save the file , but I suspect you turned that off at some point
20:38.01brlcadof you've got a bunch of dialogs underneath or something
20:38.08IriX64anim, awf but no
20:38.35IriX64downloads it to where?
20:38.59brlcadyou're asking me?
20:39.01IriX64thanks tho lets not get caught up in it.
20:39.07brlcadit's your machine, your set up ;)
20:39.20IriX64she built with automake 1.9.6 im happy. is at the very bottom
20:40.45brlcadno matter, it worked for louipc yes?
20:41.07IriX64thanks give me ten i gotta install automake 1-10 again takes me a few minutes.
20:43.17IriX64bing bang you're a winner, my thanks.
20:43.43IriX64cept libtool is coming up 1.5.23a is that proper?
20:44.29louipcbrlcad: yep
20:44.37IriX64thanks then.
20:44.56IriX64lets see if it actually builds with those makefiles.
20:46.16louipcIt is a weird URL with the asterisks
20:51.58*** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
20:52.19brlcadasterisks are valid
20:52.19CIA-5BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/brep_cube.cpp: footer and ws
20:52.36brlcadIriX64: what does glibtoolize --version report?
20:53.41IriX64so you're right its proper.
20:54.27IriX64configuring it now.
20:54.32brlcadeven better, it correctly compares now even though there's an alpha in there
20:54.46IriX64good work.
20:54.55louipcbrlcad: you really spiffied up that script
21:00.01MaloeranGez, 20 minutes to do a cvs commit of 50mb from a 10mbits line
21:01.08``Erik50mb? O.o
21:01.12``Erikwhat is it?
21:01.45IriX64the whole freaking project (ducking and running)
21:01.46MaloeranAll code! :) No, just a now decent geometry group file format
21:01.56MaloeranAnd +8202-3147 lines of code
21:02.38``Erikit's an ascii format?
21:02.52MaloeranNo, the roter-lowe galleon model is heavy
21:03.23``Erikif it's not ascii, you should've done cvs add -kb <file> so it doesn't attempt to search it for tags
21:03.29``Erikand try to do diffs on it
21:03.37MaloeranOh! So that's what it was doing
21:04.19MaloeranAnd you are right, all the model files weren't uploaded as binary
21:04.44``Erikplus changing every 0x0d to 0x0d0a
21:05.05``Erikor trying to see if it needs to change 0x0d0a to 0x0d, or something
21:05.10``Eriknewline fixing
21:05.13MaloeranThat will only happen if someone checkouts from a windows box
21:05.45``Erikwindows/dos will use 0x0d0a, *nix and osX will use 0x0d, and os[1-9] will use 0x0r
21:06.01``ErikI don't recall what things like beos will do
21:07.26``Erik(the history of all that predates unix, actually, and unix was deviant in faking the operations... newline and carrier feed map directly to old tty operations, just like old typewriters themselves)
21:09.03Maloeran:) I always found awkward the whole concept of "text mode" files, creates more problems than it solves
21:10.41``Erikplenty of C functions to nice things up for you
21:18.42brlcadjeez.. a 12000 line commit differential.. if that's your idea of frequent small commits ..
21:19.12brlcadif there was a bug in there, you'd never find it via cvs history that's almost for certain
21:28.04MaloeranIndeed brlcad, but I'm quite alone on this anyway, and a CVS history is of no help for one's own code
21:28.30brlcadof no help for one's own code???
21:28.49brlcadthat's probably the dumbest thing I've heard you say in a long time :)
21:28.51MaloeranYou wrote the code, you know it better than any history :)
21:29.08*** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
21:29.31brlcadmaybe you do today, what about in two weeks, or in two months or two years later.. when that bug is finally exposed
21:29.50``Erikif you're working on tiny toy projects, sure... :D I hope most things I do are nontrivial and I forget minor details that machines find so important
21:30.28brlcadthere is almost zero tracability on large commits, if the code is going to be more than a pet project .. that matters
21:31.08IriX64_nmg-bot.exe, so far automake behaved :)
21:31.31brlcadI've frequently review cvs logs to see stuff that I did years ago, if anything it shows you the motivation for why something was changed, and if there's detail it can include references and other leads when there's a problem
21:31.34``ErikI know with my personal projects, I rely heavily on tagging and good comments in the cvs history for preparing changelogs and making release statements
21:31.39MaloeranRight, years later, one might not even recognize the code as his own. If I knew a few extra CVS commands, I think I would recognize the value of a proper history
21:32.02``Erik"log" "status" and "ann" are three I like
21:32.06``Erikann being annotate
21:32.17brlcador just use annotate and you don't have to explain it :P
21:32.36Maloeran*nods* Three commands I have never learned or used
21:32.46``Erikwell, I'm thinking with my fingers, not my brain... :D I'd say 'co' instead of 'checkout'
21:32.51brlcadbecause all your code is "still in context"
21:33.10brlcadjust wait until you eventually do have a context switch and have to figure it all out again
21:33.32MaloeranI know that, brlcad. I really need to learn these commands to see the value of a good history
21:33.36brlcadthat's where code size and maintenance adds up exponentially
21:33.36``Erikmal, pick something funky in brlcad and muck around with those three commands for a bit...
21:34.02``Erikthen think about poor little me, trying to understand rayforce when all I see is "+5123 -128 Stuff."
21:34.26MaloeranAhah @ Stuff :)
21:36.14``Erikerik@vidar ~/devel$ cvs log 2>/dev/null | grep -i stuff | wc -l
21:37.44``Erikvery little code is ever complete... no code is ever adequately tested... and no code is ever bug-free :D
21:38.01brlcadunless your code is but a handful of lines, there will almost *always* undoutedly be bugs no matter how much you test and feel comfortable with it
21:38.20``Erikfor initial development, being able to compile is a good tough goal for nightly cvs state says you're a liar, so does 10 goto 10 ;)
21:38.51brlcadbeing able to compile after every cvs commit, regardless of testing and functionality is generally a good goal
21:39.04brlcadif you can get that much working right, you'll be better off than 90% of projects
21:39.27brlcadwhat bugs?
21:39.39``Erik(also; testing fresh checkouts every once in a while is good practice)
21:39.50Maloeran*nods* All right, so noted, I'll do so.  Basically, before now, I was only commiting when there was something new to show
21:39.53``Erikthat "sh" not matching that you fixed back then
21:40.35IriX64speak too.
21:40.35``ErikI hope is posix sh, not bash...
21:40.54IriX64posix is just a name like bash.
21:40.58``Erikcuz, uh, I use it with non-bash shells :) a modified bsh, ksh, zsh, ...
21:41.06``Erikbash is a piece of software, posix is a set of standards...
21:41.38IriX64cmd.exe is not posix but can be made to run
21:41.39brlcadah, yes.. that was working, then broken then working re sh
21:41.52brlcadit wasn't a posix vs bash thing, just a basename/lookup issue
21:42.31``Erik<-- tries to make his work with a strict posix sh for portability
21:42.44IriX64sometimes it pays to learn the scripting languages, but there are so bloody many of them.
21:42.58brlcadcan't imagine what it's break on even with strict posix at the moment
21:43.05brlcadi'd be interested in seeing a report if it fails
21:43.17IriX64passed here
21:43.20brlcadonly thing maybe might be some [] operations
21:43.34brlcaddon't remember if posix allows -ne and -eq
21:44.30``Eriksince it's using /bin/sh, it'll be pretty damn close if not strictly posix on bsd, solaris, I THINK irix, ... only linux assumes /bin/sh is bash, iirc
21:45.39IriX64``erik bat file script i know, might take me a while but i could code an equivelent.
21:46.38IriX64``E too, sorry :)
21:46.38``Erikequivelant to what?
21:46.51IriX64to autogen but *you have to write the tools that it uses ok? ;)
21:48.03IriX64bwthresh.exe sweet.
21:48.04``Erikuh... if you're gonna use it on windows, you might as well install cygwin and have a working sh?
21:48.16IriX64uhhh ;)
21:48.24``Erikor use the msvc files and ignore the auto* stuff...
21:48.47IriX64msvc is pricey.
21:51.06``Erikdidn't ms release a free version? lacking the fancy ide, I think, but should be able to build using the project build files, no?
21:51.30IriX64unknown to me ``Erik.
21:59.05``Erikhm, I've seen similar screens before :D
21:59.39``Erikof course, if I see that one, I say "oh, huh, I didn't break it" and try harder...
22:06.28IriX64i think automake-1.10 works brlcad.
22:06.59IriX64gonna install and runtest it.
22:08.27IriX64whoa---/usr/cygcad/include/brlcad ... no such file or directory, what gives here?
22:18.25IriX64it looks like its not making the dir but i don't understand all this stuff in makefile, sorry :( but i can tell you this, with automake1.9.6 it works.
22:44.40IriX64just rgressed to 1.9.6 and make install works again.
22:45.30brlcadIriX64: hard to say what the cause is, but on the surface it looks like an automake bug
22:46.10IriX64too bad i don't speak perl, id try to help, but i leave that to those who are fluent.
22:47.22IriX64``Erik did I try hard enough? :)
22:47.59IriX64btw is it safe to reconfigure and just do a make install thats how im trying this thing out.
22:49.21brlcaddepends on what you're trying to do
22:49.41brlcadin general if you need to reconfigure, you probably should recompile
22:49.48brlcadbut that's not always the case
22:50.52IriX64same configure options, codes already compiled, should be able to get away with it no?
22:51.46brlcadthen why are you rerunning configure?
22:52.15IriX64did an autogen, wanted my makefiles fixed after i regressed to 1.9.6 of automake.
22:52.33brlcadfor that, yeah, should be fine
23:26.07IriX64havoc renders, i'm all happy again :)

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