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01:46.58*** join/#brlcad starseeker (
02:05.13starseekeranybody here?
02:08.41brlcadsometimes :)
02:08.47brlcadhowdy starseeker .. been a while
02:09.02starseekerYes indeed.  Just got internet back after many months
02:09.09starseekergood to be back!
02:09.36starseekerI see brl-cad has made some strides.  Anybody working on a 7.8.0 ebuild yet, to your knowledge?
02:09.51brlcadnot to my knowledge!
02:10.05starseekerHmm.  A situation requiring attention :-)
02:10.13brlcadthere have been a couple new gentooers interested in the ebuild, but nobody jumping in hard
02:10.41brlcadthere was still one remaining issue iirc, but I hadn't been back to the ebuild to see what it was to get a fix in for it
02:10.54starseekerletsee... I was just looking at that...
02:10.56brlcadbtw 7.8.2 is posted ;)
02:14.19starseekerWell, I've got the gentoo-sci overlay here, which I think has it... yes.  Let's see how 7.8.2 does.
02:21.30starseekerOK, here we go...
02:22.37starseekerAh, fudge.  Ebuild wants a patch.
02:22.55starseekerWould it be better for testing purposes to try it with no patches?
02:33.06starseekerOK... it didn't like it when I tried to eautoconf, but I"m trying it with just removing all that and going with the default ./configure...
02:35.22starseekerThey disabled something subesequently not found on the system - re-enabling it...
02:35.31starseekerURT, I think...
02:37.13starseekerGrr - itcl must need a patch.  Darn it, why can't they just use the internal stuff...
02:39.54starseekerWell, I'm almost getting it to finish ./configure so far :-)
02:40.49brlcadfor ebuild it should be using either the --enable-everything or --disable-everything option so that it consistently builds or doesn't build the external dependencies itself
02:41.35starseekerHmm.  Well, they seem to be pretty stubborn about wanting the disable-everything route, but that never seems to work properly.
02:41.44starseekerOK, it's at least building now.
02:41.47brlcadprobably --disable-everything .. that will turn off brl-cad's compilation of almost everything in src/other
02:42.14brlcadshouldn't be any more violations any more
02:42.22starseekerOK, cool :-)
02:42.33brlcadthe biggest issue that I can think of is that it still requires our tcl/tk
02:42.37starseekerI think it's about a 20 minute build (or it was)
02:42.49brlcadmore specifically, it needs our tk
02:43.07starseekeractually, tcl/tk was ok, at least so far  - it was itcl it didn't seem to like
02:43.13brlcadthough I haven't tried piecemealing it with some on and some off
02:43.29starseeker'course, I haven't actually gotten to the tk compile yet...
02:44.17brlcadno?  what fails?
02:44.24brlcadeverything in brl-cad should compile without a hitch
02:44.49brlcadi.e. if you ./configure --enable-everything .. that 'should' always work .. if it doesn't, that's a serious build bug
02:44.50starseekerI think it will.  The configure was a little odd but I'm not convinced that's brlcads fault
02:45.12starseekerOK.  I was doing it wrong - I tried to use internal stuff only when I had to
02:45.26brlcadyou can actually --enable-everything and then --disable specific packages too .. that might be easier for testing
02:46.19starseekerIf enable-everything works we should get an ebuild out there that does that, and follow up with the more finicky one when we can make it work.
02:46.53brlcadwe're really really close to being able to disable everything, it's the tcl/tk itcl/itk/iwidgets stuff that causes serious problems still due to the way they search for script 'packages' at run-time
02:47.35brlcadthat can come to closure and get fixed pretty quickly, but since you weren't around and others weren't nearly as motivated, the priority slowly decreases ;)
02:47.41brlcadpriority follows interest ;)
02:47.48brlcadand involvement
02:47.55starseekerI thought there were some customizations that were made just for brl-cad?
02:48.10starseekerYes, I see the ebuild comments are rather stale
02:48.33brlcadthere were some customizations make to tk and repairs made throughout their build for minor issues like 64bit bugs and type warnings
02:48.46starseekerI was hoping when that guy came in making fun of my 1st ebuild he would get it completely working.  Maybe it's time to repeat that strategy :-)
02:48.52brlcadbut I removed those shortly after the last time I was testing with either you or one of the debian guys
02:49.08brlcadour tk mods are now in a different library (one of ours) instead of in tk
02:49.15starseekerThe upstream tk maintainers weren't interested?
02:49.41brlcadbut.. that code still uses tk internal headers and has to get fixed still.. so until it's fixed it still requires a copy of tk sources from somewhere
02:49.55starseekerSeldom a problem on gentoo ;-)
02:50.13starseekerOh, is -march=athlon-xp going to get me in trouble?
02:50.49brlcadbut it means that you can't just assume because tk 8.4 is installed that it will compile, it won't.. because it's using internal tk headers as if it was tk itself.. which tk doesn't install
02:50.56brlcadno, that should be just fine
02:51.14brlcadthe veritable test of functionality after everything is installed is to run 'benchmark'
02:51.35starseekerIs that a brlcad binary?
02:51.47starseeker(it's been a while :/)
02:52.03brlcadtechnically not a binary, but it is a core brl-cad application
02:52.09starseekerOK, if I get away with this compile I'll give it a go.
02:52.35brlcadthat ends up exercising all of the core libraries testing performance and verifying that the ray-trace library is computing results correctly within tolerance
02:52.55brlcadit will tell you a metric of how your machine compares performance-wise
02:54.07brlcadthe BRL-CAD Benchmark has also been around for a couple decades so you can use the number it gives you to see how you compare to systems like a VAX 11/780 and a Cray 2, etc
02:54.45brlcador a 512 process SGI Origin 2000 or a Mac G5, etc.. any system
02:55.12starseekerMight be depressing though - when we benchmarked our compaq pcs agains our years old dec alphas, our new (expensive) pcs got killed on floating point
02:55.47starseekerWe should have scrounged up a buch of old alphas - more bang for the buck ;-)
02:56.06brlcadit's an excellent direct comparison of "real world" computation power for cpu-intensive applications since it exercises how well your cpu performs, cache levels, access to memory, coherency, compiler optimization options, etc
02:56.26starseekerNice.  Who's the current leader in the AMD/Intel comparison?
02:56.53brlcade.g. it would be a great way to quantifiably compare how much boost gentoo gives to a system by simply compiling with the same compiler and same compiler options on a box with gentoo and then on that same box with a different os
02:57.12starseekerHmm.  That would be interesting.
02:57.27brlcadAMD has been beating in the numerics realm for many years now for general performance computing
02:57.28starseekerHas anybody tried it inside a virtualization environment (e.g. Xen?)
02:58.41starseekerThat might be a good heavy duty test for them
02:58.58starseekerAlthough I guess the CPUs with the proper support for that aren't generally available yet?
02:59.05brlcadIntel's been good in some niche computing areas, e.g. taking advantage of perfectly aligned caches with extensive coherencey, but when it comes to real world application performance, it pays more penalties and AMD has come out on top for most chips for over 5 years now
02:59.24brlcadinside a virtualization environment?
02:59.48brlcadit's been run inside Mingw on windows and on virtual pc
03:00.10starseekerApparently they are working on creating processors that will allow things like running Windows and Linux side by side at a rather low level (for performance gains)
03:00.13brlcadshows pretty well the sorts of penalties you pay
03:00.25starseekerYes, I'm sure mingw is horrible
03:00.44starseekerMaxima has used mingw, and I think Axiom did too
03:00.51starseekerWhen it's the only game in town...
03:01.19starseekerAh - here's Xen:
03:02.29starseekerThey claim "close to native" performance :-).  Sounds like it's begging for benchmark to take a crack at it ;-)
03:02.34brlcadit'd be interested to see just what that penalty is
03:02.54brlcadthat's what I've always loved about the BRL-CAD Benchmark
03:03.12starseekerI'm hoping to wait on my next PC until I can have Xen allow things like running WIndows and Linux at the same time, seamlessly
03:03.52brlcadit's a real world metric better than the subjective ones you usually see like Photoshop and Maya, and not tied to hardware to specifically beyond the processor like the game FPS benchmarks
03:04.07brlcadnor is it insanely operation specific like the SPEC ratings
03:04.23brlcadwhere you simply do a billion floating point divides etc
03:04.56starseekerI think some of those tests were intended for very specific numerical simulation optimization, and got perverted into marketing tools.
03:05.33starseekerOK, compiled...  Will it install...
03:06.28starseekerI saw a warning about relinking libfb.a or something similar - is that expected?
03:06.39*** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:08.35starseekerOne problem I might have is that my nvidia drivers aren't working with the new Xorg release, so I"m on the basic nv driver
03:09.06starseekerAppears to have installed!!!
03:09.58starseekerLet's see what benchmark does...
03:10.38starseekerIt estimates a little under 10 minutes
03:11.22brlcadthey do get perverted into marketing tools
03:12.07brlcadand if you talk to some of the chip makers.. some of the chips (in particular intel ones) are actually specifically designed to perform very well on the SPEC benchmarks even though their real-world performance is nowhere near as ideal
03:12.27starseekerouch.  That must smart to an engineer
03:12.35brlcadbenchmark default timeframe is 10 minutes, it can be changed to pretty much any length of time
03:13.08starseekerlets see - where does brlcad put its examples?
03:13.18brlcade.g. "TIMEFRAME=10 benchmark" will run it really fast to give a real quick estimate
03:13.34brlcaddid it error?
03:13.41starseekernot so far
03:14.05brlcadeach one of those frames is actually a ray-trace rendering of some geometry
03:14.36brlcadsimple models, but the stress specific types of access and different portions of the BRL-CAD libraries
03:14.48brlcad6 tests in all today
03:15.18starseekerAh, OK.  Well, it is giving answers are RIGHT and 0 off by 1, 0 off by many
03:15.29starseekerOh, it sends them in to the site?
03:15.33brlcadRIGHT answers are good
03:15.46brlcadno, it doesn't .. would be a sweet feature I'd like to add
03:16.09brlcadbut i'm a bit uneasy myself about how to prompt the user as to whether they want to submit results to a database
03:17.02brlcadplus I need more details to really make sense of the number (cpu type, number of cpus, amount of memory, l1/l2/l3 cache levels, compiler, compiler options, type of memory, version of brl-cad)
03:17.05starseekerMaybe something like: "Tests completed successfully.  Would you like to submit these results to the central brlcad performance benchmarking database? (y|n)
03:17.52brlcadsomething like that could work
03:18.03starseekerMost computers can tell you cpu type and # of cpus I think, and probably amount of memory.  Not sure about the others - does brlcad itself record the options used to build it?
03:18.23starseekertype of memory might be tough.  I'd love to know how to tell what kind of memory I've got.
03:18.47brlcadi can programmatically get most of the details, and it does know how it was built.. but the tool that describes all that to the benchmark suite would need to get written
03:19.34starseekerOK, got the results : These numbers seem to indicate that this machine is approximately 1347 times
03:19.34starseekerfaster than the reference machine being used for comparison, a VAX 11/780
03:19.34starseekerrunning 4.3 BSD named VGR.  These results are in fact approximately 3.13
03:19.34starseekerorders of magnitude faster than the reference.
03:20.04brlcadnot too shabby for a single cpu result
03:20.25brlcadseems slightly low if that's a new chip, did you use --enable-optimized?
03:20.36starseekerNo.  It's an old chip though.
03:20.39starseekerlet's see...
03:21.05brlcadahh, without --enable-optimized, the numbers are going to be considerably lower
03:21.19starseekerFudge - how do I check my cpu type
03:21.32brlcadcompiler difference between -O0 and -O3 with additional optimizations is going to be about 2X performance usually
03:21.41starseekerI should say I didn't turn it on - I need to check the ebuild
03:21.42brlcadcat /proc/cpuinfo
03:22.09starseekercache size      : 256 KB
03:22.22starseekercpu MHz         : 1533.236
03:23.18starseekerOpps - it's in the ebuild, but I don't think I used that flag.  OK, one more build...
03:23.24starseekershould I bother sending in this result?
03:23.58brlcadmake sure it's --enable-optimized and --disable-debug for the best results and maybe even add your march flag
03:24.16brlcad(disable-debug isn't that important, but might give 1-2%)
03:24.28starseekerOK - the march flag was in there, I saw it during the build
03:25.49starseekerIs --enable-everything compatible with the above two options?
03:25.50brlcadthat VGR number (1347 in your case) is the bread and butter
03:26.17brlcadenable-everything only affects the --enable-*-build options
03:26.24starseekerAll rightie, let's see if this will build
03:26.29brlcadso has nothing to do with optimized or debug
03:27.13starseekerdoes an athlon xp 1800 still count as a new chip?
03:27.24brlcadthe VGR number is a linear metric, meaning that a machine with a VGR of 2000 is twice as fast as one with a VGR of 1000
03:27.42brlcad1800 is from 5 years ago, no?
03:27.48brlcadmaybe 6
03:27.51starseekerI think - I don't remember now
03:28.17brlcaddoesn't matter, i've been slowly attempting to build a database of performance numbers
03:28.48brlcadhoping to get a website wrapped around it all at some point so people can see just how systems perform under various configurations
03:28.49starseekerCool.  I'll have a somewhat better one for you in half an hour or so ;-)
03:29.27brlcadso you know it.. when you run benchmark, it's dumping out a lot of files into your current directory ... :-)
03:30.09brlcadeasy enough to rm -f *.pix *.log summary to get rid of them all
03:30.30brlcadassuming you don't have other pix and log files of importance
03:30.47starseekernot any more ;-)
03:31.05starseekerI don't usually use log files much
03:31.21starseekerbad habit though - I really should keep a closer eye on things
03:31.50brlcadmeh, there's only so many hours in the day to keep an eye on things ;)
03:32.10starseekerexactly.  Maybe I should hire a sysadmin :)
03:32.15brlcadso you said you were offline?  off to school?  in jail? :)
03:32.43starseekerNah (though the office does feel like the latter sometimes) - I turned off the internet for a while to conserve on both time and $$
03:33.21starseekerSo I had the bright idea of re-installing my system to get all the latest goodies
03:33.28starseekerand ran smack into the expat upgrade
03:33.40brlcadthough heck, I probably would have paid for your internet if it meant getting more brl-cad work out of you ;-)
03:34.21starseekerHeh :-).  Didn't think of that.  The real problem was my girlfriend was 5 hours away up in Delaware and most of my weekends were spent driving up there.
03:34.37brlcadahh, that's just up the road
03:34.37starseekerEven brl-cad doesn't compete with girlfriend ;-)
03:35.10starseekerNow she's in Pittsburgh, which is 10 hours.  So now it's down to once a month, due to travel time and costs
03:35.19brlcadyou probably drove within 5 minutes of my house if you took the I95 corridor
03:35.39starseekerI've only done that once or twice - usually I come up 13
03:35.50starseekerBay bridge costs, but it's a nice drive
03:36.14starseekerYou in Delaware?
03:36.21brlcadit is a nice drive..
03:36.24brlcadno no..
03:36.31brlcadgod that'd drive me nut
03:36.43starseekerHehe.  No sales tax was nice.
03:36.53brlcadyeah.. but .. it's .. deleware ;)
03:37.10starseekerWell, at least it has the virtue of not being NJ :-)
03:37.18brlcadthere's nothing there except a couple beaches and tax free shopping
03:37.27brlcadthat's true
03:37.31starseekerthe only state I am aware of which collects money from you to let you out is NJ ;-)
03:38.08starseekerWell, they do have some solar research at Delaware, but thanks to the current administration the $$ kinda dried up
03:38.33starseekerCool.  We went down to MD for dinner once in a while
03:39.00starseekerGot my only speeding ticket to date in MD
03:39.18starseekerNever drive fast after midnight on Superbowl sunday - the cops are all bored
03:40.33brlcad95 is heavily patrolled most of the time through MD, have to know their camping spots but even then it's still a big gamble
03:40.59brlcadthey make a lot of their funding on it
03:41.22starseekerYep.  If we suddenly all slowed to legal speeds I think there would be a financial crisis in law enforcement
03:41.23brlcadwith a particular affinity for out-of-state cars ;)
03:41.45starseekerThat night I think I was the ONLY car.
03:42.40starseekerI think the most fun I had doing that drive was when NASCAR was getting out in Dover and I was going the other way - there's something immensely satisfying about doing 60 down the road watching a 17 mile backup on the other side :-)
03:43.15brlcadthe one nice thing is that since 95 is so heavily traveled and it feeds through baltimore/washington that the average speeds are conveniently high
03:43.38brlcadbut it also means the cops can pretty much pull over anyone they want depending on how much quota they have to fill that month ..
03:44.07starseekerI think I"ve seen as many as 4 cars stationed in once spot on 95, come to think of it.
03:44.10starseekerand it was in MD
03:45.32brlcadcoworker and I that used to travel 50+ miles a day at usually 80-100 mph most of the way and we used to joke about how cars that got "selected" was like them simply choosing a sacrificial lamb
03:46.11brlcada form of random taxation for the 'privilege' to drive fast if you will
03:46.50starseekerI think if they would raise the driving license age by another 5 years or so they could up the speeds another 10 miles.
03:47.36starseeker50+ miles a day is a mean commute
03:47.42brlcadthey could already do that pretty safely, half of the neighboring states already did without a problem
03:48.01starseekerYep, then it's the $$, pure and simple
03:48.11brlcadpretty much
03:48.41starseekerHow has BRLCAD been doing now that it's open source - have there been real, substantial contributions to the code base yet?
03:48.48brlcadand a lot of conservatives wanting to keep it how it is
03:48.57starseekerthat figures
03:50.23brlcadthere have been some substantial contributions, more so in the last couple months has been growing involvement from a handful of guys learning what's there and making mods
03:51.09brlcadnobody up to speed of what i'd call a core dev yet, but the contributions have been significant
03:51.44brlcadone guy working on converting the major documentation into docbook (long desired task) and he's made great progress pretty much doing exactly what I would have done had I done it myself
03:52.04starseekerThat's handy :-)
03:52.11brlcadanother guy worked on mged fixing a handful of issues and implementing full vi-mode command line editing capabilities
03:52.46brlcadanother windows dev went hog wild making litterally hundred of fixes throughout shortly after it was released for windows
03:53.00starseekerHeh - I see May 23 was a banner day for downloads
03:53.06brlcadthat was just astounding, though I haven't been able to get him onto irc yet to get him integrating better
03:53.24starseekerWindows specific fixes, or general?
03:53.39brlcadmore general then specific actually
03:53.54brlcadthough he also fixed a lot of windows build system issues too
03:54.21starseekerA good windows release is always a major undertaking.  Which installer did you opt for?
03:54.58brlcadit was.. the windows release held up our normal release schedule for several months
03:56.05brlcadmy time was completely taxed trying to integrate the ton of changes that had been made for the windows port over a couple months, then took a couple more of testing and fixing and validating, etc and I'm still trying to catch up and get back to regular monthly releases now
03:56.29brlcadi forget the exact installer, I think it's an installshield right now
03:56.43starseekerReally.  Wow.  I thought that was commercial only
03:56.53brlcadthough I'll likely see if I can someone playing with the windows stuff to look at nsis
03:57.07starseekerYep, I was going to suggest that :-)
03:57.20starseekerIf for any reason that won't work, InnoSetup is the other major one.
03:57.38brlcadi think nsis is actually probably better regardless.. :)
03:57.41starseekerI think  NSIS is the more sophisticated of the two though
03:57.45starseekerer, yeah :-)
03:58.19starseekerAxiom used NSIS, and I'm sure it will again when someone gets gutsy enough to try it again.
03:58.31brlcadinstallshield isn't available to anyone but bob (the current 'primary' windows dev)
03:59.21brlcadi'm not too thrilled with the current state of the windows build myself but i'm just waiting to see how it all settles down
03:59.47starseekerAre y'all using mingw and msys or the Microsoft tools?
04:00.16brlcadthere are now like 3 ways build on windows, cygwin/mingw or vc6 studio build files or vc7 build files
04:00.35starseekermingw is always a trip because it never steadies down.
04:00.47starseekerno wonder it took months
04:00.51brlcadcygwin/mingw is actually the most comprehensive.. it builds the entire package, all libraries, all binaries
04:01.08brlcadi had that working a couple years ago in just a day
04:01.46brlcadthe vc6 files on the other hand dont' include any of the binaries, but build all of the libraries "best"
04:02.15brlcadthe vc7 files build all of the libraries 'ok' and about 1/4th of the binaries (most of the core ones that people care about)
04:02.30starseekerHmm.  How are the relative benchmark numbers for the different methods?
04:03.00brlcadthe problem with the studio files is that they have to be separately maintained and that's a burden without a really highly active windows dev
04:03.41starseekerYes.  Plus, you need a studio license to even get started
04:03.47brlcadhmm.. i hadn't bothered testing extensively, just quick tests to make sure things were working correctly and get a feel
04:04.30starseeker--------------------------- ACCESS VIOLATION SUMMARY ---------------------------
04:04.30starseekerLOG FILE = "/var/log/sandbox/sandbox-sci-misc_-_brlcad-7.8.2-13421.log"
04:04.30starseekeropen_wr:   /usr/lib/
04:04.31brlcadstudio builds are definitely faster -- the compiler is considerably better at optimizing over what gcc was doing in mingw
04:05.22brlcadthat sounds familiar
04:05.30starseekerThat didn't happen before - but I'm not sure if it was the enable-everything or the optimized flag
04:05.40brlcadsounds like jove
04:05.58brlcadyep, sure enough..
04:06.04brlcadproblem in the jove
04:06.09brlcad--disable-jove :)
04:06.19starseekerI'll run the benchmark from the /var/tmp/portage directory - it did compile.
04:07.42starseekerI think that sandbox feature is responsible for more Makefile cleanups...
04:07.55brlcadthat was a 1-char typo :)
04:08.07CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/jove/ ACK, typo.. DESDIR != DESTDIR, fix sandbox error
04:08.23starseekermaybe slip in a new 7.8.2 tarball unnoticed? ;-)
04:08.59brlcadnah, ebuild should use --disable-jove
04:09.09starseekerjove isn't essential?
04:09.15brlcadheck no
04:09.25starseekerok, updating...
04:09.39brlcadit would have been removed from the package a long time ago, but it's an editor..
04:09.50brlcadand brl-cad has provided it for a very long time..
04:10.05brlcadever try to get some unix guy to use a different editor? :-)
04:10.40starseekerIt's a little like trying to reason with an Middle Eastern fanatic, actually
04:10.47brlcadlet the vi vs emacs vs nano vs pico vs ed wars commence!
04:11.32starseekerOK, one more time (as soon as the benchmark is done)
04:11.35brlcadnot so important for "external" or "new" users .. especially packaging systems like portage
04:12.10starseekerOK.  Shouldn't be a problem.
04:12.43starseekerThey're unlikely to include my ebuild anyway, since I"m content to go with the use everything option and ignore trying to get it working with external tcl/tk
04:13.08starseekerI'll post it, so that one guy can insult it and write a better one again ;-)
04:14.08brlcadwell the external tcl/tk thing really isn't going to work until some source mods are made at least to that tk component that requires the private headers but probably also to the package search rules for mged, btclsh, and bwish
04:15.04starseekerAny thought to using something other than tcl/tk?  (I know that's a lot of needless work, I just had to ask ;-)
04:15.16brlcadof course
04:15.50starseekerBenchmark results indicate an approximate VGR performance metric of 1510
04:15.56brlcadit would be a monumental effort to actually replace tcl/tk (several man-years of works) entirely
04:16.42brlcadthe 'plan' though is to leave the tools that use it as-is (i.e. leave mged alone) and develop new tools that don't have the dependency
04:16.51starseekerWe'll schedule that for when Tim Daly begins turning BRL-CAD into a literate programming project ;-)
04:16.57starseekerAh, OK.
04:17.16brlcadmore to the point, a new modeler -- it's actually one of the utmost highest priority development items
04:17.40starseekerSolidworks type UI, or something totally new?
04:19.15starseekerActually, I guess Solidworks is actually a different kind of CAD?  
04:19.52starseekerCool :-)
04:20.07brlcadsolidworks is a different kind of cad slightly, but they do overlap somewhat with the domain
04:20.22brlcadothers would be unigraphics, pro/engineer, catia
04:20.56starseekerare they capable of different things, or is it more a "different design philosophy" sort of difference?
04:21.07starseeker(sorry for the dorky questions)
04:21.11brlcadboth actually
04:21.16brlcadnah, fine questions
04:21.55brlcadif you get into the research, there was a big debate 15+ years ago regarding geometric representations, implicit vs explicit, brep vs csg, etc
04:22.16starseekerFrom what little I have seen of solidworks, it seems to have some fairly good tools for taking a solid and "cutting and shaping" the geometry in precise ways, but that's about all I know about it.
04:22.16brlcadmost of the commercial systems went explicit and brep, brl-cad went implicit and csg
04:22.24starseekerAh :-)
04:22.38brlcadsince then, both realized the benefits of having both and have moved towards hybrid systems
04:22.54starseekerHeh - that must have upset a lot of academics :-)
04:23.05starseekernobody wins the total victory ;-)
04:23.10brlcadthe commercial guys have invested a lot more time/money into being hybrid, brl-cad to a lesser extent though it is something that needs to continue
04:24.13brlcadi.e. brl-cad actually has pretty extensive support for breps and explicit representations, it's just not well exposed by the modeling tools to say the least and not well developed/debugged/etc
04:24.52brlcadthe other big difference is feature-wise -- the big names in the industry have massive purses, massive dev teams
04:24.53starseekerAh.  So the 1st 90% is done, there's just that last 10% that takes 90% of the time? ;-)
04:25.00brlcadimplementing a "full" CAD system is incredibly expensive
04:25.21brlcadit's the only reason that no open source project has even come close to touching the domain before brl-cad was released as open source
04:25.43brlcadand brl-cad has 20 years investment with some pretty top-notch mathematical talent and programming teams behind it
04:25.52starseekerI suspected something of the sort when I started looking around for one
04:26.08starseekerMike Myers was involved, IIRC?
04:26.27brlcadand we're dwarfed by the big names when it comes to domains we don't regularly deal with
04:26.40starseekeronly natural
04:27.28brlcaddrafting, machining, part designing, finite element analyses .. all things we don't "do" well and with each one of those is a long associated feature list
04:27.54brlcadMike Muuss was the primary brains behind brl-cad's origins
04:28.01starseekerOh, sorry :-)
04:28.09starseekerwrong MIke
04:28.22brlcadmike myers is a comedian actor ;)
04:28.49starseekeror coffee
04:29.11brlcadi actually have to head off for a bit myself too
04:29.25starseekerOK - did you want the optimized results?
04:29.26brlcadgood talking with you again as always
04:29.30starseekersame here
04:29.50starseekerRighto - do I copy the terminal output or is there a file?
04:29.55brlcadsend me your 'summary' file
04:30.10brlcadalong with the details of your system and compilation options
04:30.20starseekerOK, I'll see what I can dig up.
04:30.30brlcad/proc/cpuinfo, uname -a, and gcc optimization flags
04:30.49starseekerOK.  I've got them defined in make.conf - does brlcad add any on its own?
04:31.26brlcadwith --enable-optimized it does
04:31.34brlcadhere we go
04:31.38brlcad#   0) Operating system type and version (e.g. uname -a)                                                                                    
04:31.41brlcad#   1) Compiler name and version (e.g. gcc --version)                                                                                      
04:31.44brlcad#   2) CPU configuration (e.g. cat /proc/cpuinfo or hinv or sysctl -a)                                                                      
04:31.48brlcad#   3) Cache (data and/or instruction) details for L1/L2/L3 and system                                                                      
04:31.51brlcad#      (e.g. cat /proc/cpuinfo or hinv or sysctl -a)                                                                                        
04:31.54brlcad#   4) Output from this script (e.g. ./ > 2>&1)                                                                            
04:31.57brlcad#   5) All generated log files (e.g. *.log* after running                                                                          
04:32.00brlcad#   6) Anything else you think might be relevant to performance
04:32.24starseekerWhere is
04:32.25brlcadforget 4 and 5, the 'summary' file will do just fine ;)
04:32.29starseekerah :-)
04:32.37starseekerOK, will do.
04:32.52starseekerthe benchmark email is still the one to use?
04:33.03brlcadyeah, that's perfect
04:33.29starseekerOK.  Watch the ebuild bug report - I'll post something once it actually builds and start the fight again :-)  Have a good one!
04:34.29brlcadsounds good
04:34.35brlcadthanks again, good stuff
04:34.41brlcadalready found one bug/typo :)
04:35.20starseekerI've done worse for an evening ;-)
04:36.01starseekerI'll probably wait on the ebuild until I'm sure my system is stable - I'm still trying to recover from that expat upgrade
04:36.25starseekerI think another two days or so
04:37.17starseekerThanks for all the work you've put in on this - great stuff!
04:37.46brlcadit'll be awesome to finally have it in portage stable
04:37.48starseeker(nosy question I can't resist) what are the schedule plans for the modeler?
04:39.36brlcadit's on-going development as time permits .. when I'm not dealing with issues/releases/support I work on it, working towards a streamlined 'demo' or 'alpha' so devs can jump in and get involved easily
04:40.23brlcadhoping by this fall to have something that will actually run and maybe show geometry with some basic functionality
04:40.30starseekerneat.  What language are you looking at?
04:41.09brlcadthe overarching design criteria is that it's being treated as if it were a commercial cross-platform game
04:41.38starseeker"Run well everywhere effortlessly?"
04:41.49brlcadC++ is the primary language, built on top of BRL-CAD's existing C libraries and binaries
04:42.46starseekerHmm.  QT4 or WxWidgets sound like logical matches, although I have to admit a preference for QT4.  Is VTK usable for modeling display?
04:43.24brlcadthere is a fundamental plugin/scripting interface that will provide bindings for several languages at runtime including python, tcl, and bash for starters (and maybe perl and lisp)
04:43.36starseekerLisp?  COOOOL!
04:44.14starseeker(ok, benchmark sent, I think.)
04:44.18brlcadvtk is viable, though it's got a plethora of issues (would you expect any game to use vtk? :)
04:44.45starseekerI must admit that's one thing I haven't seen it do yet ;-)
04:44.57starseekerI think blender can develop games though
04:45.01brlcadsimilar issue with wxwidgets
04:46.39brlcadblender basically has a python runtime engine driving that game engine
04:47.42starseekerSo much for that then...  does the c++ code in blender have anything useful?
04:48.06brlcadsome aspects potentially
04:49.06starseeker is impressive enough, I guess
04:50.30brlcadthat's actually not that complex of a model
04:51.13starseekerI guess that stands to reason though - assembly lines and such have thousands of parts
04:51.25brlcadthey also don't deal at all with solid modeling really, there's no geometric guarantees, no ability to analyse the geometry correctly with guarantees
04:51.56brlcadjust a bunch of surfaces
04:52.14brlcad"mostly" connected, no insides, no concept of "material"
04:52.46brlcadinterferences, geometric construction for an analytic purpose
04:53.00starseekerthat all happens at the UI level?
04:53.24brlcadthere is some folks looking into adding CAD and solid modeling capabilities into blender, but the approach is rather fundamentally flawed
04:53.26starseekerWell, I guess at a minimum you'd need the UI to be aware of it
04:53.40brlcadwhat blender does have is a pretty mature UI
04:54.05brlcadtheir target market though is more in line with products like maya and lightwave
04:54.20brlcadyou'd never think of using maya or lightwave in place of unigraphics or pro/engineer :)
04:54.29brlcadthough all four are "modelers"
04:55.00starseekerSo are unigraphics and pro/engineer kind of a "superset" of the maya/lightwave world?
04:55.12brlcadnot really
04:55.45brlcadthere are things that maya, lightwave and the sort do very very well that are practially not possible with a solid modeling system and vice versa
04:56.23brlcadthe focus is on easily making things that "look" good when rendered (e.g. for a movie)
04:56.45brlcadso it doesn't matter if it's physically correct beyond basic behaviors and appaearance
04:56.54starseekerOh, so they have different optimizations in their design (the emphasis on surfaces)
04:57.06brlcadsolid modelers have the entirely opposite focus -- physical representation is paramount
04:57.50starseekerso solid modelers don't handle things like surface reflectivity?
04:57.53brlcadas the purpose is rarely just to make it look good -- usually the primary purpose is a simulation/analysis, or machining, or designing something that will be manufactured, etc
04:58.41brlcadthey can and most do as that's pretty based (brl-cad does for example), but it's not a major feature
04:59.46starseekerWell, I've got a 6:30am meeting, so I'd better hit the hay :-)  Thanks a lot for the help with basic ideas!
05:00.11brlcadno problem, cheers!
13:56.20CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: usage of lt says 'lt object' yet if you actually type that you get a bus error.. nice.
13:57.11CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed asc-nmg manual page usage examples
13:58.14CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/asc-nmg.1: fixed asc-nmg manual page usage examples, it doesn't take stdin and output to stdout, but if you provide both file names it works (it will take stdin, but then you can't specify output file)
13:59.10CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/bitv.c: ws
14:21.03CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/do.c:
14:21.03CIA-7BRL-CAD: gah, don't reset the view scale.. it might have been specifically set to
14:21.03CIA-7BRL-CAD: something else. instead call do_ae() now instead of waiting for end. this
14:21.03CIA-7BRL-CAD: still doesn't work right as do_ae does its own autoview on the geometry and
14:21.03CIA-7BRL-CAD: resizes, but at least ae command doesn't override now
14:23.35CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: rt command script 'ae' no longer resets view scale
14:52.38CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (5 files in 3 dirs):
14:52.38CIA-7BRL-CAD: bigger, better vi command line editing in mged provided by james (swcto). this
14:52.38CIA-7BRL-CAD: adds command history searching as well as pretty much full vi-mode command
14:52.38CIA-7BRL-CAD: editing. (sf patch 1377410 - Bigger, Better vi command line editing)
14:54.07CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: james made it command edit history searching
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15:52.22CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: add support for the Mac delete key (backwards and forwards should work now). also fix vi command line editing mode history, quell warnings, pass null parameter.
15:53.54CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: improved support for Mac 'delete' keys in mged
15:56.42CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: prevent a bus error if read() returns -1 when reading from the provided file descriptor
16:01.11CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/openw.tcl: set the default number of scrollback lines in mged to 10k instead of 1k
16:04.20CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS:
16:04.21CIA-7BRL-CAD: increase default mged line scrollback to 10,000 lines instead of the previous
16:04.21CIA-7BRL-CAD: 1000.. too many commands and listings fill up the 1000 count. users can still
16:04.21CIA-7BRL-CAD: override that default on the fly in their .mgedrc or on the command line.
16:07.10CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/jove/jove_term.c:
16:07.10CIA-7BRL-CAD: prevent jove from crashing on SGI Altix due to clamping the tgetstr pointer to
16:07.10CIA-7BRL-CAD: 32-bit when it needs to be 64-bit. this requires actually including the right
16:07.10CIA-7BRL-CAD: headers so that tgetstr is properly declared, but declare it to what it should
16:07.10CIA-7BRL-CAD: be regardless since.. this is jove.
16:08.52CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: ported jove to SGI Altix platform, fixed crash bug.
16:11.54CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/opt.c: initialize a slew of uninitialized values using proper casts for the fastf_t types. uninitialized garbage was causing debug and runtime problems on altix
16:18.09CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/do.c: check and see if the eye point was set to something different than the look at point, otherwise choose a default 'front' view just to pick a direction. also, make sure rtip is valid before checking lists
17:08.39CIA-7BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/regress/ additional testing files that need to get cleaned up
19:40.30IriX64guys whats am-refresh and does it matter if it didn't get built?
19:50.57brlcadam-refresh is an internal automake rule that checks/updates the Makefiles if a dependency is updated (like editing a
19:51.51brlcadit shouldn't be necessary at all
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23:08.58CIA-9BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/mged/grid.c:
23:08.58CIA-9BRL-CAD: Fix for bug #1233930 (grid zoom out hangs)
23:08.58CIA-9BRL-CAD: Problem was integer overflow.
23:08.58CIA-9BRL-CAD: Fix was to check for negative integer. A better algorithm for deciding when
23:08.58CIA-9BRL-CAD: the grid should not be drawn is needed here.
23:12.36brlcadand john continues to rock
23:38.10``Erikthe man is an artist
23:41.18``ErikI wish he woulda taken his vsip and had a little fun :/
23:51.22``Erikhe coulda bought that solstace he wanted outright, heh

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