irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060508

00:11.39pra5adwhats with wendy getting all agitated about g-var
00:12.05pra5adapparently it was part of a ttm
00:54.16animallstupid question, on make benchmark
00:54.41animallis the output needed for comparison with other systems?
00:58.46brlcadanimall: depends, but generally no
00:59.55animallim taking the source into work tomorrow, ill run it on one of the machines in development
00:59.56brlcadanimall: the output is useful to see how stable the numbers are, how rapidly it converges, how many iterations it took
01:00.08brlcadbut the summary VGR count is what ultimately matters
01:00.22brlcadand that is both reported in the output and saved in text file named 'summary'
01:00.44brlcadbe sure to run ./configure with --enable-optimized --disable-debug for best performance
01:00.44animallill see how much of a punch quad dual cores can hammer out
01:00.54animallrunning that now
01:01.13animallhehe, make the engineers freak out
01:01.35brlcadfwiw, 'make benchmark' is installed with brl-cad as a tool named 'benchmark'
01:02.16brlcadwhat sort of numbers are you getting now?
01:02.35animall1109.09    843.08  1170.35 933.45  856.26  4.29    819.42
01:02.57animallsingle core Celeron D in em64t with 800mhz fsb/ ich5 southbridge
01:03.27brlcadthat must be unoptimized i take it?
01:03.27animalland a vanilla FC5 2.6.16-1 kernel
01:03.59brlcadthe last number there, 819 was the VGR count
01:04.10animalli've still got to update the southbridge and northbridge microcode, DFI fragged up and shipped the wrong mircrocode out on this board
01:04.22brlcadthat's a linear metric, so a machine with 800 and another with 1600 means the second is 2x performance
01:05.06animallnot too bad for a board/cpu/ram that ran me like $300
01:05.34brlcadyou can get all sorts of interesting results tweaking compilation options, of course too -- default is usually just a handful of non-platform-limiting options geared towards gcc
01:05.36animallnext box is going to run around $6K
01:06.20brlcadyou can tack on CC and CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS/LDFLAGS to configure and it will carry then through as well
01:06.22animallgcc does have some quirks
01:06.59animallI havent looked at the code yet, I might later on this summer after I finish some driver upgrades at work
01:07.35brlcadoptimized vs default will generally result in about a 2x increase (diff between -O0 and -O3 -ffast-math)
01:08.10brlcadfor gcc at least
01:08.28brlcadicc and mipspro have their own interesting behaviors
01:08.32animalllesson learned on -O3 is that cross platform compiles turn into a blithering mess
01:08.38animallicc is a pain in the butt
01:08.50animalli have to work with it everyday
01:09.06brlcadi like icc's dual-pass optimization mode
01:09.26animallthat is good, esp if the system has the correct microcode
01:09.32brlcadgcc has one too, but not nearly as nice (at least not nearly as familiar)
01:10.11animalldual pass in gcc is a bit more of a cpu hog, and on a system with 600+ users for doing development, it has a tendancy to tick off people
01:10.49brlcad600+ users on a system, eeww
01:11.10brlcadhopefully a 512 processor altix or something
01:11.32brlcadsomething massive smp at least
01:12.14animallquad xeons with HT
01:12.26animallits due for an upgrade this year though
01:12.46brlcadthat's quite a load of users for a system that "small"
01:13.09animallyeah, but it holds the load, mainly for test scripts and compiling code changes
01:13.10brlcadare they not cpu intensive users?  I could eat that much up easily on a daily basis
01:13.15animallmajority of the load is vim
01:13.35animallmainly its  maybe 30 people killing the cpu
01:14.26brlcadso 'only' a load of about 50 all the time ;)
01:16.36CIA-9BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: geometry example of building 238 is pushed back
01:21.26*** join/#brlcad akin (n=akin5040@
01:21.49brlcadhello akin
01:22.12*** part/#brlcad akin (n=akin5040@
01:22.21brlcadgoodbye akin
01:27.17animallrun with optimized
01:27.33animallpretty much about it on the load
01:29.06animallrun 3 w/ --disable-debug
01:30.28brlcadthat's looking more reasonable
01:31.00brlcad--disable-debug doesn't really give you much except a slight hint of memory coherence
01:31.07brlcad--enable-optimized gives the bang
01:34.31animallfreed up some mem also, maybe that will help
01:35.17animallmodel name:                 Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.53GHz
01:35.54animallive got the same model with dual core waiting an ICH7 board with a i965 northbridge
01:39.49brlcadfree'ing up memory shouldn't be a big difference unless you actually needed to swap to exec
01:40.12brlcadthe models intentionally are not large to avoid memory paging timings
01:40.42brlcadwhat will be a factor is L1/L2 cache sizes and register efficiency
01:42.24pra5adheh bldg 238
01:42.44pra5adincluding the trap doors and croc pit?
01:42.56brlcadbut of course
02:20.32animall--enable-optimize --disable-debug
02:20.35animallnot bad
03:32.22*** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
03:32.40digitalfredybrlcad: ping
07:30.27*** part/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
10:27.50*** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
12:36.49*** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
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18:34.10MaloeranQuestion for anyone familar with BRL-CAD and its raytracers, what is the use for VOXELs? Is raytracing support required for scenes that mix triangles and voxels?
20:29.05*** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
20:31.02*** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
20:31.09digitalfredybrlcad: ping
20:41.11brlcaddigitalfredy: pong
20:41.28digitalfredyi'm reading your mail
20:42.51brlcadMaloeran: i presume you mean the 'vol' volumetric primitive?
20:45.32brlcadThe vol primitive is a basic (mostly unoptimized) volume primitive that supports visualization of cell data like you might get from a CT or MRI scan.  implemented for medical visualization primarily, though it has other uses.
20:46.41brlcadnot sure what you mean by "is raytracing support required for scenes that mix triangles and voxels" .. BRL-CAD supports raytracing of arbitrary collections of primitives
20:46.46brlcadnecessarily has to
20:51.23MaloeranRight. The SOW for developing high-performance raytracing software for BRL-CAD requests support for VOXEL datasets, that was unexpected
22:25.53*** join/#brlcad iday (

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