irclog2html for bluez on 2002.06.26

13:18:23eddbuilds libs-10 and utils-12 for debian
13:32:56geershi, I need some help compiling rfcomm, anyone?
13:33:05eddrfcomm or rfcommd?
13:34:00eddwell, paste your error here. no guarantees though as i don't use rfcomm normall.y
13:36:01geersI have the bluetooth includes in /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.4.18-rmk3/net/bluetooth/
13:36:42eddsounds as though you've not got the right bluetooth modules installed
13:36:56eddhave you installed the bluez modules, or are you using the ones from kernerl 2.4.18 ?
13:37:14geersThe configure script doesnt seem to have any options here, so i get rfcomm.h:34: net/bluetooth/bluetooth.h: No such file or directory
13:38:01geersah, right, these modules are not part of the kernel?
13:38:07eddnot yet, no.
13:38:10geersI used the kernel modules
13:38:19eddyou need to remove those, and install the new ones
13:39:24geersrfcommd, does it work now? Ive been told to use rfcomm
13:39:46edddepends what for. it works for me. it seems to be sensitive to different things, unfortunately.
13:39:51geersI want to use it with DTL-1 (from Nokia)
13:39:53eddbut rfcomm also works well for me.
13:40:12eddsuggest you search the mailing list to see if there are any failure reports or otherwise.
13:40:37geersok, thanks for helping me out
14:41:43eddheya thom :)
14:43:13Harlekinnews about new debs?
14:43:28eddnot sdp yet, but i updated libs and utils
14:43:34eddas i needed to do that before doing sdp
14:45:10Harlekinon the server allready=
14:45:14Harlekinth  updateds?
14:45:38Harlekingood because needed for sdpd
14:46:05Harlekinso any point of arrival?
14:46:21eddthis week and maybe even today
14:47:29Harlekinso I need to compile it myself
14:47:47eddlife is full of waiting :)
14:48:17Harlekinbut urgent needed currently
14:48:19eddnow i've joined the queue of folk in the Debian NM queue waiting 6 or so weeks for an AM to be assigned
14:48:35Harlekinyou can ask somebody
14:53:42Harlekinedd: dont you know any DD?
14:54:05eddharlekin, one or two :)
14:54:28eddnot everyone wants to be an NM, though?
14:54:47eddhas everything else in order, it'll come
14:54:54eddmeanwhile Thom is being a generous sponsor
14:55:22Harlekinid do it for you, but i lack some time
14:55:40thomgenerous, if somewhat slow ;-)
14:56:04Harlekinwhen he does not have a AM
14:56:26thomHarlekin: no, I mean I'm somewhat slow with the sponsor'ing
14:57:00Harlekinthat keeps me busy enough
15:05:54eddstarts on sdp packaging, realises quite a bit to do
15:08:21oyygeers: what's wron with rfcomm?
15:35:40geersHarlekin: pretty neet
15:36:40geersHarlekin: Need someone to test the DTL-1 from Nokia?
15:37:20Harlekingeers: which pda?
15:38:36geersHum, iPAQ ufcurse
15:38:58geersAren't you a opie developer?
15:42:10Harlekingeers: you need to wait for new bluez packages on ipaq
15:42:20geerswell, though you develop on the ipaq
15:42:48geersHarlekin: I dont need packages, I can compile the stuff
15:43:49geersHarlekin: I have a development platform consisting of intimate and opie
15:44:34Harlekinwhich editor under opie?
15:47:46geersI dont use opie to edit files, I use ssh and vim
15:48:06geersor minicom and vim
15:48:07Harlekingeers: wait till next week
15:48:18Harlekinthen opie bluetooth is pretty far
15:49:24geerskewl, I go for the bluez drivers for now
16:06:58oyy<geers> hi, I need some help compiling rfcomm, anyone?
16:16:08geersoyy: edd told me to use the bluez drivers from, which I though I did, but they are too old, so now I'm using these
16:17:43geersI see you also have packages out for the zaurus on, but I need packages for 2.4.18-rmk3 kernel. So now I will make my own
16:46:00eddnearly done with first cut of sdpd package
16:46:06eddbiggest time is writing manpages :(
16:49:38geersmanpages is boring, best to start with ;-)
17:12:55eddhopes Harlekin will buy him beer
17:55:43edduploads the sdp package
18:07:10geersedd: need arm binaries?
18:07:35eddwould certainly be useful to have them, for sure.
18:08:00geerswere did you upload the stuff?
18:08:11eddto the site
18:08:20eddif you build them, let me know where they are and i'll upload
18:08:37eddno, not in cvs
18:09:36eddmeans Debian package here
18:14:10geersI'm currently upgrading my arm-debian, and I see you put the sources there too, perfect!
18:14:49eddlet me know how it goes. went OK for i386 and powerpc.
18:24:22geersdid manuall compile for bluez-kernel and bluez-libs, this all went fine. Just ran into a small dependancy problem with bluez-utils (needed to install libglib-dev package), soon there after upgrading
18:24:57geersbut first I have to put my kids in bed, and tell them a story
21:18:00geersstill around edd?
21:27:30eddonly just
21:27:34eddvery soon to go to bed
21:36:36edd-> bed, geers if you want drop me mail
21:45:26geersIm fixing the debian packages now, you can probably upload them tommorrow
23:19:33geershmm, bedtime, yes. I still need to compile the ussp.o module, got a compiler error: /usr/include/asm/pgtable.h:176: asm-generic/pgtable.h: No such file or directory
23:19:33geersmake: *** [ussp.o] Error 1
23:19:52geerslook into this another time

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