irclog2html for blob on 2002.07.12

09:14:25Wolfy1hello all
09:16:24erikm_to_oftcpoints to the channel topic
09:17:32Wolfy1I have a custom made board running on the SA1110 and Starta FLASH, with the other usual stuff
09:18:20Wolfy1I need to now, how do I get the damn kernel up after a wakeup,
09:19:09Wolfy1I have modified the kernel and blob to suit the board, but for some reason the serial port freezes once the kernel wakes
09:19:49Wolfy1I have written serial initializations in uart_pm fuction in mach-sa1100.c, is there anything I am missing out
09:20:35erikm_to_oftcgo to the other main blob hackers hang out over there. asking your question there gives more response
09:21:12Wolfy1lemme try
09:21:53Wolfy1how do I connect to that
09:43:02Fareerikm_to_oftc: why change irc network?
09:45:25erikm_to_oftcFare: because all other channels changed
09:45:36erikm_to_oftcFare: #kernelnewbies being the most important one
09:45:50Fareand why did they change?
09:45:55Farewhat was wrong with opn?
09:45:57erikm_to_oftcBecause of lilo
09:46:09Farewhat did he do?
09:46:19Faredidn't notice anything special going around
09:46:30Fareexcept some bitrot in nickserv
09:46:37erikm_to_oftcspamming the channels with messages about him being unemployed
09:47:15Farewhat's wrong with that?
09:47:21Fareor is he constantly re-doing it?
20:03:00Speedy2They all moved ot another IRC server...whY?
20:03:03Speedy2Well, you and I can talk
20:03:09Speedy2(if you are so inclined)
20:03:28kergothoftc, is that the same network kernelnewbies moved to?
20:03:34Speedy2You got me.
20:03:47Speedy2What does your friend do with Atmel microcontrollers?
20:03:49Speedy2You know
20:03:50kergothrik and the kernel folks got tired of lilo's begging
20:04:08kergothyeah the opn admin
20:04:13Speedy2What was he doing?
20:04:14kergothwho's always wallop'ing asking for $$
20:04:18kergothdonations or whatever
20:05:00kergothanyway he does ISO7816 card readers and the like
20:05:08Speedy2Ahh, coo
20:05:16Speedy2If you're serious about learning hardware stuff
20:05:20Speedy2I really am your hook u
20:05:21Speedy2I really am your hook up
20:05:39Speedy2I've got things that will make your head spin :)
20:05:47kergothyeah i'm serious
20:05:54Speedy2Hey, can you make a long distance call from work?
20:05:57Speedy2(without paying)
20:06:12kergoththeoretically, since we do callbacks on support calls
20:06:19kergoththough they track the phone usage, i try to avoid it
20:06:21Speedy2Want to call me and talk for a few?
20:06:55kergothcant at the moment, my boss is all over me lately. I havent been taking enough support calls
20:07:13kergothi gotta be the loyal call pounder
20:40:56prpplagueguess you guys know that this channel has moved to oftc?
20:41:15kergothyes the topic was kind enough to inform us, once we notijced it
20:41:25prpplagueok just checking
20:41:35prpplagueno insult intended

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