irclog2html for blob on 2002.07.11

06:53:34harshaanyone finally ported sleep-resume sequence
06:54:09harshai updated files from CVS, the kernel comes up, but hangs there, I cant do anything
06:54:36harshayou just get the prompt from where I put it to sleep, but after that no progress
13:23:46erikmpoints to $TOPIC
14:04:42Fareerikm: hum
14:05:13Fareerikm: what could cause me to not be able to use the serial line anymore after the MMU is enabled?
14:05:58FareIs there a way to use the preinitialized fb instead of having linux program the fb ?
14:09:54erikmFare: simple: the MMU maps the IO region somewhere else
14:10:19erikmpoints to $TOPIC
15:26:52Fareerikm: if at all.
15:27:05Fareerikm: that doesn't tell me how I should be doing things that I'm not.
15:27:50erikmdon't have the MMU mapped. the kernel doesn't like it, blob doesn't expect it
15:28:10Fareno, it's after blob, in the kernel.
15:28:35Farenobody expects the mmuish inquisition

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