irclog2html for blob on 2002.07.10

02:15:49Sammyhello prpplague :)
02:17:11prpplaguehow are you today?
02:18:23Sammyfeel good , raining outside and feel not so hot ..
19:34:24seletz_prpplague: still workin?
19:36:34prpplagueseletz_: yep
19:37:00prpplaguestill got 5 more hours to go
19:37:17Farebtw, can you suggest how I can debug linux?
19:37:29Fareit dies when trying to enable the MMU
19:37:52Fareare you subscribed to linux-arm-kernel?
19:38:46seletz_use printk() is the only advice i can give. But rmk is working on your problem, isnt he?
19:39:23Farehum, I don't think he is
19:39:33FareI don't think he has enough information to
19:39:34seletz_the mmu problem?
19:39:39Fareand since he didn't ask for more...
19:41:06seletz_i think this one he's already got
19:42:03Fareprpplague: yes, I'm using it
19:42:11Farethanks to you -- it's been very useful
19:42:43Farebut somehow, linux dies while mapping memory and/or never recovers the ability to printk on serial
19:43:02Faremaybe trying to access serial even accelerates the crash as linux accesses unmapped pages
19:43:16seletz_fare, maybe we could simulate your situation on my board.
19:43:34seletz_then we could verify whether or not its a kernel problem.
19:43:49seletz_what do you think?
19:44:09seletz_or have you a assabet or similar around?
19:45:22FareI only have my jornada820
19:45:44Fareand I have no clue what kind of simulation that would be.
19:45:50seletz_what did you already change (kernel...)
19:46:04Farea few changes to the kernel in the attempt to port it
19:46:15seletz_fare, well, moving thze kernel up in memory.
19:46:19Fareand to blob in the attempt to port it, too
19:46:30FareI also moved the kernel up in memory, indeed
19:46:36prpplagueFare: ohh ok
19:46:43Faremaybe I should tell it not to use lower memory at all
19:47:03seletz_dont you do that??
19:47:04Fare(Currently, I just tell blob to tell the kernel not to map the page around 0xc005c080)
19:47:22seletz_ah, i remember
19:47:29Fare(and load the kernel itself at 0xc0068000)
19:47:30Fare68000 !
19:47:40Farenobody expects the 68000 !
19:48:23seletz_64MB total on the jornada?
19:49:37Fareno, only 16MB
19:49:53Fare(though there exists a rare 16MB expansion kit)
19:50:03FareWinCE is in ROM, not flash
19:50:08seletz_maybe you want to try again w/o a hole in the map, i.e use only 8 mb
19:50:31Fareyes, I intend to try that
19:50:56Farebut I suppose I still need the page memory at 0xc0000000 for the vectors, don't I?
19:51:13FareOr maybe the MMU makes it irrelevant?
19:51:19seletz_i dont know really.
19:51:27seletz_i think its MMUd
19:51:38Faremakes sense, actually
20:27:21seletz_BZFlag: hi
20:28:17prpplagueBZFlag: howdy
20:28:29prpplagueBZFlag: hows life mr.cto
20:29:45BZFlagbusy busy

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