irclog2html for blob on 2002.07.04

02:20:18prpplagueBZFlag: looks like i might need to go to linuxworld
02:20:39prpplagueBZFlag: seems there are alot of interesting things might be happening
02:21:11BZFlagI'll likely not be going, but andersee said he might.
02:21:15prpplagueBZFlag: did you ever find out about the lindows "tank game"
02:21:40BZFlagyeah, they added (bzflag) to it and told me abot the source release policy (they do).
02:21:51BZFlagso it looks like they are GPL compliant.
02:22:06prpplagueBZFlag: cool
02:22:38prpplagueBZFlag: did you stay long at the black thorn saturday?
02:22:55BZFlagprpplague: you remember the name/email of they guy interested in swapping tuxscreens for netwinders?
02:23:18BZFlagactually I went back to the hotel and crashed and never made it to the black thorn.
02:23:32BZFlagthat's ok though, the show was great.
02:23:43prpplagueBZFlag: sorry no, i tried calling about getting a netwinder but got just voice mail
02:23:54prpplagueBZFlag: ya it was
02:24:14prpplagueBZFlag: let me think....., i think erikm got his information
02:24:23BZFlagphones are going quickly. I've got about 50 left now.
02:24:29prpplagueBZFlag: ouch
02:24:53prpplagueBZFlag: maybe i should save my beer money and order one more
02:25:01BZFlagdigging through orders again tonight, post office closed tomorrow, shipping friday.
02:25:11BZFlagbetter hurry. ;-)
03:19:34Sammyprpplague: have you use Paypal before ?
03:20:20Sammyor BZFlag maybe you will know more about this ...
03:21:48Sammyat now my paypal account need me to enter Member Number , and where can I find that ?
03:25:51prpplagueSammy: sorry no
03:27:13Sammyprpplague: k ^_^
03:27:32Sammyecho BZFlag )))))
03:47:30SammyOh , I know ....
15:59:14prpplaguemmatten: !
15:59:22prpplaguemmatten: you old dog, ya'lll make it home ok?
16:09:53mmattenyah seems so :)
16:11:29mmattenaltho it WAS pretty close due to air france bad organisation and paris charles de gaulle bad airport :P
16:12:37prpplaguewhere's seletz
16:12:49mmattenhe's here but not on irc it seems
16:13:11seletzprpplague: holla
16:13:33prpplagueoh my, speak of the devil and he appears
16:13:50seletzhar har
16:13:58mmatten(insert evil laughter)
16:14:54prpplaguelet me tell ya guys, i had a blast with you guys at OLS
16:15:08prpplaguei'm going to have to find an excuse to visit germany
16:15:34seletzwhen will you arrive?
16:17:38prpplaguegot to find an excuse first,lol
16:21:08prpplaguei'm currently enterainting my by trying to build a robot
16:21:33seletzhave nothing to work, eh?
16:22:06seletzbtw, this evening i'll uploading my OLS photos, so beware :)
16:22:23prpplagueya, got the day off, and i prommised him we'd spent time working on it
16:22:33prpplagueseletz: cool
16:22:44prpplagueseletz: i've not gotten around to ploading mine
16:26:02seletzwell, i'm off now. Having some _real_ italian food :)
16:26:08seletzsee ya
16:26:18mmattenyup same for me (except the food)
16:26:26prpplaguelater guys
23:08:09prpplaguemmatten: you back?
23:26:10prpplagueseletz_off: give me a message when you get back

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