irclog2html for blob on 2002.07.02

01:31:47prpplagueRuss|werk: howdy howdy
01:33:30Russ|werknet connection is being funky
01:34:57prpplagueRuss|werk: gf still in the UK
01:35:10Russ|werkwell, right now italy
01:35:29prpplagueRuss|werk: do anything more on the camion?
01:36:12Russ|werknot yet, I wanted to get the wheaties.c rewriten, that stuff is kinda screwy in places
01:36:20Russ|werkI think it might have something to do with the dropped characters
01:37:11prpplagueRuss|werk: ohh, what dropped characters?
01:37:20Russ|werkfrom the keyboard
01:37:37Russ|werkit needs to be cleaned up anyway
01:38:23prpplagueya, i need to take another wack at the pcmcia stuff for the cl-pd6729 on arm
01:39:46prpplagueRuss|werk: ols was an eye opener
01:41:34Russ|werkSammy: are you getting the words "serial" and "series" confused?
01:42:12prpplagueRuss|werk: ya i felt like there was so much more i could be doing to help
01:42:31prpplagueRuss|werk: i mean work on alot of this stuff, but i rarely get around to sending in patches
01:42:52prpplagueRuss|werk: my goal for the next year to be more active in returning to the community
01:56:10BZFlagprpplague: you mean other than free beer? ;-)
01:58:38SammyRuss|werk: maybe :( .... somebody help
02:00:40Russ|werkSammy: series "A number of things or events standing or succeeding in order ... sequence; order; ... a succession of things;"
02:00:55Russ|werkso, all the episodes from an anime could be considered a series
02:01:42Russ|werkserial can mean something similar, but isn't ever used to describe that
02:02:56SammyRuss|werk: so ga , sorry about useing wrong words (shame)
02:03:34Russ|werkits ok
02:04:07Russ|werkyou can get all 4 lain dvd's on ebay for about 30-$40, region 0 (regionless), including chinise subtitles
02:04:21Russ|werker, chinese
02:05:04Russ|werkbuy it now for $31.99
02:05:36SammyRuss|werk: but the better way is get from some of my friend who to gather a lot of series and all by free ^_^
02:05:45Russ|werkdoes he have lain?
02:06:01Russ|werkyour friend is pretty cool
02:06:10Russ|werkwhat about dragon half (funny)
02:06:21Sammyand a lot , if you can say the name
02:06:33Sammyor any series you like..
02:06:37Russ|werkgoes home
02:06:38prpplagueBZFlag: lol, hey now........
02:06:51prpplagueBZFlag: as i recall i bought a few beers myself.....
02:07:52prpplagueBZFlag: were you the one that r00ted the OLS web server this morning?
02:20:38prpplagueis away: playing legos with #1 son
02:26:41BZFlagprpplague: nope. what happened?
02:58:59prpplagueis back (gone 00:38:21)
14:23:32prpplagueBZFlag: morning
14:25:26BZFlagmorning. meetings meetings. ;-)

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