irclog2html for blob on 2002.06.28

02:23:55SammyRuss: what's a amazing  things , I put one jffs2 rootfs image I build use glibc someday before , and you guess what ?
02:24:15SammyRuss: it's running linuxrc twice
02:24:54Sammyand one is for tux , another is their own image have...
02:25:00Russ|werkyou figue out why?
02:25:28SammyI guess the flash is disorderly ...
02:26:34Sammythat's why I always saw that massage yesterday ( but I really don't have that PATH in my rootfs )
02:27:19SammyI think maybe I should do some erase flash job , something like format ...
02:27:56Russ|werkjust do erase ramdisk from blob
02:28:25Sammyto make that flash part clean , or another mean's that my flash is getting bad
02:28:36SammyI need to port new blob
02:28:44Sammymaybe 2.0.5-pre3
08:59:30Sammymade me sad. made me mad. made me feel alright ?
10:55:33Sammythink about Living Dead Girl is Coooooooo1...
13:55:09seletzOLSSammy:  hi
13:56:11Sammyhello all
13:56:21prpplague_olsSammy: knee how
13:56:32prpplague_olsSammy: hows life in tapei today?
13:57:27Sammyso envy about you at ols :)
13:57:52Sammyas hot as yesterday ...
13:58:10Sammyanything interesting at OLS ?
13:58:45prpplague_olsyes, a session on using embedded linux with dsp chips is about to start
13:58:58prpplague_olsafter that erikm will be present a session on the lart board
13:59:50SammyCool , wish someday I can go and meet all of you *_*
14:06:19prpplague_olsmaybe next year
14:41:37SammyO , they can give a ip for you to use ?

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