irclog2html for blob on 2002.06.27

01:19:09Sammymorning ~*
06:27:18SammyRuss: this message is like a ghost around with me ...
06:27:19SammyPATH=/usKernel panic: Attempted to kill init!
06:27:20Sammyr/sbin:/usr/bin: /sbin:/bin: bad identifier
06:27:51Russdid you look at your init config files?
06:27:55Russlook for:
06:28:05Russ PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin: /sbin:/bin
06:28:10RussI see it
06:28:20Russlooks to be a space
06:28:32Russyou could put a /bin/sh line right before it runs init
06:28:44Russso you can determine if the error is somewhere in init, or linuxrc
06:28:51Russas soon as the shell comes up, just type exit
06:29:26SammyK do it
06:35:04Sammydownloading now
06:35:53SammyRuss: I try let kernel init=/sbin/init to jump to run init , and it can pass into login : massage at yesterday ...
06:36:15Russoh, ok
06:36:34RussI would try putting PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
06:36:43Russinstead of  PATH='/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'
06:38:19SammyRuss: and at login part , I use root to login , but it's request the password , why ?
06:38:26Sammyflash ramdisk
06:39:05Russwhat login program are you using
06:39:05SammyI don't put any password in shadow and passwd file ...
06:39:23Russdo you have the password explicitly set to none?
06:39:43Russhave you read the tinylogin docs?
06:41:29Sammyyou mean the README inside or ?
06:42:09Sammyfailed again . try add  " "
06:43:37SammyRuss: but I use some normal user like sammy to login , and it's work , this is why I feel strange ..
06:44:12Russis tinylogin setup to use shadow passwords?
06:45:00Sammybut I don't give any password in it..
06:45:03Sammylike this
06:45:38Sammyroot::0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh and sam::501:501:sam:/home:/bin/sh
06:45:43Sammyin shadow
06:46:12Sammyroot::10933:0:99999:7::: and sam::10933:0:99999:7:::
06:47:30Russwhy bother with shadow passwords?
06:47:56Russalso, do you have a /root directory?
06:49:08Sammyor I should not use shadow passoerds :(
06:49:17Russit'd be easier that way
06:51:05Sammyat this is the most clean linuxrc I think :
06:52:11Sammyecho " Executing /linuxrc...."
06:52:13Sammyexec /sbin/init
06:52:34Sammyand if it's don't work what ca I say ?
06:52:55Russthe error message doesn't say PATH="/sbin:/bin"
06:53:07Russit says  PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin: /sbin:/bin
06:53:33Russdo you have an /etc/profile, or /root/.profile, or /root/.bashrc or something?
06:53:53SammyI have /etc/profile
06:53:56Russadding a /bin/sh line to you linuxrc right before /sbin/init might help solve some problems
06:54:00Russwhat does /etc/profile look like
06:55:01Sammyalias ll='ls -l'
06:55:02Sammyecho "Welcome to The Puppy development board"
06:55:40Russthat wouldn't be the error either
06:55:52Russcan you grep your root for "/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:" ?
06:55:54Russsee where it occurs
07:02:07SammyRuss: is that command like this grep -r /usr/sbin:/usr/bin: * ?
07:04:12Russprobably have to put it in qoute
07:15:37SammyRuss: I think maybe the flash have some garbage in it ...I can't flash it now ...
07:15:40SammySaving ramdisk to flash
07:15:41Sammyflash_write_region(): flashing 0x0002a9d8 (174552) words from 0xc0400000 to 0x00180000
07:15:42Sammyflash_write_intel32failed, result=0x00800080, addr=0x0020804c
07:15:43Sammyerasing at 0x0020804c... scanning down... resume writing at 0x001ffff8
07:15:44Sammy174552 words source image
07:15:45Sammy43480 words written to flash
07:15:46Sammy139286 words skipped
07:15:47Sammy1 erase operations
07:15:48Sammy8213 words scanned down
07:16:08Sammylot of words skipped why ?
07:16:44Russbecause it was already what you were writing
07:19:06SammyChip not ready for buffer write. Xstatus = 742f6e69, status = 742f6e69
07:19:07SammyWrite error in obliterating obsoleted node at 0x0008804c: -5
07:19:09Sammywaiting for chip to be ready timed out in read. WSM status = e0021985
07:19:10SammyKernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 1f:03
07:19:17Sammyhere is the massage...
07:20:51Sammyand again the old message back ...
15:13:32BZFlagOLSanother packet, another 600ms
15:13:51BZFlagOLSseletzOLS: morning. which session?
15:14:08BZFlagOLSanyone go to D last session? /me ponders attending part 2
15:14:10seletzOLSBZFlagOLS: Room B. (C was cancelled)
15:14:33seletzOLSBZFlagOLS: Resizing FS ...
15:15:08BZFlagOLSheinz [sp?] isn't here is he? (LVM)
15:15:34seletzOLSno idea
15:16:08seletzOLSBZFlagOLS:  seen dave anywhere? Did not show up yesterday on the AMD party ...
15:16:12BZFlagOLSwants a resizable ramfs that always lives at the high end of virtual memory.
15:16:36BZFlagOLSthen at kernel soft boot you can detect how big it was, and remount it.
15:17:02BZFlagOLShmm.. nope. "Dave's not here".
15:17:20seletzOLSwhy exactly do you want that? I'm quite happy with tmpfs
15:17:44BZFlagOLSseen how the Zaurus does /home? it passes a mem= param to the kernel and then mounts the rest as semi persistant mtd.
15:18:20BZFlagOLSso you can reset a pda and keep ram fs without having to block off the space from prcess address space.
15:18:35seletzOLShmm, no. Have not seen a zaurus in real life.
15:19:12BZFlagOLSoh. got one here. complete with 802.11b card. ;-)
15:19:18seletzOLSok, persistent RAM fs during soft reset. COOL
15:19:28seletzOLSshow me show me
15:20:06seletzOLSBZFlagOLS: running linux i guess
15:20:08BZFlagOLSheh, drop by A and take a look. ;-)
15:20:33BZFlagOLSof course.
15:20:44BZFlagOLSheads back to #OLS
19:49:28Russ|werkis there a mailloop?
19:54:01Russ|werklart, maybe I'm just havinng deja-vu
19:59:53erikmgrr, I can't check. jdb still hasn't bring up sshd :(
20:04:34Russ|werkmaybe I'm just losing it
20:04:42Russ|werkI deleted the mails as soon an they came in
20:05:04Russ|werkif there was one, it seems to be gone now
20:13:55soll12how stable is the latest cvs version?
20:14:38erikmsoll12: well, it's development, but it shouldn't break too hard
20:15:16soll12I was wondering about pcmcia / ide / netwoking
20:15:52erikmsoll12: that's not stable. it sort of works on some platforms, but breaks horribly on others
20:16:19soll12for example neponset
20:16:20erikmsoll12: OTOH: you habe the code, so you can debug it
20:16:44erikmsoll12: haven't worked on that recently. I need to get my neponset from the uni
20:18:52soll12I have used it the old one for the platform we made, and I was just thinking of porting the latest to it.
20:25:15soll12Is there any plans on setting a new snapshot soon?
20:27:39erikmsoll12: not sure yet. need to ask that the others
20:27:54erikmsoll12: (there's four blob developers at OLS right now :)
20:30:17soll12I should have guessed that.

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