irclog2html for blob on 2002.06.26

02:33:50I haven't seen 'erik', BZFlag
02:33:50BZFlagibot: seen erik
02:33:54erikm was last seen on #blob 1 days, 4 hours, 19 minutes and 27 seconds ago, saying: well, to marc's home :) [Mon Jun 24 23:14:27 2002]
02:33:54BZFlagibot: seen erikm
02:34:06BZFlagis at OLS
03:36:08Russwonder why there isn't a #ols
03:36:22BZFlagOLSthere is now.
04:24:45Sammyany one of you known how to fix this problem ?
04:24:48SammyExecutiKernel panic: Attempted to kill init!
04:24:49Sammyg /linuxrc....
04:24:50SammyPATH=/bin:/sbin: bad identifier
04:54:05Russ---what does your linuxrc look like
05:10:22Sammycopy from tux
05:10:27Sammylike this ..
05:10:54Sammyecho Running Linuxrc.....
05:10:55Sammy#exec /testprog
05:10:56Sammyecho Mounting proc ...
05:10:59Sammy#echo Running cardmgr ...
05:10:59Sammy#cardmgr -o
05:12:04SammyRuss: and is your "CPU" be fine ?
05:12:47Russthe first line needs to be:
05:13:10Russotherwise, the kernel doesn't knot its a shell script
05:13:37Sammyfirst few line like this :
05:13:40Sammy# TuxScreen /linuxrc
05:13:41Sammy# by Tim Riker <>
05:13:42Sammy# looks for /linuxrc on nfs and /dev/hda1
05:14:06Russwhat is the last are the last lines
05:14:15Russ(after #cardmgr -o)
05:14:40Sammythere is a lot ... like this
05:14:53Russfeel free to flood
05:16:25RussI think you might want quotes around your path instead of just single quotes
05:16:46Russthe path its showing is something else
05:16:54Russwhat is /sbin/init
05:17:46Sammywhich line ?
05:18:44Sammy[root@sammy sbin]# ll init
05:18:45Sammylrwxrwxrwx    1 root                    14 Jun 21 09:59 init -> ../bin/busybox
05:22:25Sammyis that maybe the kernel's problem ? or my busybox and tinylogin still have some problem ?
05:24:13RussI think one of your config files is messed up
05:24:34Russcheck for where you have PATH=/bin:/sbin:
05:34:37Sammyis meeting ....will be back in hour
13:59:10hi, seletz
13:59:51prpplague was last seen on #blob 1 days, 9 hours, 49 minutes and 15 seconds ago, saying: Sammy: i have a new mandarin class on audio cd [Tue Jun 25 05:10:36 2002]
13:59:51seletzibot: seen prpplague
14:08:36erikmseletz: hi stefan, where are you?
14:09:14erikmseletz: we are in room C, the talk has just been canceled
15:20:15erikm was last seen on #blob 1 hours, 11 minutes and 1 seconds ago, saying: seletz: we are in room C, the talk has just been canceled [Wed Jun 26 15:09:14 2002]
15:20:15BZFlagOLSibot seen erikm
17:01:03hey, seletz
17:01:03seletzBZFlagOLS:  hi
17:06:20seletzOLShmm, i wonder when i first meet some BLOB fellows at OLS :)
18:14:46erikmBZFlagOLS: hi tim, where are you?
18:15:12Russ|werkhey erikm
18:15:21Russ|werkhow did the gnome2.0 release at ols go?
18:15:53erikmRuss|werk: did they release it over here?
18:15:59BZFlagOLSerikm: back by the table, room A.
18:16:01Russ|werkthats what the press release says
18:16:09erikmRuss|werk: (I didn't go to havoc's talk)
18:16:34BZFlagOLSerikm: #ols also. seen seletz? did you guys go to lunch?
18:16:59Russ|werkyou just missed him
18:17:05I haven't seen 'selectzOLS', Russ|werk
18:17:05Russ|werkibot: seen selectzOLS
18:17:08erikmBZFlagOLS: I did run into mmatten when I went for lunch with rmk
18:17:09seletzOLS was last seen on #blob 1 hours, 10 minutes and 49 seconds ago, saying: hmm, i wonder when i first meet some BLOB fellows at OLS :) [Wed Jun 26 18:06:20 2002]
18:17:09Russ|werkibot: seen seletzOLS
18:17:57BZFlagOLSyeah, I was not online for the first hour. I wanted to go to C but it was canceled so I went to the mall and got a new battery for my watch which died on the way here.
18:19:27erikmsorry, ssh tunnel died
18:20:04BZFlagOLShmm.. ssh for irc here? seems overkill no? just irc direct. ;-)
18:20:15BZFlagOLSerikm_ols: where are you?
18:20:37erikm_olsBZFlagOLS: prpplague_ols, rmk and I are just outside room D
18:21:45BZFlagOLSupstairs? wireless ok up there?
18:22:05erikm_olsBZFlagOLS: wireless should be OK right now. the rj45 plug fell out of the hub
18:22:22erikm_olsBZFlagOLS: prpplague_ols is connected with wireless
18:22:37BZFlagOLSheh. it helps to have wires to your wireless APs. ;-)
18:23:28BZFlagOLSdid you listen to the freeswan stuff? I thought I'd catch part 2
18:25:10BZFlagOLSis hungry again.
18:27:17erikm_olsBZFlagOLS: I've been to dave jones' talk
18:30:55BZFlagOLSerikm_ols: yeah, I was there to. over by the wall on the left
18:31:01BZFlagOLSwhere you headed next?
18:31:09BZFlagOLSI'm planning to head up there for part 2
18:31:48erikm_olsBZFlagOLS: I'm going to arjan van de ven's talk
18:31:58erikm_olsBZFlagOLS: rmk wonders who is *not* going to arjan's talk
18:36:46BZFlagOLShmm. perhaps I'll keep my seat then. ;-)
18:37:44BZFlagOLSwell, join #ols if you wish.
18:38:32erikm_olsgoes to talk
18:43:18prpplague_olsseletzOLS: !
18:43:19seletzOLSprpplague_ols: hi!
18:43:23BZFlagOLSseletzOLS: where are you?
18:43:24ya are american?
18:43:24prpplague_olsseletzOLS: where the hell are ya?
18:43:35BZFlagOLSjoin #ols?
18:43:38Sorry, prpplague_ols, I'll keep my mouth shut.
18:43:38prpplague_olsibot: shutup
18:43:39seletzOLSRoom A
18:43:47BZFlagOLSmee to.
18:43:51BZFlagOLSer me
18:43:57prpplague_olsseletzOLS: ahh, rmk and erikm are there too
18:44:08BZFlagOLSsitting sideways infront of the back table.
18:44:14prpplague_olsis the back table very full?
18:45:17BZFlagOLSprpplague_ols: yeah. still two outlets left though.
18:45:55seletzOLSgee, i'll have to fetch a europe->canadian pwr con converter
18:46:33Russ|werkbah, just grab about 200 diodes
18:46:38Russ|werkstep down the 220 to 110
18:46:52seletzOLSno, its the plug.
18:47:03seletzOLSdoesnt fit
18:47:04Russ|werker wait, you want 110->220
18:47:26seletzOLSno. the ac adaptor does that for me :)
18:47:44seletzOLSruns 100-260 VAC @ 50-60 Hz
18:48:07BZFlagOLSahuOLS has what looks like a UK converter here. got a splitter?
18:48:41seletzOLShmm. erm. no. guess not.
18:48:42prpplague_olsBZFlagOLS: guess i'm going to sit this one out, it looked packed
18:49:03seletzOLSwe'll see at the end of this talk :/
18:49:21BZFlagOLSprpplague_ols: there were a few outlets up on the left by the wall.
18:49:40BZFlagOLSseats over on the right about 1/3 of the way up
18:51:09prpplague_olsBZFlagOLS: thanks anyway, i've got a couple items to fix back at the office and i'm baby sitting rmk's laptop
19:04:25prpplague_olshows the session going guys?
19:05:10seletzOLSprpplague_ols: good, having wmb() and rmb() ATM
19:05:44seletzOLSprpplague_ols: although i don't understand much :)
19:10:20seletzOLSprpplague_ols: where are you?

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