irclog2html for blob on 2002.06.22

19:23:40seletzanyone still here ?
19:25:42prpplagueseletz: no, no one here
19:26:00seletzprpplague:  lol
19:26:26prpplagueseletz: whatcha upto today?
19:29:18seletzprpplague: well, today i was quite busy to manage some things to be done for my marriage and so on :(
19:29:48prpplagueseletz: getting burried, oops i mean married?
19:30:30seletzprpplague: yup, i thought i mentioned it someday ...
19:31:05prpplagueseletz: i think you did, but life around the office lately has taken a toll on my sanity
19:31:34seletzprpplague: lol. Yes, ditto over here. And its sooooo hot here :P
19:32:02seletzprpplague: and of course i've been watching soccer :)
19:34:23seletzprpplague:  Of course i did also some linux work. Wrote some system control drivers for that weird system3 hardware. They MUXed RS2 and RS3. Argh.
19:34:38prpplagueseletz: hot? come on, can't be any hotter than here in texas
19:34:59prpplagueseletz: why mux rs2 and rs3?
19:35:07seletzprpplague: and they use the keyboard controller to get battery information =:(
19:35:42prpplagueseletz: argh!
19:35:50seletzprpplague: rs2: IRDA/bluetooth, RS3: iData, RS485, and some other weird serial stuff. Arghl.
19:36:24prpplagueseletz: weird sounds like an understatement
19:36:37seletzprpplague: ...
19:36:55seletzprpplague:  they're somewhat mad.
19:37:21prpplagueseletz: lol
19:37:37seletzprpplague: but this gives me _LOTS_ of practice :)
19:37:50prpplagueseletz: you got that right
19:38:16prpplagueseletz: i'm working on a new disk-on-(potato)chip image for a new set of thin clients
19:38:25seletzprpplague: my own board will be a little more sane.
19:38:31prpplagueseletz: lot of fun stuff going on there since its x86 based
19:38:40prpplagueseletz: i would hope that it is!
19:38:48seletzprpplague: hmm? What's that?
19:39:10prpplagueseletz: hey don't forget your OLS invitation letter, security is suppose to be tight
19:39:44prpplagueseletz: you know DOC disk-on-chip from m-systems
19:39:54seletzprpplague: really? I'd thought abot to forget that ...
19:40:37seletzprpplague: hmm. Austrians and Germans are supposed to get into Canada w/o visas?
19:41:04prpplagueseletz: sorry don't know
19:41:42prpplagueseletz: but there is suppose to be a g8 summit wed/thur so you'll need to keep your passport and invitation letter handy
19:42:04seletzprpplague: oI got that from the cadian gov web site. Or do you talk about security at OLS?
19:42:42prpplagueseletz: there was an additional OLS invitation letter that was sent out via email
19:43:33prpplagueseletz: i think you can go to the OLS web site, login in, and do a re-print
19:43:45seletzprpplague: yup, i know. I'll take it with me. I'll have to tell marcus though...
19:44:32seletzprpplague: is there a way to search IRC for a nick?
19:44:48seletzprpplague: i mean to find someone on IRC?
19:45:07prpplagueseletz: you should be able to do "/whois YouRMama"
19:45:41prpplagueseletz: that will tell you if there are on the server and in what channels
19:47:36seletzhmm, guess i'll have to take the phone :)
20:00:21Russthat'd be cool to decide to go to ols last minute
20:00:25Russbut I'd be screwed
20:01:24prpplagueRuss: ya well, i thought i might not get to go monday, and you were on my short list of ppl to send my ticket too, but things worked out, sorry
20:02:03Russthere are only 3 people at my office
20:02:08Russone is out next week
20:02:18Russand the other is allways out on networking jobs
20:03:04prpplagueRuss: bummer
20:03:18RussI think next year I'll be in a better situation
20:05:45seletzugh network hiccup
20:21:21prpplagueargh, i really need to take the time, and rebuild this root fs, its gotten really dis-organized
20:31:22prpplagueafternoon BZFlag
20:32:08prpplagueBZFlag: got all your ducks in a row so the office won't miss ya while your at OLS?
20:32:30BZFlagno. ;-)
20:33:20prpplaguedoh, i always forget to do a rdev on my kernel image
20:34:12prpplagueBZFlag: me either, thats why i'm at the office now
20:36:55prpplaguei wonder if erikm made it to NY ok.....
20:37:32prpplaguei see it now, erikm stuck in customs trying to explain what a "LART board" is
20:38:05Russ"oooh, you're not fooling me, I have a hs diploma, I know what lart really means"
20:38:49Russwe are just going to get the bomb squad out here to "distrupt" your device and make sure its not a bomb
20:40:47prpplagueRuss: and then we are going to charge you for our services
20:44:45BZFlagheh. We need video footage for the keynote. ;-)
20:46:36prpplagueBZFlag: lol, that would be funny
20:47:18prpplagueBZFlag: you guys use any 802.11b pci cards in any projects?
22:46:30BZFlagprpplague: nope.

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